  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.


Electronic Communication


The Age of Aquarius is an age of information and communication. There should be a free flow of information and also free communication. The various electronic means of communication are among the best developments towards the Aquarian Age and they are the work of Uranus. There are enormous developments in the field of electrics and electronics and progress will accelerate and multiply. Nowadays we need to be able to use the internet and electronic media, and if we resist, we will be left behind.

With electronic means, there is a lot of communication that is not just chatter. WhatsApp and similar channels have become great facilities for many kinds of global collaboration and useful exchanges. Communication is very important and highly valued by the Master of the Aquarian Age. He has given us this opportunity to communicate and his work is to accelerate evolution. Rapid communication at high speed and across the globe is an excellent opportunity given to us by the Hierarchy to connect and join with like-minded people. Through the Hierarchy we are all connected to the entire solar system and even beyond.

We should be aware that we are a global group connecting to the Hierarchy. Some individuals and groups tend to be islands if they do not connect and share with others. How can a small individual life evolve and feel big and strong but not be connected to the groups, exchange and share valuable things when we are all connected to different Masters of the Hierarchy? When we invoke the sound key of the Aquarian Master every morning and evening, he connects us with the Master of our ray; the Aquarian Master himself has not taken on any regular work.

Communication in Groups

It is not a question of being particularly talkative, but useful information should be passed between all groups. Each group should be able to share with the other groups the good work through which we are all energetically connected. Communication and cooperation are fundamental to group work. Therefore, being communicative and cooperative within the group establishes internal communication between all groups. May we serve the groups and society through sharing and communicating with others.

Master Djwhal Khul emphasizes group consciousness, and this characterizes the New Group of World Servers. On the one hand, we do vertical exercises within ourselves and build the antahkarana, the bridge to higher planes of consciousness. On the other hand, through proper communication, we develop a horizontal connection with as many group members and to as many groups as possible.

The goal is enlightenment. Enlightenment enables us to communicate with the group and the groups without any separative attitudes. The Masters do not want us to focus on what makes us different from others, but to pay attention to what is common between us and others and, with skilful communication, to find what is similar with other groups. We should not ignore any member of a group. If we ignore them, separateness grows within us and blocks our progress.

If we isolate ourselves, we fail to communicate with other members of the group. People usually want to know as much as possible about the others, but they do not consider it important that they inform others and that the others learn something from them. This is a disease in the group. The instinct to hide and not communicate is poison for group consciousness. Not all information is confidential. We can gain much by sharing information.

Group activity is a transparent activity, just as the consciousness in the body knows everything that is going on in the body. Group work means sharing together. We are to share information, share knowledge, share our resources, share our thoughts. Good communication results in coordination and cooperation. If communication is blocked, there is neither cooperation nor coordination. Everything that has to do with the group, every piece of information that concerns the group, should be shared, and if possible, resources, energy and money should also be shared. That's what makes a group be successful.

Overactive Communication

However, there can also be overactive communications. In this day and age, there are countless messages permeating the world. Negative events in particular, which attract a lot of attention, are widely disseminated by the media. Mental waves are generated, the effects of which are hardly noticed, but whose influence can cause insecurity, confusion and fear, as well as corresponding illnesses.

We need filters at the planes of thought and speech to counteract the reception of harmful thoughts and to imprint and reinforce uplifting and beneficial positive thoughts. It is important that we filter our speech in order to eliminate unskilful speech. When we look back at the end of the day, we discover that we have often spoken when it was not necessary. As disciples, we are to be quiet and only speak when necessary. Often, we usually do the exact opposite. There is a lot of talk, but there is little substance in it, and most of the time talk “evaporates” and does not lead to action.

Also, we are to discriminate in the use of devices such as tablets, iPhones. Many are so preoccupied with smartphones that they constantly stare at the devices instead of communicating with the people around them. If we use devices just because they are there, then we are not suited for yoga. There is also much contamination of our mind and the minds and lives of children through the indiscriminate use of the internet when we indiscriminately open websites or even let children do this. Our mind can be pulled away in thousands of ways and the more when we live in the abundance of technology. For a student of yoga, it is important to examine each choice, each activity in terms of its purpose: Why am I doing this? Then the abundance we have access to will not be an obstacle in our lives. ===Learning to communicate=== It is important that we learn how to communicate and use the appropriate and accurate words. When the right words are used, clarity is the result and the speech has the power of communication. Not everyone can speak. It takes long periods of silence to build up speech. A lot of communication can be done with just a few words. We send WhatsApp messages - how short and clear we can be in our messages shows our ability to express ourselves. The more words we use, the more husk there is around the grain or content. Many people can't express their thoughts accurately because they don't use the right words. Often, they do not even realise that they are using the wrong words. A wrong use of words leads to a wrong use of energy. Then we communicate incorrectly and there is no alignment between intention and expression. This is a state of misalignment between mind and body and a source of problems. We should not speak unkindly or judgementally. We can also hurt someone without even speaking if we ignore a person who expects us to speak to them. When communicating, there should be no change in essence through communication. That is, when we transmit something that someone has said, it should not change in content; it should reach the recipient unchanged. If we add more words or omit certain words, we convey a different meaning. We must not misrepresent or manipulate through speech, as is often done today. If we manipulate, we will also be manipulated. We should inform, but not influence. We express, but we should not try to impress. We have to make a great effort to remain with the truth and to express the truth accurately. When we hear something from someone and tell it to someone else, we usually add our own colour. In other words, what we have heard is passed on in a distorted way, and with each passing on a further colouring takes place. What was said and what was ultimately understood is something completely different. It is the same with the teachings of the great Masters.** When a Master speaks the Truth, that Truth is further distorted by each generation of disciples, so that the teachings survive only in a very degenerated state. Speech has a limited capacity; in silence there is almost perfect communication. Therefore, in higher circles, communication is by thought or gesture. A single idea penetrates to us from the ‘no thought’ plane. The idea is communicated through silence. But this is only possible if the disciples can maintain a high degree of silence and quietude. This is why many communications take place during the hour of deep meditation and during the hours of sleep.

Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Uranus - The Alchemist of the Age; div. seminar notes. Dhanishta Publications, Visakhapatnam, India. (www.aquariusbookhouse.com).