  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy

The Human Potential

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy

The wisdom teachings explain that it is the greatest privilege to get a human body because only a human body gives the potential to planetary, solar and cosmic experiences. The Bible says, God created man in His image and likeness. Through appropriate training we can transform our body of flesh and blood and gain a body of golden or even diamond light. The scriptures compare this transformation of milk from out of which butter is extracted and by further refinement ghee – a state which is quite different from milk. Similarly, the transformation of the human body permits the soul to express itself on all seven planes of creation and thus to become an image of God. This is the goal of the great experiment of the development of the human body.

However, we are souls who have descended into the body of flesh and blood and have lost our true identity. We are totally imprisoned in the matter of the planet, in search of wealth, power or body-related experience. We no longer know how we can escape from the prison. The body has a time limit; after the close of one life we come back into a new body where we continue to be imprisoned in our conditioned behaviour.

Shamballa and the Hierarchy

In this situation, the Hierarchy comes to help the humanity. The Hierarchy are the Masters of Wisdom who have obtained control over all five elements and have bodies of golden and diamond light. Away from the civilization and the masses of humanity, they also live in physical bodies and continue to give humanity inspiration and support. In very ancient times, during the third root race at Lemuria, when the human souls began to settle down on the Earth, the Hierarchy was formed. It is headed by Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the Planet, whose seat is in Shamballa, hidden in etheric form in the Gobi Desert. Along with other cosmic Sons of Will, he has descended from higher circles to stay on Earth and to help humanity to ascend.

With regard to the higher planes of existence Shamballa is the highest point on Earth where the Plan for our planet is received. Shamballa and the Hierarchy have been helping the humanity and have been giving their knowledge. The human beings keep on abusing the sublime knowledge. Our orientation is more towards the matter than towards the consciousness and the spirit, the basis of existence. When Atlantis went down, Shamballa saved the mankind and founded centres in other parts of the world which did not sink. Sanat Kumara even once embodied in Pradyumna, a son of Krishna, so that the Great War did not lead into the abyss. The Shamballa energy also intervened in World War II.

The Planetary Throat Centre

The Hierarchy is looking for suitable individuals who can join it; but there are only 10 to 12 such people in a century. However, the hierarchy is interested in all who want to collaborate, who offer their work, without being oriented to remuneration, and who strive to meet the necessary requirements so that the Light can be expressed by them. Many people start to develop extrasensory perception through refined sense organs. When they are willing, they are trained as disciples.

The Hierarchy wants to express through this group of humans. They represent the throat centre for humanity. The throat receives and transmits, and only man has the ability to speak. The throat centre is called in Sanskrit as Visuddhi meaning “extremely pure”. Only if our throat is very pure, we can become a mouthpiece of wisdom. The throat centre is best cleaned by speaking the truth and by speaking with love to create harmony and no conflicts. Only with a pure throat mantras can be uttered effectively.

Like the throat centre mediates between the three higher and the three lower centres, so shall humanity mediate between the higher and lower kingdoms. To activate the throat centre of humanity in the right way, we must express through our speech and action love, goodwill and service; these are the principles of the soul. Often, however, we do not express light but use the language for idle talk. We interpret, manipulate and speak untruth cleverly disguised. In the civilised world lies or speaking half-truth belong to the way of dealing in business and conversation. Speaking incorrectly contaminates the entire personality.

For the higher beings humanity is the personality. It has become a bottleneck and the manifestation of the Divine Plan is blocked. Unless a sufficient number of people are pure enough, the Hierarchy cannot express into humanity. All the groups around the world which are waiting for the Hierarchy to externalise are themselves the obstruction. The aspirants work counterproductive to what is planned. We ask the Hierarchy to come but then we stand at the door and obstruct it. We are informed about the Hierarchy and read books of wisdom but we continue to be mainly occupied with petty things or personal issues. Thus, the Kingdom of God has to wait.

Reversing the Orientation

To enable the Hierarchy to express through us, we have to orient ourselves vertically towards inside, rather than horizontally into objectivity. To connect with God, the God-centre in us, is a vertical activity. Meditation means alignment with the Omnipresent who is particularly present in our head-centre. We can visualize how from above light and love pour in, or align ourselves by imagining above us a white bird, a lotus or a mountain. By aligning to the divine it can manifest through us. Like with a plug, we connect to the divine to transmit the energy to the surroundings.

When we feel the divine more and more, we can see how the light in the eyes of a man meets the light in us. By experiencing the divine in all we get the touch of the divine. It takes years of practice until the mind is continuously more occupied with the divine than with the objects. However, it is sufficient to keep on aligning and to remain in the upward orientation. We do not have to ask for alignment because when asking we are in a mental activity and not in the alignment. When we are aligned, the divine can work through us.

To be able to work with the Hierarchy we have to fulfil our obligations towards the surrounding life and to liberate ourselves from the bondages of obligations. We have a responsibility towards our bodies, towards our parents and fellow human beings, towards the plant and animal kingdoms. Today, however, an attitude of receiving prevails. We use the others for our purposes and take from the earth, from plants and animals without thinking to give something back. Even in spiritual life, prayers are focused on receiving; they are asking for prosperity, longevity, for things for one’s own purposes.

It needs a reversal of our orientation to an attitude of giving instead of receiving. We should think about what is good for others - this is good will; what others need - this is love; how we can intelligently help others - this leads to knowledge and wisdom. And even when we eat, we can offer the food to the Devas; they then take care of our health.

By developing an attitude of service we will come out of our bondages. We do not need to be pro-active with our attitude to serve; it is sufficient to be ready and to respond to what comes to us. Nature responds to this attentive attitude. When we intonate the OM and send it into the environment, those who need our help will come.

Vertical Alignment

Once we free ourselves of our self-centred orientation, the Hierarchy is ready to transfer their energies through us into the surroundings. When we allow the Hierarchy to express through us, we are for them a Bodhisattva, like Jesus was a Bodhisattva for the Christ or Buddha for Adi Shankara. H.P. Blavatsky and A.A. Bailey permitted several Masters of the Hierarchy to work through them. The same thing happened with Nicholas and Helena Roerich and with Master EK through whom mostly 3-4 Masters expressed.

Our vertical orientation allows the Hierarchy to work through us. From inside, we know what we have to do and how we should do it - not the books that teach us but the inner light. From the inside, we are taught and guided, enlightened and protected. The Teachers teach us to relate to the Light. The meditation is: “I stand in the Light and let the Light enlighten me.” The higher impresses the lower; the lower expresses the higher. Thus, the Hierarchy externalises.

Sources: K.P. Kumar: Notes from seminars. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India