  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.

Serving the Plan

The Plan of Life

Serving the Plan There is a plan underlying the evolution of life, it determines the interplay of forces directing the manifestations of matter. Matter assembles in space according to a pattern which existed already before its creation. Already in the sperm there is contained the entire plan for the formation of an individual, it is the blueprint of the creative intelligences who shape and maintain our body. We are a part of the whole and a world within the world; therefore each one of us consciously or unconsciously works out the plan of his life through time. In fact the entire activities of the earth are conducted by a plan, which comes from higher circles and “which the Masters know and serve.”

A seed thought of Master CVV, given by Master E.K. in Spiritual Psychology, says: „Creation was planned before you came. You can plan for yourself like the plan of creation. Creation is for all, you are one among the many. The plan of all is work, the plan of one is fate. Fate for work is ritual, work for fate is heresy.”

Many people don’t see a plan in their lives and they don’t understand anything of the greater Plan of evolution. Just like with television no program can be received if it isn’t tuned in correctly, the Divine Plan cannot be perceived, if we don’t attune to the presence of God. It is only when we adjust the subjective mind to the light and dedicate our live to service that we start perceiving the Plan and thus the purpose of our lives. We always can only receive a part of the Plan, and when we progress in service, suddenly further parts emerge. Later we can get insight into parts of the greater Plan.

But how do we attune to the Plan? How can we work according to it as long as we don’t know what it is? Many truth seekers want to work for the plan. In the name of the plan they make their own plans and think that it is the Plan. We may study books, but as long as we don’t think from the heart and devote ourselves to the service to the surrounding life, the books don’t reveal anything to us. At best we will be full of our idea of the plan and fantasize things about the Plan, but this is not the Plan. Perhaps we would like to be together with a Master of Wisdom or a Deva and ask them: “What is my plan? What should I do?” - but this wish alone will not bring us near to them. Our expectation is an expression of over-activity. We create an obstacle if we want to make for the Divine Plan.

Receiving the Plan

The Plan is received in silence. When we listen to the inside, we develop a sensibility to it. In this we don’t try to discover the Plan or to know something in advance. The Plan projects itself into us, when we integrate into the soul consciousness. In our daily plan we should allow one hour in the morning and in the evening to withdraw into silence; we need at least a quarter of an hour in order to calm down our mind. Breathing exercises and mantras help us to develop the inner requirements for the reception of higher impressions. When a work has to be done, we receive the plan of work schedule as an impression in the heart. We respond to the Plan by fulfilling it every day by purposeless and unconditional serving. We don’t have to go anywhere in order to fulfil it, it comes to us. It comes to those who are up to their ears in their duties and not to those who theorize. The Plan works from where we are and it expands into the surrounding. “Out of small duties rightly done will result greater responsibilities culminating in world service”, says Master D.K.

Time brings the Plan, we don’t have to initiate anything from our side except the transformation of ourselves. Our share of the work will come to us. Until then we should wait and align ourselves inwardly without neglecting our daily work. Important is that we settle our economic situation as well as our family and social life, so that we find enough time to turn inside. If we live very much directed to the outside we have no time for inner contemplation.

He who really knows the Plan doesn’t speak about it, he simply keeps on working for it and rejoices that he is allowed to carry out his part. He isn’t worried about the consequences, for he knows that the Plan works through him like electric current flows through a wire. The wire itself doesn’t give any electricity, but without the wire the current cannot flow. Therefore the beings of the higher planes of existence require the co-operation with people who carry out the Plan on earth.

Surviving the Cycles of Time

What is being done in accordance with the Plan survives the cycles of time. The words and deeds of the Great Ones of the past, like Jesus, Buddha Lao-tse, Buddha or Krishna, are known until today. The works of a man being in the personality don’t live long, their effectiveness and ability to inspire people isn’t big. Many have good thoughts, but they don’t have the ability to manifest, because they cannot energize their thoughts: the source from where their thoughts come out, isn’t charged vitally. They begin a good work, but after some time they stop again and take interest in something else. An initiate is aware of the source from where the energy pours into him. He knows that he is just a channel for the Energy of Synthesis, which is boundless and beyond name and form. He tries to be as neutral as possible in order to assure the flow of energy and to accomplish the related plan. “Following the plan is like guiding a fragile boat through boulder-strewn rapids.” (Supermundane III, 666)

Looking at the Plan

We have to look at the Plan coming to us through an event. Then we see everything that happens not just as accidental. Suppose we meet another person in the train or at lunch, it might look like a casual meeting. However when we see the presence of God in the situation, we also realize the Plan of God. Most people only live on the surface, for them the events are by chance. They see the apparent and not the truth behind. When we see in all situations the presence of God, our likes and dislikes decrease, our personal intentions and motives recede. Where we are confronted with a difficult situation, we see in it His work. Then our effort to overcome the difficulties is His acting, our planning gives way to His Plan. In this way we sacrifice our personality on the altar of the higher Plan, and our consciousness enters into the consciousness of the greater Whole: “Let my plan be an epitome of the Divine Plan.”

He who has attained the master consciousness moves according to the Plan of space and time. Wherever he appears he inspires people by his presence for Light, for fiery Will, for study, for service and for rearranging their lives. His presence is perceived in the heart of those who orient themselves to him, and this contact causes a transformation. Thus people become channels of Light and co-workers in the great Work, to restore the Plan on earth.

Sources used: K.P. Kumar: The Aquarian Cross / seminar notes. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Psychology / Wisdom of the Heavens. The World Teacher Trust / Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India. - Supermundane III. Agni Yoga Society, New York (www.agniyoga.org ).