Master KPK
“Not a gathering of heads, but of hearts” Dr K. Parvathi Kumar The WTT | Spiritual Background Key Highlights | Video: “Man behind Master” Presentation on Rao & Kumar website
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar, born 7th November 1945 at Vijayawada (India), had studied law and economy at the Andhra University of Visakhapatnam and Madras. He was a Chartered Accountant of repute with offices at Visakhapatnam, Hyderabad and Madras. He had dedicated his life to socio-spiritual activities and worked actively in the economic, social and cultural fields, with spirituality as the basis. He said that the spiritual practices are of value only if they contribute to the economic, cultural and social welfare of humanity.
For his outstanding achievements he had been honoured by the Andhra University with the title Doctor of Letters H.C. in 1997. In 2013, he was appointed as an honorary professor of Andhra University. 1)
Master K.P.K.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar had a deep knowledge of the symbolism of the World Scriptures and was an excellent knower of astrology and homoeopathy. In his lectures and seminars he showed the relations and correspondences between the Vedic scriptures, the theosophical books of H.P. Blavatsky, A. A. Bailey and the Christian doctrine. This work he was doing as an honorary activity was devoted to the spiritual synthesis of East and West. For more than 18 years he worked together with Dr Ekkirala Krishnamacharya. He accompanied him on his journeys to Europe and was then the International President of The World Teacher Trust.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar was a source of inspiration for self-transformation and for social service to more than 100 groups in 27 countries spread over India, Europe, North, Central and South America. He had held more than 500 seminars in these three continents on subjects as meditation, yoga, astrology, healing, colour, sound, symbolism, time cycles, comparative study of World Scriptures, etc. He initiated people into the Path of Yoga and imparts techniques of meditation. He taught healing science and new era healing systems to bring man closer to natural and normal way of living. He promoted and re-establishes family systems in the East and the West. He encouraged the local traditions and customs upholding their universal values. He promoted group activities to experience group consciousness. His teachings are oriented for practice and are not mere means of information.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar was a responsible householder, a professional consultant, a teacher of wisdom, a healer, and was a composer of books. He denied himself to the title of being an author, since according to him, “Wisdom belongs to none and all belong to Wisdom.“
He left his physical sheath on 1 November 2022, in the midway between a solar and a lunar eclipse. It was 50 years of a grand work of teaching, healing, writing, consulting, and moulding the lives of people in tune with the Plan.
You find more details about the life of Dr Kumar in the book: Master K.P.K. - An Expression of Synthesis.
Key Highlights
Some key highlights from Dr K. Parvathi Kumar’s life:
- Taught by demonstration of a yogic way of life
- Imparted healthy habits, social values, and meditation techniques
- Admired and adored by hundreds of groups in India and abroad as their teacher, healer, guide, friend, and philosopher
- His teachings cover not only Indian philosophy but also Greek, Hebrew, Christian, Mayan, and Celtic philosophies
- Extensive travel and teaching became a major part of his life for more than 35 years
- Conducted more than 500 seminars in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Orissa, and Tamil Nadu states in India
- Travelled internationally more than 60 times to more than 30 countries since 1981 and conducted more than 500 seminars in various countries including Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Denmark, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Mexico, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, USA, and Venezuela, which are recorded in more than 4500 CDs
- Circumnavigated around the Globe three times along with his lady in his travels
- Author of more than 200 titles on wide ranging topics including among others meditation, yoga, philosophy, ancient wisdom, symbolism, colour, sound, Mantrams, astrology, education, health, and healing
- His books are published in English, French, German, Hindi, Kannada, Russian, Spanish, and Telugu languages. They are well received in Europe, North, Central and South America besides India.
Spiritual and Service Activities
- International Chairman, The World Teacher Trust – a socio-spiritual organization that imparts a spiritual basis for social, economic, and domestic living with activities in 27 countries
- Former Chairman, The World Teacher Magazine Trust – an organization that publishes two international and three national monthly magazines that impart various facets of ancient wisdom, yoga, health, and healing
- Founder and International Chairman, The Circle of Good Will – a service organization that serves the poor in terms of food, clothing, health, education, and upliftment of every kind
- Chairman, Sankar Foundation for 25 years – a prestigious eye hospital in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. Then, remained its mentor
- Headed enormous service activity involving more than 100 free homeopathic dispensaries in India and abroad
- Founder, Master Holistic Health Foundation and Bharadwaja Ayurvedic Kendra in Bengaluru, India
- Headed and organized Ayurvedic centers for the upliftment of health
- Chairman, Bala Bhanu Vidyalayams, India – schools that impart value education
- Founder and former Vice Chairman, Dr N. S. Kolla School of Business, India
- Headed and organizes schools in India for poor children in slum areas; Heads and organizes school in India for middle class and upper middle class children of the society
- Helps meritorious poor students by providing financial support in pursuing undergraduate and graduate level professional courses
- Headed and organized “Hamsa Vanam” – a monumental environmental development project at Ramadri, Visakhapatnam, India
- Worked for animal protection with emphasis on cows
- Designed and executed “Harmony” – a Planetary Healing Centre in Visakhapatnam, India – a unique work of its kind
- Founder Trustee and Chairman, Bhavatarani Temple, Visakhapatnam, India
- Chairman, Sangeetha Janakulam, India – an organization that imparts free classical music to hundreds of youth and adults; promotes young artists of talent
- Chairman of Abhinaya Arts Academy, India – an organization that built and maintains “Annamacharya Mandapam” in Visakhapatnam and conducts musical programs related to Annamaya
- Deeply appreciating the vast, varied and yet profound service in professional, social, and spiritual fields, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India honoured him with the “Doctor of Letters” in 1997 – a unique honour to a commerce student and a Chartered Accountant
- Honoured twice by The Grand Lodge of South America, Argentina for the profound wisdom he imparted
- Madras Telugu Academy, India honoured him in 1999
- United Nations Peace Foundation in Pune, India honoured him in 2008
- Had been appointed as Honorary Professor in Department of Commerce & Management Studies, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India in 2013
- Graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India in 1965 with 1st rank and gold medal
- Graduated with a Master’s degree in Commerce from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India in 1966 with 1st rank, gold medal, and record setting marks – a record which remains unbroken till date
- National merit scholarship holder for 3 years
- Qualified as Chartered Accountant in 1970, clearing the intermediate and final examinations in the shortest possible time
- A sportsman of significance that received awards in cricket, tennis, and table-tennis
- A singer with melodious voice, which he later used for Vedic chanting and devotional singing
- Started the Charted Accounting practice in 1970 with the firm Rao & Kumar
- Held more than 45 years of rich professional experience
- Headed the firm Rao & Kumar which now consists of 12 partners, more than 10 employees, and 42 trainees
- Was Founder Secretary of Visakhapatnam chapter of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and also was the third Chairman of this chapter. His firm has contributed to the chapter’s auditorium in Visakhapatnam, which was named after the firm and the stage was named after him
- A teacher by nature who inspired students to successfully complete Charted Accountancy course – under his able guidance, the firm has brought out more than 170 Chartered Accountants in the past 45 years
- Chaired many professional seminars in South India
- He was a householder that fulfilled the responsibilities of family concurrently with social, cultural, and spiritual activities ever since his 21st year. He had children and grandchildren in the family and also soul-born children and grandchildren in the professional, social, and spiritual fields. He believed in perpetuation of values through the soul-born ones and the family.