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Helena P. Blavatsky
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H.P.B. in their very own way: the Anglo-American Alice A. Bailey (1880-1949), who wrote twenty-four volumes about ... erstition of science and religion. Later, through Alice A. Bailey, he transmitted the ancient wisdom to develop gro... coming from Master CVV, through his teachings to Alice A. Bailey. It is no wonder the Aquarian Energy, steered int
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s of Shambala. Inspired by Blavatsky's teachings, Alice A. Bailey and Nicholas Roerich also related to Shambala through their will and self-transformation. While Alice A. Bailey described Shambala as the spiritual truth of Eart
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miliar with the teachings of Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey. The work begun by Blavatsky and continued by Bailey was now brought together by the energy of Master ... l movement that went from H.P. Blavatsky to A. A. Bailey, to Master EK via Master CVV. Master CVV has synt
The Appearance of Hierarchy
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eir will to reappear. A further push came through Alice A. Bailey and through Helena Roerich. It also came directly