Book Presentation

Mithila. The New Age School Syllabus

by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview General

Mithila. The New Age School Syllabus

Short Description:

The 21st century man has lost his direction, he is unfit to direct the incoming souls, viz. the children. The book “Mithila” offers support for people who wish to save the children from the bad influences of our society.
“Mithila” is the name of the ancientmost school of Wisdom. This book contains wisdom systematised, to find alignment that enables self-realisation. It is meant for all children who seek the Kingdom of God upon Earth. It offers a comprehensive New Age School syllabus intended for teachers and parents to train the young ones. The content of the book can be taught to children as a subject in their school or it can manifest as a Sunday School.


Man the Dragon; Man the Septenate; Seven Rays; Yoga Asanas; The Work; Rhythm & Ritual - Routine; Food; Colour; Money & Sex; Silence; Sound and Speech; Thought; Meditation.

Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 1992
ISBN: 81-900-332-0-4

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See also:
Mithila Classes
Mithila Vidyalayams
Fundamentals of a Spiritual Education


Chapter 2: Man -The Septenate (extract)

Many men know the physical existence. They also know their emotional existence, when they are excited, irritated, frightened or sorrowful or joyful. When they are in that state, we say they are emotional. All of us have emotions. When we are emotional - it means we are working with the body of emotions.

We also know our mental existence. Whenever we are in the process of thinking it means we are in the body of thought or the body of mind.

All average human beings know these three states of experience or existence. We know ourselves as thinkers? desirers? and actors? meaning, we work with our mental body, desire (emotional body) and the physical body. The great thinkers are also thinkers only. The intellectuals are also thinkers only. All are thinkers from intellectual to average man. The difference is in their thinking.

But there are also a few of us (the mankind) who also function with the body of Wisdom. They are more than intellectual. They are intuitional. Intuitional means they work with a higher understanding. They work with Wisdom. They follow the Wisdom of the Nature. For example, our scientists who contributed to the welfare of our society are intuitional. So also there are others like Plato, Socrates and Pythagoras, who were intuitional. Through their intuition, they contributed to the welfare of the mankind. Every nation has such intuitional men and women who contribute through their thought to the well - being of the society. Their contribution guides the society for longer cycles of time unlike the contribution of the intellectuals. The leading thinkers of the society influence the society for shorter cycles. Their thought dies soon for it lacks co-ordination with Nature. Some thoughts live short. Some live long and some others live eternally. The third category belong to those who function from the body of Buddhi or Wisdom. For example, the Wisdom of Plato, Pythagoras and Socrates, survived the cycles of time in the West. So also that of Valmiki, Veda Vyasa in the East, and Hermes in Middle East.

Man should learn to function with the Wisdom (Buddhi) body - his fourth body. He is now frequently using only the three bodies lower to Buddhic body i.e., the physical body, the desire body and the thinking body. Man cannot sufficiently derive happiness with these three bodies although they are also very important bodies. Using Buddhic body makes him happier.

Man is much more happier if he also learns to make use of his Love body. It is used by very very few in the mankind. Lord Krishna used it. Lord Buddha used it. Lord Christ used it. All great Masters of Wisdom use it. When man uses this body of his, he experiences great bliss and also distributes such bliss and happiness to all others around him. The life stories of Krishna, Buddha and Christ show how much they were happy and how much they kept others happy. Even today millions of human beings on this Planet Earth are inspired by their works and teachings. When we learn to make use of the Love body, we also can work like them! Is it not fantastic? Is it not worth attempting in our lives?

So, let us learn to understand how many good principles we have. Having understood our potential, we should practise the techniques that help functioning of the potential of the principles. It requires, therefore, learning, understanding and practising. We need not wait to practise till we understand everything. We can straightway practise that which we have already learnt and understood. A man who does not practise what he learnt is LAZY. To such a person, experience of happiness is distant. So let us practise and learn. And also learn and practise.

So our scope of learning and practising extends to understanding of ourselves, our bodies and practising techniques that help proper functioning through all our bodies.