  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.

Opinion and Originality

Originals, not Copies

Rose The blossoming of a rose gives us a deep message: before it blooms it goes through many transformations, and thus the fragrance of the flower develops. We, too, undergo many transformations before our soul can blossom. The jewel of the soul is hidden within the personality; it can only develop through an appropriate cultivation. There are gardeners who are ready to help the flower so that it can grow and flourish. We call them the Masters of Hierarchy. They protect and nourish us; they lead us well, so that our inner being can reach its full development. If, however, there is no impulse to grow in a seed, even the gardener cannot do anything. As long as we are stuck in our personalities and are entangled with views and opinions about persons and things, our souls cannot flower.

We all are originals and not copies of someone else, for we have emerged from THAT, the origin, as I AM. THAT is the original and everything having come from THAT is also an original. Therefore, every human is unique and the energy of Aquarius strengthens our originality to bring it to full bloom.

The unfoldment of originality would fulfil the purpose of life. We have to find the path to it in our lives; it is not a beaten path. We therefore should not live according to the opinions others have about us but according to our own nature. When the Aquarian energies are working with us we will only look to what is important and follow it. We don’t bother about what others think about us and don’t go by their opinions. Transformation does not allow that we remain stuck in a firm opinion or a rigid idea. Things keep on changing and evolution is part of the divine Plan. According to this plan we all learn in our own way.

We should not try to imitate others, for otherwise we have lost ourselves, because we are no more ourselves. Even children today don’t imitate anymore; they are already original and inventive. Master CVV says, “to be spiritual is to be original.” We therefore should not try to be something else than what we are and should bring our inner being to the outside, then we are considered beautiful. A mango cannot be an apple; as a mango it is already very good.

All initiates live up to the higher principles of life and not up to public views. The public only gradually sees the greater value of what the initiate does. He is independent and only relies on himself; he is not dependent on the opinion of others. He carries no opinions about others in himself, but he allows people to have their own understanding of him.

Master EK

In his description of the first encounter with a master of wisdom Master EK tells about the advice the Master gave to him: “From today on stop thinking about others’ thoughts. Don’t try to know what others think about you. Don’t have any opinions about anyone; you may remember persons but you are not expected to remember whether they are good or bad. Never ask for the opinions of others when you want to do a good thing. If you feel that it is a good thing, you begin and do it. Never discuss it with anyone.”

Thus, Master EK never sought the opinion of the audience upon his teachings. To him the public opinions were too shallow and temporary; the work he needed to do was profound and therefore, many times, was not understood. When initiating into the Gayatri people who were seeking, the Indian tradition strongly felt challenged. But he said, “The light is for all! Who can deprive anyone of it?” And when Master EK was asked, “It would be much better if you didn’t smoke”, he answered, “Take care of yourself, not of me. Don’t tell me what I should do. If you don’t know what to do, you can ask me.” – “We are concerned about the public opinion as per your smoking, that a profound spiritual teacher smokes cigarettes.” He replied, “So what? If this isn’t compatible, so what? Who said that I am a spiritual teacher? I have never said so. Don’t live in the chaff. If I smoke a cigarette, it is my problem; it cannot be your problem.”

Master EK never prepared his teachings; it unfolded itself according to the need of the audience, the energy of the planetary constellation of the day and the energy of the place where he lectured. His attitude to teach was one of in-forming the keen listeners, meaning, causing normalcy in their energy systems. After a lecture the audience frequently expressed that many of their questions were answered and doubts were cleared. Some said that they found the right guidance and were healed of the heaviness of their problems. The Master used to listen to them, remaining silent.


Today humanity suffers from tremendous opinionation. Many people are surrounded by a sea of opinions where they cannot come out. People are very quick in their judgements and want that their opinion wins through; therefore they also impose it on others. He who undergoes an education today is forced to hold the views of some authors instead of expressing his own, and he is forced to accept this as education. Thus he is imposed an atrophied growth of his mental abilities and his expression is impeded.

On the spiritual path only information is given, which others may pick up or may not. When they pick it up the get formed inwardly. They can let themselves be impressed or not, but we should not press anything into them. Everyone understands things as he comprehends them. Even if we have different opinions we should find some common ground when dealing with others. Then what is common can come to the centre and will last. Opinions, however, change and are no firm foundation.

As long as something irritates and bothers us, triggers anger or rage in us, we are still in our personalities and don’t live in the divine Presence. We are stuck in opinions and critical viewpoints and don’t get out of our emotions and concrete minds. We only start overcoming them by doing something good for others. As soon as we begin we get good thoughts to put them to good actions. Thus, we learn to work from the heart; from the heart it goes to the mind and then it is expressed.

Agreement and Vision

The method to neutralise one’s own opinions is trying to know the viewpoint of the other instead of declaring one’s own views. Whenever we differ from his views we may grow passive towards them and try to focus on the needs of the other and to do what is needed.

It does not need much ability to have a viewpoint and an opinion about a matter, but it needs great skill to see a matter from all sides or dimensions and to include everything. Aquarius fosters such a vision. For only when views and opinions fall, the view of the essence become available and the many different viewpoints find their synthesis in vision. By overcoming the obstacles of the usual patterns of speech, behaviour and action our souls can become one with the super-soul.

We make friends by learning how to agree with people – not with their views and opinions, but with them as persons. Unfriendliness and rejection towards others is destructive and thus often also self-destructive. We don’t necessarily have to agree with the personality when we find agreement with the person and thus are cordial. Friendliness and love cannot contain rejection. The initiates have demonstrated for us the ability to accept even the ugliest beings and to live together with them. It is a matter of comprehending the One in all and to establish a strong relation with it.

Sources: K.P. Kumar: Uranus / Master EK / notes from seminars. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Psychology. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India.