Publication Activities
“The energy is with all those who collaborate in the work.”
Service Fields
Book Publishing
Publishing books and other media is an important activity within the WTT groups.
Ever since 1988, the book publishing relating to the teachings started – first the books of Dr. E. Krishnamacharya, then of Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar. Many publications appeared in different languages – mainly English, German, Spanish, but also in French, Telugu, Hindi, Kannada and even in Hebrew.
Annually the WTT also publishes an Astrological Calendar in English, German and Spanish; there is also an Indian version in Telugu.
Dhanishta Publications
Dhanishta means Wealthy Wind. Wealth is not measured in terms of money or business; it is measured in terms of richness of life. Wisdom is disseminated by the Teachers of all times. Dhanishta works for such fulfilment through its publication of wisdom teachings flowing through the pen and the voice of Dr. Sri K. Parvathi Kumar. Such teachings are published in English, German, French, Spanish, Telugu, Hindi and Kannada.
Dhanishta is a non-profit Publishing House.
Dhanishta Editions Books in English, Telugu and Hindi.
Ediciones Dhanishtha Spanish WTT books in a web shop, as PDFs for free
Edition Kulapati German books of WTT. Shipping in Europe.
Monthly Newsletters
The Vaisakh News Letter was introduced in 1987 as a monthly newsletter to regularly communicate seeds of Wisdom to the groups. The News Letter has grown over the years into a regular periodical covering the teachings of the various Masters of Wisdom. It is published in English, French, German and Spanish and made available in electronic version.
There are teams of collaborators in Argentina, Belgium, Germany, India, Spain, Switzerland and the United States.
Additionally, monthly magazines are published in India in Telugu under the title Navani and in Kannada as Jagadguruvani.
Navani was the first magazine, founded by Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya 22 November 1972, and it is now running under the editorialship of Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar. It is printed and distributed from Visakhapatnam.
Jagadguruvani came into existence in 2001. It is printed and distributed from Bangalore.
The Vaisakh Newsletter
Contact / Subscriptions Navani
Phone 0891-2701531
The World Teacher Retreat Centre
D.No. 15-7-1 Angels Enclave, Krishna Nagar
Opp Sri Krishna Temple, ZP Junction
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh - 530 002
Contact/Subscriptions Jagadguruvani
The Correspondent
Sadguru Tapovana
Royal Park Residency
J.P.Nagar, 9th Phase
Bangalore - 560062
Recording and Transmission
All the teachings are recorded ever since 1983, initially in cassettes and later in CD ROMs. They are preserved in MP3 form and made available online for free. There is a substantial coverage through videos as well. Since 2007, there is an online transmission of the teachings through internet.
Master's Call digital archive WTT Live Broadcasts WTT Video Channel
Digital Dissemination
To facilitate the circulation of the teachings, many books and other media are made available online for free. The print versions are also partly distributed for free. In some countries members maintain free libraries of spiritual books created by donations of members of the group.
There are also audio libraries with cassettes and CDs of the lectures and seminars of Dr. E. Krishnamacharya and Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar.
Websites have been created for the presentation of the teachings and the distributing books. Many videos of the discourses of Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar have been uploaded on WTT Video Channel.
There are network and communication activities via Facebook, blogs, Twitter as well as via mailing lists.
Publishing books of Ediciones Dhanishtha, Spain
Volunteers Welcome!
New volunteers who are willing to collaborate on a regular basis and to acquire the necessary qualifications are most welcome! Please contact your national centre or WTT-Global.
Publication Group Work
A lot of continuous work is being done in the fields of publication to keep up with the regular activities:
- transcription of lectures
- writing and procuring of articles for the magazines
- translation and proofreading
- coordination, organisation and quality management
- volunteer training
- design and layout
- marketing and PR
- print and storage, re-issuing of exhausted books
- dispatch and distribution to bookshops, etc.
The publication work finds itself in a deep transformation facing the challenges of the digital word and social networking: Changes in layout programs require acquisition of software and training of collaborators.
There is an upgrading work for digital storage and e-publishing.
Paracelsus - Health and Healing
Ever since 2003, a bi-monthly magazine has been published in memory of Paracelsus, an initiate of 15th/16th century: “Paracelsus – Health and Healing”. The magazine is now published online in English, German and Spanish, with Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar as the chief editor.