Hymns and Suktams
“Meditation is not a doing, but a happening”
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Book: Lessons on Vedic Hymns
Purusha Suktam
Purusha Suktam is considered the first in the order of Vedic hymns. Purusha Suktam speaks of the Cosmic Person, the Pure Existence called THAT or IT, or the Undefinable One, Unthinkable One, Unspeakable One, which is beyond qualities and comprehension. It is the Essence of all forms, standing as the Background of all manifestations including the Word.
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Book: Lessons on Purusha Sooktam
Medham Me
This hymn is an invocation of the One energy and it can be sung at the beginning of each teaching so that the things move according to the plan and not according to our mental disposition.
Sri Suktam
Sri Suktam is considered the second in the order of Vedic hymns. Sri Suktam speaks of the Cosmic Consciousness. When we comprehend, we stand as the background of that which we comprehend. We can be THAT, but we cannot think of THAT. When we are in the state of comprehension, we are called the Consciousness.
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Book: Sri Suktam
Saraswathi Suktam
Saraswathi Suktam is considered the third in the order of Vedic hymns. The Consciousness represents the Father-Mother principle, the fundamental God in Creation, through whom the Word emerges.
The ancients worked with the profound concept of the Word and described its significance in the involutionary and evolutionary paths of Creation in the Veda and the Upanishads. The doctrine and the discipline relating to the Word leads one to experience the Truth, when practiced.
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Book: Saraswathi - The Word