; - A comment starts with a semicolon and works until end of line
; - Don't use these chars for simple (menu-)text: '=!"  
; Using links:
;   /this/is/a/link is a absolute link. It should start with /wtt/...  
;   test is a relativ internal link for /wtt/<language>/web/test
;   www.worldteachertrust.org is a web link because starting with "www." Then http is used as protocol
;   https://www.site.net is a web link with protocol https
; link = "the/link"  
; [group] starts the group "group"
; submenu = -> references to a submenu as group [submenu name] 
; simple text without char "=" ends with a "=" (without the "s)
; _link = "/link" is a link for the current group. A group without link is like a header (h3) 
; item = _simple_link "link/to/page" used in a submenu is a simple link and not a header  
; _pos = col sets the column of a menu entry
; _menu restricts entry for top menu
; _footer restricts entry for footer
; _footer_pos = 2 is the 2nd column in footer 
; _menu_columns = x means: the current top menu entry has x columns 
; In options the order of top menu entries can be reversed with "reverse_menu = true"
; Footer respects only the highest menu level and one level below
; Without setting positions with _pos, _footer_pos the positions are took in order of appereance.

;headline for footer
;Was suchen Sie? =  

_link = "wtt"
Was ist der WTT = ->
_footer Der Name = "wtt#der_name"
_footer Gründer = "wtt#gruender"
_footer Ziel und Zweck = "wtt#ziel_und_zweck"
_footer Eine lebendige Organisation = "wtt#eine_lebendige_organisation"
_footer Der WTT Global = "groups/europe/switzerland/wtt-global" 
_footer Freunde des WTT = "wtt/friends_of_wtt"
_footer Sich dem WTT anschließen = "wtt/join"
_footer Wie beginnen = "wtt/begin"
_footer Das Symbol des WTT = "wtt/symbol_of_the_wtt"
_footer Der WTT und Dattatreya = "wtt/wtt_and_dattatreya"
_menu_newcolumn = true
Spiritueller Hintergrund = ->

[Was ist der WTT]
_link = "wtt#was_ist_der_wtt"
Der Name = "wtt#der_name"
Gründer = "wtt#gruender"
Ziel und Zweck = "wtt#ziel_und_zweck"
Eine lebendige Organisation = "wtt#eine_lebendige_organisation"
Der WTT Global = "groups/europe/switzerland/wtt-global" 
Freunde des WTT = "wtt/friends_of_wtt"
Sich dem WTT anschließen = "wtt/join"
Wie beginnen = "wtt/begin"

[Spiritueller Hintergrund]  
_link = "wtt/spiritual-background"
Meister KPK = master/kpk
Meister EK = master/ek
Meister MN = master/mn
Meister CVV = master/cvv
Der WTT und Lord Dattatreya = "wtt/wtt_and_dattatreya"
Video-Dokumentation = "wtt/music-of-the-soul"
Das Symbol des WTT = "wtt/symbol_of_the_wtt"

_link = "publications"
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya = ->
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar = ->
Andere = ->
_menu_newcolumn = true
Bücher bestellen = ->
Online Bücher = ->
Neue Bücher = ->
Vaisakhbrief = ->
_menu Zeitschriften= 
Paracelsus - Health and Healing = _simple_link "publications/paracelsus"

_link = "vaisakh/current"
;_footer_pos = 5

_link = "basics" 
_footer_pos = 4
_footer Grundlagen spirituellen Lebens = _simple_link "basics#grundlagen_spirituellen_lebens"
_footer Ewige Weisheit = _simple_link "basics#ewige_weisheit"
_footer Die Reise nach Innen = _simple_link "basics#die_reise_nach_innen"
_footer weitere... = _simple_link "basics"
basicscol1 = ->
_menu_newcolumn = true
basicscol2 = ->

_name = ""
_nosubheader = 
Grundlagen spirituellen Lebens = "basics#grundlagen_spirituellen_lebens"
Die Reise nach Innen = "basics#die_reise_nach_innen"
Rechtes Leben = _"basics#rechtes_leben"
Gruppen und Dienst = "basics#gruppen_und_dienst"
Innere Realitäten = "basics#innere_realitaeten"
Ätherische Existenz = "basics#aetherische_existenz"
Der Lebensstrom = "basics#der_lebensstrom"
Essenzen der Lehren = "basics#essenzen_der_lehren"
Ewige Weisheit = "basics#ewige_weisheit"
Die sieben Strahlen = "basics#die_sieben_strahlen"

_name = ""
_nosubheader = 
Spirituelle Natur = "basics#spirituelle_natur"
Die fünf Elemente = "basics#die_fuenf_elemente"
Die drei Gunas = "basics#die_drei_gunas"
Grundlagen = "basics#grundlagen"
Die Arbeit mit Farben = "basics#die_arbeit_mit_farben"
Die Zentren = "basics#die_zentren"
Die Zentren des Sonnensystems = "basics#die_zentren_des_sonnensystems"
Die Zeichen des Tierkreises = "basics#die_zeichen_des_tierkreises"
Erhabene Wesen = "basics#erhabene_wesen"

_link = "meditation"
Anleitungen zur Meditation = ->
Meditationen = ->	
Meditation verstehen = ->
Gebete und Invokationen = ->
Rituale = ->
Hymnen und Suktams = ->
Feste = ->
Ausrichtung auf Shambala = -> 
[Anleitungen zur Meditation]
_link = "meditation/instructions"

_link = "meditation/meditations"	 
_menu_pos = 1
Morgen und Abend = "meditation/morning_evening_meditation"	 
mehr Meditationen ... = "meditation/meditations"

[Gebete und Invokationen]	 
_link = "meditation/prayers_invocations"	 
_menu_pos = 1
Gebete = "meditation/prayers_invocations#prayers"
Verse, Mantren, Lieder = "meditation/prayers_invocations#stanzas_mantrams_songs" 
Invokationen = "meditation/prayers_invocations#invocations"
Mantren = "meditation/mantrams"	
mehr Gebete ... = "meditation/prayers_invocations"

[Meditation verstehen]
_link = "meditation/understanding_meditation"
_menu_pos = 2
Der Prozess der Meditation = "meditation/process_of_meditation"
mehr Informationen ... = "meditation/understanding_meditation"

_link = "meditation/rituals"
_menu_pos = 2
Das Feuerritual = "meditation/fire_ritual"
Das Wasserritual = "meditation/water_ritual"
mehr Rituale ... = "meditation/rituals"

[Hymnen und Suktams]
_link = "meditation/hymns_suktams"
_menu_pos = 1

_link = "meditation/festivals"
_menu_pos = 2
Vaisakhfest = "meditation/vaisakh_festival"
May Call Day = "meditation/may_call_day"
mehr Feste ... = "meditation/festivals"

[Ausrichtung auf Shambala]
_link = "meditation/aligning_to_shambala"
_menu_pos = 2

_link = "groups" 
Indien = ->
Europa = ->
Amerika = ->
Sonstige Gruppen = ->
_footer_pos = 3

_link = "service"
Dienstbereiche = ->
_menu_newcolumn = true
Dienstprojekte = ->

_link = "community" 
Seiten von WTT-Gruppen = ->
Veranstaltungen und Termine = ->
Buch-Shops = ->
Streams, Videos und Archiv= ->
Blogs = ->
Facebook + Telegram = ->
Befreundete Gruppen = ->
;_footer_pos = 5

[Seiten von WTT-Gruppen]
_link = "community#seiten_von_wtt_gruppen" 
Kreis des Guten Willens = "www.good-will.ch"
WTT Spanien = "community#wtt_spanien"
WTT America = "community#wtt_america"
WTT Muditha - Onda = "community#wtt_muditha_onda"
WTT Bodensee = "community#wtt_bodensee"

_link = "community#blogs" 
_menu_pos = 1
Kreis des Guten Willens = "community#blog_circle_of_good_will"
WTT-Dhanishtha = "community#blog_wtt_spain" 	
weitere... = "community#blogs" 

[Befreundete Gruppen]
_link = "community#befreundete_gruppen"
_menu_pos = 2
Unterstützung für Jeroviá CONIN = "community#support_for_jerovia_conin"
Gruppe in Argentinien = "community#group_in_argentina"
Pensamientos del hombre = "community#pensamientos_del_hombre"
Nuevo Pensamiento = "community#nuevo_pensamiento"

_link = "community#service_projects" 
Circle of Goodwill, Indien = "service/circle_of_goodwill"
Dhanishta-Stiftung, Indien = "service/dhanishta_foundation"
Balabhanu Vidyalayam Schule, Indien = "service/balabhanu_vidyalayam"
Buena Voluntad en Acción = "service/buena_voluntad_en_accion"
Schulzentrum La Colombe in Kinshasa = "service/la_colombe"
Es-Poorna = "community#es_poorna"

[Facebook + Telegram]
_link = "community#facebook-sites"  
_menu_pos = 1
WTT-Global = "community#fb_wtt_global"
Master's Call = "community#fb_masters_call"
Circle of Good Will = "community#fb_circle_of_good_will"
mehr ... = "community#facebook-sites"

_link = "community#buch-shops" 
_menu_pos = 2
Dhanishta Editions = "community#dhanishta_editions"
Ediciones Dhanishtha = "community#ediciones_dhanishtha" 
Edition Kulapati = "community#edition_kulapati"
Paracelsus-Center = "community#paracelsus_center"

[Veranstaltungen und Termine]
_link = "dates" 
_name = "Veranstaltungen & Termine"
_menu_pos = 2

[Streams, Videos und Archiv]
_link = "community#wtt-podcasts" 
_menu_pos = 2
WTT-Podcasts = "community/wtt-podcasts"
Master's Call = "community#masters_call"
Live broadcast = "community#live_broadcast"
Der WTT Video-Kanal = "community/wtt-videos"

[_footer Impressum]
_link = "imprint"
_footer_pos = 1

[_footer Nutzungsbedingungen]
_link = "terms_and_conditions"
_footer_pos = 1

[_footer Datenschutz]
_link = "privacy"
_footer_pos = 1

_link = "contact"
;_footer_pos = 2
WTT-Global = _simple_link  "contact#wtt_global"
Nationale Ansprechpartner= _simple_link  "contact#wtt"

[Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya]
_link = "publications/ek-overview-all"
Allgemein = "publications/ek-overview-general"
Heilung = "publications/ek-overview-healing"
Meditation = "publications/ek-overview-meditation"
Astrologie = "publications/ek-overview-astrology"
Weisheit = "publications/ek-overview-wisdom"
Meister = "publications/ek-overview-masters"

[Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar]
_menu_pos = 1
_link = "publications/kpk-overview-all"
Allgemein = "publications/kpk-overview-general"
Heilung = "publications/kpk-overview-healing"
Meditation = "publications/kpk-overview-meditation"
Astrologie = "publications/kpk-overview-astrology"
Weisheit = "publications/kpk-overview-wisdom"
Meister = "publications/kpk-overview-masters"

_menu_pos = 1
_link = "publications/other-overview-all"

[Online Bücher]
_menu_pos = 2
_menu Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya = "publications/ek-overview-online"
_menu Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar = "publications/kpk-overview-online"
_menu Andere = "publications/other-overview-all"
_menu Polnische Bücher = "publications/kpk-overview-polish"
_menu Portugiesisch Bücher = "publications/kpk-overview-portuguese"
_menu Russische Bücher = "publications/kpk-overview-russian"
_menu Telugu-Bücher = "publications/kpk-overview-telugu"

[Bücher bestellen]
_link = "publications/book_shops"

[Neue Bücher]
_link = "publications/new-books"

;[Weitere Schriften und Materialien]
;_link = "publications/publications/others" 
;Meister KPK - Kurzbiographie = "publications/publications/others/cv"
;PRAYERS - Morgen und Abendgebet - CD = "publications/publications/others/prayers"
;Das Vernetzen des Globalen Diamantenen Tempels für soziale Gerechtigkeit - CD = "publications/publications/others/diamant-network"
;Die WTT-Dhanishta-Audiothek = "publications/publications/others/danishta-audio"

_link = "service#dienst_bereiche"
Sozialer Dienst= "service/social"
Meditation und mehr = "service/meditation"
Gesundheit und Heilung = "service/healing"
Heilungsaktivitäten = "service/healing/activities"
Homoeo Dienst Indien= "service/healing/homoeo_services_in_india"
Ewige Weisheit = "service/wisdom_teachings"
Veröffentlichungen= "service/publication_activities"
Familiensystem = "service/family-system"

_link = "groups/india"
_menu_pos = 1 
Nordost-Telugu Staaten = "groups/india-overview-northeast"
Ost-Telugu Staaten = "groups/india-overview-east"
Zentral-Telugu Staaten = "groups/india-overview-central"
Andere indische Staaten = "groups/india-overview-others"

_link = "groups/europe" 
_menu_pos = 1
Belgien = "groups/europe#weisser_lotus"
Deutschland = "groups/europe#wtt_deutschland"
Schweiz = "groups/europe#wtt_global"
Spanien = "groups/europe#wtt_spanien"
Supranationale Gruppen = "groups/europe#supranationale_gruppe"

_link = "groups/america" 
_menu_pos = 2
Argentinien = "groups/america#wtt_argentinien"
Mexiko = "groups/america#wtt_mexiko"
Uruguay ="groups/america#wtt_uruguay"
USA = "groups/america#wtt_usa"
Venezuela = "groups/america#wtt-mithila"

[Sonstige Gruppen]
_link = "community#seiten_von_wtt_gruppen" 
_menu_pos = 2
;Weltweite Events = "groups/wtt-global"
Befreundete Gruppen = "community#befreundete_gruppen"