  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.

The Work of the Uranus Energy

Permeation and Expansion

Uranus - Wikipedia The energy of Uranus is an energy which permeates and fills all. It is the leading energy of the Aquarian age, but it is incomprehensible. However, we can experience it. The cosmic principle of Uranus cannot be stopped or obstructed by anything. It breaks all old and crystallised forms, penetrates matter and restructures it in such a fashion that it takes to an etheric form. Uranus leads to the synthesis of the one existence in and without form, it works out the conscious, simultaneous existence on all seven planes. The yoga of Master CVV has been given to help us realise this and to enable transcendence. When the sound “CVV” is invoked, the qualities of Uranus radiate into the heart lotus, and thus it unfolds very fast. By regularly conducting the prayers this power accomplishes tremendous changes in the body, and in personal life events speed up.

The influence of Uranus can bring sudden unfolding, and people become intuitive. Exceptional thoughts flash up in us which we shouldn’t disregard for they could be very useful. The most important work is done just through such thoughts. He who eagerly thinks doesn’t come to a solution. Uranian thinking is apart from the brain; a thought like a flash clears everything and gives a solution.

It is important to accept every aspect of life. What exists is acceptable for existence. It demands much will, comprehension and patience to accept this in our lives. Uranus can change situations in a split second without giving a precaution. Spontaneity and originality are qualities of Uranus. He who is original is uncommon, romantic and enchanting. To be spiritual is: no imitations, no copying. When we imitate someone, we have lost ourselves, because we are no longer ourselves. When we bring our innermost being to the outside, we are regarded as beautiful. When we are original, we do not built up patterns in us, but we can quickly react on unexpected situations. It is a tremendous adventure with ourselves to which Uranus encourages us.

The energy of Uranus is stimulated in all those who follow the path; it causes inner movement and expansion. Expansion is the keynote of Uranus; its motto is “bend or break”. It causes an expansion of consciousness which connects us with cosmic and even supra-cosmic planes. For individuals of the lower planes the planet causes irritatingly quick changes causing disturbances and disorder in society. It provokes political and social upheavals, causes unconventional marriages, abnormalities of sex desires and the birth of new religions debasing morality and dying again very soon.

Uranus is sudden, either on the positive side or on the negative side. An action happens, and it will be only understood much later because Uranus cannot wait until our brain understands. Its energy is of such a great velocity. It is not necessary that we understand and then do it. Something happens through us, because Uranus is electrical, like a flash. Our higher mind will only later understand why we have done it and could do it in such a good way. People living in the lower mind will understand it still much later only. That is why people could not understand Master CVV, who transmitted the Uranus energies, and till date he is not understood.

Discovery of Uranus

The discovery of a planet marks the response of mankind to its vibration. With the rediscovery of the planet Uranus for this cycle in 1781 its energies became visible on earth and humanity began to attune itself to it. The beginning of the Aquarian age brought the discovery of the radioactive element in the ores of the earth, and a ray of Uranus began to work in mineral and human kingdoms. The first human being who felt the existence of radioactive elements was Madam Curie. The fission of the atom, the quantum physics and the many scientific discoveries are due to the impact of Uranus on the intuitional minds of the scientists. Uranus is particularly related to the scientific mind which is ruled by the fifth ray. It expands the realm of human thought.


Uranus is the planetary form aspect of Varuna, the supra-cosmic intelligence, which along with Mitra constitutes the two twin energies of creation. They come down through the planes alternately as male-female energies. According to its nature the Uranus energy of Varuna is on the supra-cosmic plane the Mother energy. Under its guidance the most sublime matter is brought to manifestation; that is why in the East the Mother is also called Varuni. Varuna is the container, the form; Mitra is the content, the dweller in the form. On the cosmic plane the two energies are called Vasishta and Agastya, in our solar system Neptune and Uranus. The energy of the indwelling soul, the Mitra or Neptune energy, is working on our planet through the North Pole. It is represented by the ashram of the Spiritual Hierarchy in the Himalayas, under the direction of Lord Maitreya. He is called Maitreya because on the planetary plane he represents the Mitra energy. The ashram related to the South Pole of Master Jupiter in the Blue Mountains is working together with the Manu through the Varuna or Uranus energy on the evolution of forms through which the soul is working. This is a gross understanding.

In general the evolutionary work is conducted by the ashram in the Himalayas. At times of crises the southern ashram is giving support with the energy of Uranus. Master KPK jokingly says that for special missions James Bond comes into action. And Master CVV explained, “My work is not with spirit, my work is with matter. I prepare the body in a way that the soul easily finds the exit.”

The south is related to the heart; therefore it says that the Mother lets her light shine through the heart. Mitra works in the east, Varuna in the west. Master CVV therefore said between 1910 and 1920 that his energy will work more in America and then in Europe, and finally it will work in India. Varuna in the west means scientific strength. The strength of Mitra is a mystical strength, a magical aspect.

Astrological Work

Today Uranus uses nearly all planets for his work. Hence, traditional astrology is only partially useful. When in our chart Uranus has a relation to any planet via a sextile or a trine, this planetary function in us has a new dimension. Thus sun or Jupiter have a greater power when they are linked with Uranus. When Uranus is in opposition or in square to a planet or to the ascendant, then we will be submitted to tremendous conflicts in order to find a higher dimension. When we quickly learn, we will transcend the influence, otherwise we will suffer. Particularly we have to learn to serve, for Uranus represents group consciousness and demands service, he doesn’t let us escape. We cannot ascend alone into higher circles; every egoistic tendency entails circumscription. Uranus knows no difference between small and big - a small screw can bring a big machine to a standstill – also in groups or in society. We also don’t have to overlook children. When Uranus is working well with us, we have an equal access to all, irrespective of age or status.

Uranus cycles last always 7 years. In 84 (12 times 7) years he completes a round, where we have experienced 1008 full moons – the number of petals in the head centre. The number of Uranus is 4. He also stands for the transition from the negative to the positive zero, from seeming nothingness to apparent something. The colour of Uranus is beyond colour, but it appears to the observers in variations between greenish blue and white blue. It is the colour of the waters of space. A symbol of Varuna/Uranus is a brilliant white dragon moving through the waters. Upon the dragon there is a boy holding a trident in his hands and drawing with it lines of force through space. The sound of Uranus is V and in the science of Tantra it is VAM. It is not just coincidence that in the mantra CVV the sound is present twice. The awareness of the symbol, colour, sound and number helps to stimulate in us the presence of the Uranus energies.

Sources: K.P. Kumar: Uranus. The Alchemist of the Age / notes from seminars. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India.