Book Presentation
Master E.K. The New Age Teacher
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview Masters
Short Description:
Master E.K. (Ekkirala Krishnamacharya) is a New Age teacher. The New Age teacher is one who demonstrates Divine life within the modern life. There is no such demarcation as divine and non-divine at the sublime stage. All is divine, if once the attitude is divine. The Life and teachings of Master EK aroused and awakened many into the path of Truth in the East and West. The book contains a glimpse into the life and the works of the MASTER.
A Moment Please; Initial; Worship Of The Mother; Master CVV; Bhagavad Gita, Secret Doctrine and the Divine Plan; The Yoga Path Of Master CVV; Preparation; The Work; Teaching And Healing; The Writings; Group Building; Synthesis; The Significant Qualities of Master E.K. The Fighter and the Reformer; Gayatri and the Vedas; A Few Spiritual Dimensions; Astrology; Rituals; The World Teacher Trust; East& West; Master E.K. goes to West; 21 Departure; The Teachings of the Master; Books Review.
Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 2001.
Chap. 10.: Group Building
Master E.K. was frequently invited to various places, either for teaching wisdom or for healing through homoeopathy. Sometimes he was staying for a week in a place and sometimes even a month. Wherever he went, taught and healed, groups emerged to follow the Path, which the Master was indicating, both through teaching and healing. At the end of every camp, a small group of persons urged him to guide them and also to keep the continuity of teaching and healing. The work of group building commenced in a very significant way from 1977. More than 50 groups emerged through his tours in Andhra Pradesh. Essentially, in all these groups the work of the Hierarchy has become familiar. The groups meditate, conduct healing work through homoeo-dispensaries, and teach the wisdom either from the books of the Master or from the Scriptures or from the teachings of other Masters of India. Thus, groups emerged that work with the age-old formula of meditation, study, and service. The service activity of the groups also diversed into education and alleviation from the suffering of the poor. Service was promoted and was encouraged by him in every possible way. In all this activity of teaching, healing, and group building, Master E.K. remained impersonal. He did not specifically initiate or propose any action. To respond to the proposal but not to propose, was the chief tenet of his work.
He remained a witness to all manifestations of the work. Many a time he proclaimed: “I did not propose. I did not commence. I did not initiate”. Such statements were little understood by people who have no knowledge of the qualities of Poise. He was living in the One and consequently the One Plan, of which he is a part, came into manifestation through him. It is the quality of a true Yogi “to Be but not to do”. If you align your being with The Being, the work of The Being happens through the being. Such is the state of an Initiate. He allows himself to be a channel for the Divine Plan to manifest. The will individual attunes to the Will Divine. Consequently, the Will Divine functions through the individual. “Father, Thy will be done”, is the Path of the disciple, the Initiate and the Master. Master E.K. was a good demonstration of this status. He never proposed. He responded to the proposals that came up to him. He never initiated any work. He was only tuning up to the work, which was already initiated in the higher circles. He was unperturbed of the results of the work and hence never sought the fruits of such work. He went on and on manifesting the work that was steered by the Guides through him.