  • Meditation
  • Rituals
  • Sacred Places
  • Masters
  • Group Life


Meditation is the basis for all inner growth. The silent growth of the soul happens in moments of silence.


Worship, prayers, rituals and meditations are only the means to connect to the One consciousness.

Sacred Places

You have to be alert when entering sacred places. Don’t go with a predetermined mind. Do nothing but being in the Presence.


The study of the lives of Masters of Wisdom, their actions and teachings inspire us and thereby alter our thought patterns.

Group Life

The heart is the only gateway for group consciousness and group activity.

How to begin? Some hints

“Not a gathering of heads, but of hearts”

The World Teacher Trust follows the yoga path of Master CVV. This is a new yoga for the new age.
Here are some instructions for this yoga path.

How to join the WTT | Publications of the WTT Meditation for the Aquarian Age Instructions for Meditation / Prayer Service: Eternal Wisdom | Contact

The yoga path of Master CVV

This yoga path was given by Master CVV for a faster ascent. It is also called the Yoga of Synthesis. The essence of all his teachings is to focus on the ONE PRESENCE in all that exists. The main goal of this yoga is to transcend death.

The central theme of the yoga path of Master CVV is the prayer. He does not speak of meditation, even if it is colloquially called so. This prayer is the means by which the Master enters into us. In prayer, he gives the necessary impulses from the heart lotus to inspire us to progress and to transform.

Master CVV gave the sound key “Namaskarams Master CVV” for the prayer, with which we daily invoke the energies of synthesis and connect with them.

As a discipline for this path, he gave the triple formula:

  1. Morning and evening invocation of the given sound (prayer),
  2. Dedicating life to service,
  3. To stop working for self-profit.

This is the attitude of having a tendency to serve at all times and to think about the welfare of others.

more about the prayer of Master CVV

Regular practice

The Master's yoga should not be practiced as per our convenience. Its foundations should not be adapted to our ideas. We should do it without making a change.

We should do the prayer at least twice a day, twelve hours apart, so that the Master Consciousness can realign us. The chosen time should not be changed to our convenience. It is important not to leave out any of the prayers, and not to do them only lightly.

If we call upon the Master regularly every day as described, he will begin to work with us and teach us from within. We get a feeling: I should read this book, I should meet that person, I should go there.

All adjustments to our lives are made during the morning and evening prayers. Neglect of prayer leads to neglect of self-development.

We should practice this yoga with devotion for at least 12 years.

A complete yoga

This yoga is complete in itself. It does not need to be supplemented by other traditional or religious exercises. But if we also want to do other exercises, we can do that. Then the energy of this yoga will help us to do the other exercises better.

When we practice this yoga, we should not mix it with other exercises. We can practice other exercises separately.

First priority

When we enter into this yoga practice, we should understand that it is of great importance. It should be the first priority in our lives, not the second or third. This attitude will enable us to complete the yoga quickly.

At the same time, we should lead a normal, natural life without neglecting anything. So, we should not place too much emphasis on yoga. Yoga means that we remain neutral. Neutrality leads us to synthesis.

Body, health and sleep

This yoga does not mean taking body positions; it works more with the mind than with the body. The mental posture is important, the physical posture is not important.

However, the physical is the foundation on which the etheric and causal bodies can develop. We should therefore not neglect the physical body, but maintain it in good health and stability. Without a certain amount of health, there can be no yoga practice. We have the responsibility to ensure minimal health.

We should be moderate in our food, work, speech, rest, movement and sleep. Our daily rhythm should allow us to maintain functional health at all times. Neither our body, our activity nor our sleep should stand in the way of our practice.

While we sleep, our psyche is repaired. Therefore, sleep is very important for the students of this yoga. We should know that when we go to sleep, we go to prayer, we go to the presence of the Master who makes the corrections in our psyche. He says, “While you sleep, I release your etheric body from the physical body and impart knowledge to you.”

Some words of warning

This yoga path is not suitable for emotional ones who tend to be fickle-minded. Such emotions should be cleared through dedication to a noble service.

We should not get into this yoga without a minimum of economic stability. We should not be financially dependent on others. Economically, we should provide an activity that satisfies our basic needs. If this is not the case, then we should work for it first. Otherwise, our stability is at question and our will wavers.

This yoga will help us to get energy to maintain physical, economic, domestic and social stability, because all are important for yoga. Even pleasant things are not forbidden on the yoga path of Master CVV. We should also not think that one cannot marry and have a family, business or office - how else do we want to live?

We should not entertain any activity of business or employment that has any anti-social elements, and we should not support or encourage such activities. An activity directed against society creates fear in us because we have to hide here and there. Where there is fear, the yoga-practice gets blocked.

We should spend time, energy and money purposefully. At the same time, we should not be tough and rigid in our attitude, but flexible and accommodative.

We should not be curious about other people's affairs or have opinions about others. When others talk about their lives, we should listen attentively and not be indifferent. We should not assume that we should be informed about everything within our group or our family. Nature informs us about everything we need to know.

A path of knowledge

When we have decided to follow this yoga path, we should not just follow it blindly, but understand what we are doing. Knowledge is important before we practice.

The path of Master CVV is a path of direct knowledge, not just a path of faith. The faith we have in the Master is the basis for the Master to guide us.

Master CVV

Read the teachings of the Masters

We should read some of the teachings of the Masters every day, at least for 10 minutes and at most for 30 minutes; otherwise our attention will be reduced. We should take notes. This will gradually unfold our mind and give us easy access to the buddhic plane.

A tip: The Masters of Wisdom embody the teaching through their lives. Their biographies are inspiring and impart much knowledge.
Master CVV: The Aquarian Master; Master MN - The Fiery Flame; Master EK; Master KPK.

The monthly Vaisakh Newsletter also conveys many teachings of the Masters in simple form. You can subscribe here.

Helping and working together

We should have an attitude of helping others. We should not dodge the help we can give, but only help as much as we can. It is important to learn discernment and a detached attitude to life.

We should learn to see unity in diversity and work together as much as possible. In our effort to cooperate, however, we should not accept work that we do not know how to do. We should learn before we act.

Clarifying doubts

If we have any doubts about this yoga, we should go to senior members and clarify this doubt. We should not continue with this doubt in our mind.

If you have any questions or would like to join a group, please contact us.

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