  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.

Pluto, the Lord of Regulation

Adapting to the Law

Pluto - Wikipedia Nothing we have is ours. All life and awareness come to all the beings on the planet from the same source. The varied energies come to us through the different planets. Our physical body comes from the Mother Earth; she provides us all five elements. The sun gives life and awareness, the moon the ability to think and to reflect. Mars bestows on us the ability of force, Mercury the ability to discriminate. Jupiter confers the ability to expand in consciousness, Venus the ability to make experiences in life. Saturn provides the gift to manifest and establish, Uranus the electrical functioning of intuition. Neptune gives the ability to get into trance and experience the beauty of the higher worlds. Pluto bestows on us profound discipline.

To be able to express the Divine needs an order. This order manifests according to the law coming down from higher circles. By adapting to the law we express the divine order in our lives. But unless we accept it and work it out, we have no order and the Divine cannot unfold through us. It only sends its police which takes care of the law. This police comes to us through Saturn and in tougher cases through Pluto.

Likewise, the Master can only come into our lives unless we have achieved a certain order. He informs us how to live in rhythm and how to playfully live according to the law. We are free to adapt then to the law or not, but Saturn brings us the consequences of our deeds. If we eat something which is not suitable, he causes indigestion and pain and thus we will learn earlier or later. Pluto works much deeper than Saturn. Through crises and conflicts he teaches us detachment on a profound plane. Without this experience the soul remains in the captivity of form. The body anchors it to the earth. We have the tendency to keep a hold – on material things, on emotions, on mental concepts. Through giving and helping we slowly liberate ourselves from the grip. Willingness to make sacrifices is the contrary to seizing possession. Nature gives us so that we can give. Money is a good means to distribute necessary things and thus to overcome blockages and attachments to matter. When we hold to a beloved person or thing, this bondage will be dissolved sooner or later. Pluto stands for the love of the Law, out of love he cuts the fetters of bonds.


Saturn teaches us detachment and in this he is an agent of Pluto. He works very slowly and deeply, and what he does is long-lasting. People are generally short-sighted, they get confused with their short-term plans. Pluto works out changes at fundamental levels, and it needs far-sight to understand their scope. The masters and the groups working with them have the necessary perseverance. Shiva, the lord of long-lasting pursuit, is the model for all those who dip deep into their inner and conduct a profound reorientation in silence.

Pluto is a very disciplining planet; his energy disciplines even the solar system. His work is so huge that normally he does not attend to the individual, but leaves this work to Saturn. Pluto himself works with greater groups or people who play an important role in society, like world leaders whose actions have an influence on entire nations.

While Uranus takes 84 years for his journey around the sun, Pluto takes 248 years (about 84 times 3) to travel the same way. Pluto is the slowest moving and causes deepest changes in our consciousness. All changes are divine, even when they are difficult for us, and so we should see the good in every change. Difficult times in the objective world are favourable times for spiritual growth. Even through a bitter event Nature always holds a good lesson for us.


In the East Pluto is called Yama, the Lord of regulation and of death. If we respect him, he is the Lord of the Law for us; if we don’t comply with him, he is the Lord of Death and seems to be horrible. Eastern teachings describe that for the ignorant he appears as a black figure with red eyes. He throws a noose and draws the soul out of the body with a great mortal agony. This pain is so horrible because we are stuck so strongly in the body of flesh and blood. We cannot support this pain and therefore lose consciousness. However, when we are in the buddhic body and full of light, Pluto appears to us as an agreeable and good friend of radiant beauty.

Pluto helps us to reach the light through fiery aspiration and thus to overcome death. We then experience death not as an end in itself, but as transmutation. For Pluto stands for the end of things, but not for our end. Pluto clarifies, purifies and removes all barriers of old forms. Uranus breaks down the barriers which are an obstacle to the flow of life and of love, and Pluto removes them. The misuse of plutonic energies brings, for example, terrorism or the desire to remove enemies or obstacles with wrong means.

The Dog Star

The most radiant star in the sky is called dog star or Sirius and in the Vedic system Sarameya, that is dog. The dog star Sirius stands under the direct protection of Lord Shiva. Its quality is pure love and its energy is conveyed from the south. The South stands for Pluto or Yama, the Lord of regulation. When we attune ourselves to the regulation of Nature, we are prepared to receive the energy of Love. The southern orientation spreads the energy of Love to all who are well regulated. In the invocation for the networking of the Diamond Temple it says, “I invoke Yama, the God of Love and Immortality, from the south into my heart centre.” At the moment Pluto stands in the sign of Capricorn, so for spiritual purposes we can visualise him and his love in the higher heart centre.

In Roman mythology Pluto is the lord of the nether world. In “Occult Meditation” it says that the dog star guards the infernal gate to ensure that the energies of the nether worlds do not come to the subtle, higher world. In the physical body these nether worlds are located below the base centre. Even in cartoons Pluto appears as the dog who steps in when the cats do too much mischief. The dog guards the entrance; it demands a good behaviour and obedience to the laws of nature. The Mahabharata tells that the king initiate Yudhishtira rejected an invitation of the heavenly king, who wanted to take him into heaven, but without the dog accompanying him. Yudhishtira replied that he prefers to renounce heaven instead of leaving his dog behind: “How can I abandon someone who has followed me devotedly?” Then the dog transformed into Yama, the Lord of Pluto, and said: “I bless you. This is exactly what I expect from someone who wants to enter into the kingdom of God. Through this act of good will you will get into heaven.”


Saturn and Pluto lead us to deep experiences. We cannot get to higher steps as long as we have not worked out and integrated the lower ones. On the eightfold yoga path of Patanjali the first steps are called Yama and Niyama, and both mean regulation. They lead to Asana, that is to a stable, pleasant condition of the mind. The steps of regulation of Yama and Niyama are harmlessness, truthfulness, a right behaviour in sexuality, a lack of the instinct to steal and the virtue of non-acceptance, of inner and outer purity, maintenance of a state of joy as well as contemplation on the divine self.

Master CVV says that in his yoga these steps are not given a go-by, for on the path of yoga there is no shortcut. The steps of yoga seem to be difficult. But the master trains us through the prayer from out of our inner. He does not enforce the regulations from outside but works from inside through the power of the soul. He trains us to be aligned in thought, speech and action and not to harm anybody. Master CVV says: “You can’t do this. I will do it for you. I remain in you and do it for you.” Thus he leads us to the higher steps of the path of yoga.

Sources: K.P. Kumar: Occult Meditations / The Aquarian Cross / notes from seminars. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India.