Social Service Activities
“Think in what ways the group can do service in society.”
Service Fields
The Purpose of Social Service
The WTT strongly emphasises upon service activities together with spiritual practice. Spiritual practices devoid of social welfare have no place in society. Service gets you out of your own system into the greater system; it is the bridge to link up to the higher awareness.
The social service activities presented here are compiled from the Annual Report of the Western groups of the WTT; they might be taken as proposals to commit oneself to service.
Help to the Sick and Needy
- Members regularly visit sick or handicapped people and help with the integration of isolated persons. Patients are assisted in emergencies and accompanied when going to hospital, and medicines are supplied. Some patients are given personal care items, clothes, blankets, towels, etc.. Aid material is given to hospitals.
- A group supports a caring and training centre for disabled children and their families.
- Members give care to children who receive medical assistance in a hospital.
Help with Food and Clothing
- Members of different groups are committed to giving out food, clothing and household items for the poor, especially supporting families with essential items.
- Some members organise fund-raising activities destined to buy food for dining halls.
- Some help in institutions which offer meals to people without means.
Help with Donations
- Many groups give financial support for charitable purposes such as schools and social institutions or humanitarian activities like barefoot doctors who are teach people basic knowledge of medicine.
- Some support the schools and social help activities of the WTT in India.
- Some collaborate with different organisations, organising fund collections or food donations.
Mithila Classes
Children of the Mithila school group of Olavarría, Argentina, delivering gifts to Caritas.
Some groups provide practical teachings to groups of children and teenagers as Sunday classes based on the spiritual teachings given in the name of Mithila. The children in the Mithila-group of Olavarría for example practice meditation and singing mantrams, accompanied by musical instruments. The kids learn to develop contact with nature and do vegetable gardening. They do puppets workshops, art workshops, games, tales, music and songs.
The teaching intends that the children learn with love and joy and experiment themselves all that is learned; that they understand that they are souls and have a personality that allows them to function in the world.
The children actively participate and collaborate with their parents in preparing items which are delivered as help to the different places.
Help for Children
- A number of members work as volunteers in the surroundings of schools. They help with homework and recreation activities for children and young adolescents.
- Some are committed to help children from migrant families who have problems at school, especially with reading and writing.
- Others organise and distribute clothing, shoes, hygiene items, school supplies, etc. The help is also extended to the families.
- A group regularly delivers food, milk and powdered milk for the dining hall of the children. They are also helping with the expansion of buildings, so that more children can be attended daily to do their homework.
- A group gives assistance and economic help to an orphanage and distributes fruits and bread.
- Some members work with children and youngsters in schools teaching Yoga Asanas.
- One member gives assistance to youngsters who have little chances to find work, through advisory talks, physiotherapy and work with sound, Tibetan bowls.
- One member gives concrete help in management and buildings for a Steiner School and a nursery inspired by Steiner’s pedagogy.
- One member initiated a project “School and Health” under the guidance of pupil, teachers and parents.
- One member gives workshops about nutrition, early stimulation, hygiene and support to scholarship.
- Another member does practical studies with educators, so that they may learn about the New Age Education.
- An educational psychologist, who works with small groups in classes and with teachers, introduces the work related to sound with a project called “Sound in the School”.
Consultation and Therapy
- One member gives psychotherapeutic counselling and support as well as guidance services regarding spiritual and ethical issues for youth and adults as well as general health counselling.
- A group maintains a homeo-database kept at disposition for the needy of the region.
- One member gives support to victim assistance.
- One member gives consultations and support in everyday life situations and for healthy nutrition.
- One member helps with different kinds of natural therapies on a donation basis; the donations received are passed on to charitable purposes.
- One member gives community therapy (called integrative community therapy), a group therapy where people are listened to, supported and contained emotionally.
Various Activities
- Some members help with environmental issues.
- One member organises a theatre group, which deals with human values (role models), encouraging personal strength. “Theatre helps to learn how to play life”.
- One member works on fostering the understanding between people through music; building up two choirs in France and helping them to organise a journey; giving assistance to a centre for music, art and meditation.
Mithila. The New Age School Syllabus
The book “Mithila” offers support for people who wish to save the children from the bad influences of our society. This book contains wisdom systematised, to find alignment that enables self-realisation.
Service is the way, the Path to liberation from limitations. Those who know, settle for life “in service”.
Spirituality in Business & Management
All is business today. The principle of business has grown beyond proportion. It engulfs every conceivable human activity. The book emphasises the need to manage business with restraint and with a social objective. Thus, business can be a source of social support.