  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.

Etheric Existence and Good Will

The Basis of All Formations

Etheric Existence Science has intensively studied the material world and approaches more and more the subtle existence. Especially medical science increasingly recognizes the reality of the etheric body and uses methods, which influence the etheric in order to bring about healing. For a long time, homoeopathy or Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine work with the powers of the etheric body, and they will win increased recognition in the future. Rhythmic massage techniques, colour therapies or bio-resonance also try to cause corrections by influencing the etheric plane in order to heal diseases. If disorders are recognised in the etheric, the adjustments can already be done there, before they manifest in the physical body, for example as cancer. Most diseases of the physical body have their roots in the etheric body and have to be treated accordingly. There is no purely physical disease. Even if we catch a cold, this isn’t physical. However, since we are used to the dense physical, we cannot see the subtle physical. It is important that today we turn to the etheric existence and start working with it.

The ether is the basis of all formations, it precedes the dense forms. We exist in the ether of space, and therefore something of it is in us. That ether which has entered into us from outside we call our etheric body, as if it were our property. However it is not our etheric body, but it is the etheric body. We live in the ether and are penetrated by it, like a tumbler lying in a big tank: The water is as well in the tank as in the glass, it isn’t locked up in it like in a bottle. We are in contact with the other etheric bodies, it is one ether penetrating all layers. The earth, the sun and the planets float in this big etheric ocean and move along its lines of force because of the movements of this ether. Just like the lines of force of a big magnet control smaller magnets, the ether of our planet arranges and regulates the etheric currents of its living beings and works on them. In our body the ether is directed through the brain and spinal system in form of lines of light and through them it regulates the different etheric centres. The etheric force called prana in the East is the basis of the formation of organs and through invisible lines keeps them in their shape during their life.

When the etheric view ripens in us, we can see through the dense form and experience the unity of life better. The more we remember it by constant practice the more the doors of perception open, and our awareness shifts into the etheric: For this we should try to see not only the physical leaf, but also to perceive the underlying etheric structure. Once we have experienced this etheric existence in us, we don’t see only the physical forms, which are closely related with their etheric basis, but also those forms, which haven’t become densely physical and exist only in the ether. Particularly at the full moon day the doors are opened wider and the obstacles between our ether (the water in the tumbler) and the ether (the water in the tank) are neutralized. Thus in the full moon meditations we can more easily flow out of our own etheric body into the etheric body or the etheric ocean, which surrounds us and our earth: If the mind gets lost in the self, the body doesn’t exist anymore for the mind.

Healing Vital Force

In order to gain health and inner stability we have to build up a pure, stable etheric body. If our body is light, we spread light and vital force to the surrounding life. To intensify the influx of healing vital force and to transform the etheric substance, Master CVV has given the following prayer: „Master! Please let us receive the influx of Thy Plenty of Prana into our systems, so that we may resist disease, decay and death, realise the Highest Truth, the Pure Love and the Bliss of Existence and serve humanity according to Thy Plan.” This prayer can be spoken before going to sleep, in English language because of its mantric form.

For strengthening and vitalising the etheric body Master CVV also formulated the mantra “Ether Work Out”. Especially when the vital force is weak, we can work with this mantram, for example as a 90 days course, and we are anew replenished with prana. While doing so we should visualize the presence of the Master, utter the mantram in his presence and see how the prana in the ethers of the planet canalises itself into our system and thus influences every chakra, from the head to the base centre.

For the reception of subtle energies, our brain cells have to be transformed. The subtle tissue of our brain and of our body depends upon the kind of our food, of our emotions and also of the kind of our thoughts. In all three areas we should tend to become more etheric – lighter eating, having lighter emotions and purer thoughts. When we are humorous, we are already etheric. Cheerfulness is contagious and has an uplifting effect on people; at once problems become smaller. When we smile from our heart, this frees us of the dense physical. Smiling creates an instinctive answer and there is no more limitation between us and the person before us. Thoughts and deeds of good will strengthen and vitalize the etheric body, more than anything else. They make the brain light and promote health. They lead to harmony and give light and purity, awareness and wisdom. Other thoughts weaken and create the basis for disease. The etheric body shrinks and loses its liveliness. If a thought takes away life, the medicaments we take don’t work. If we give good words, a positive attitude and hope to other people, the energy centres open, blockages get removed and the etheric energy can flow more freely. It is important to entertain thoughts of good will and to strengthen them through self-examination and review of the day in the evening. Yoga asanas strengthen the etheric body as well as slow, rhythmic breathing or uttering of mantrams. This stabilizes the etheric protective shield and holds off from us diseases and negative influences. The colour orange also strengthens the etheric body and eliminates obstacles.

The Golden Hue

Etheric radiations we also call aura. From the radiation power of an aura we can recognize the quality of a person. If the etheric body contains dull colours, this indicates inner impurities. If the etheric body is pure enough, a golden aura shines around the person, the colour of the pure etheric body. This golden hue lies hidden behind all material formations. Some forms shine more brightly and are therefore called holy. The colour of the causal body, the vehicle of the soul, is diamond colour; it is the radiant white robe.

The most etheric part of our body are the eyes. A look into the eyes shows us most easily the state of the etheric body of a person. The eyes of far developed beings are very transparent and radiate energy. Even their pictures transmit to us spiritual energies, which restructure the etheric currents in us and neutralize the high and low tides of the emotions. Full of love and compassion they help us to overcome the imprisonment in the dense physical and to soar to the light.

Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Venus. The Principle of Immortality / seminar notes. E. Krishnamacharya: Full Moon Meditations. The World Teacher Trust / Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India. A. A. Bailey: The Etheric Body. Lucis-Trust, Geneva (www.netnews.org / www.lucistrust.org)