  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.


The Two Streams


The wisdom teachings explain how two streams emerge from the finest matter on the supra-cosmic plane. They are also called the Aswins, the twin aspects of the One. Having come forth from the primary source of Light, the Mother of the World, they flow in two opposite directions.

The left energy prepares the planes of existence and the bodies, from the subtlest to the densest planes. It creates the containers for the content. The right energy works with the soul dwelling in the forms and thus brings the content. On the supra-cosmic plane this energy is called Mitra and the form-giving energy is called Varuna. On the cosmic plane these are the two great seers Vasishta and Agastya. Vasishta has his abode in one of the 7 stars of the Great Bear; Agastya operates through Sirius, the brightest star in the firmament. The Great Bear is said to be the Father of our solar system, the Pleiades are the Mother, and Sirius is the Teacher. Sirius is also called the Dog Star; he is the watchdog which guards and protects the beings of our planet and our solar system. With the Greeks the dog was called Cerberus, the guard of the Gates of Hell, and in the eastern Scriptures it is called Sarama.

The energy of Mitra-Vasishta comes into our system via Neptune and to the earth through the North Pole. It expresses through the ashram of the Hierarchy which works for the unfoldment of consciousness and which is directed by Lord Maitreya. He is called Maitreya because he epitomizes Mitra on earth. The energy of Varuna-Agastya comes through Uranus and through the South Pole; it is linked to the South and to the ashram of Agastya who is also called Master Jupiter. Agastya therefore rules over the South.

Even though he represents a cosmic principle, he lives in a body of flesh and blood. While the other masters live in the Himalayas and in other ashrams all over the planet, his centre is in the Nilagiris, the Blue Mountains of South India. This, however, is only one of his ashrams. Another ashram is in South Africa, and a big ashram is in South America, which geographically is further south compared to the Nilagiris. Agastya works in cooperation with the Manu for the development of the material forms, especially of the human bodies, to make them good containers for the incarnating souls.

The energies of the North Pole come into us via the Sahasrara and function via the higher centres down to the diaphragm; the energies of the South Pole work through the Muladhara and go from below up to the diaphragm. This is a broad understanding, for the principles of the corresponding energies manifest on all planes.

The Work of Agastya

Agastya is the greatest of the Seers. Whereas the 7 Seers are depicted as men of tall stature, with long hair and beards, his appearance is the contrary. The Scriptures describe him as short and sturdy, beardless and with a round, clean-shaven head radiating golden light. All limbs of his body are radiating.

Lord Krishna once sent three disciples, who were fasting irresponsibly, to Agastya in the Blue Mountains to learn right fasting. Agastya said, “Observe me for three days. Then you will know it.” They observed him. He did not miss any meals. He ate mountains of food but he had a flat belly. After three days they told him, “We cannot understand you kind of fasting.” He replied, “I have been fasting eternally. I do not need food because I do not eat for myself. It is fasting if you feel that you don’t eat.” We think that we are eating. Agastya does not think that it is he who eats. He lives in accordance with the universal consciousness, and thus the food is distributed to all the elements around him, with himself as a channel. There are stories about disciples of him, who were so much engaged in a work for the Plan and did not have time to eat, did not become hungry, because the Master ate for them. Master CVV also provided rich meals, for the body should not be neglected. We should live a yoga which fulfils spirit and matter.

Normally, Agastya does not interfere with the evolutionary activity on the planet; it is guided by the ashram in the Himalayas. In times of crises, when the Hierarchy and the Devas alone cannot cope with the challenge, he cooperates and gives a push. Sri Kumar therefore humorously also calls him James Bond who takes to action in special missions.

In the Puranas, there are stories about his interventions. The first one was during the formation of the planet, when the matter was forming around the North Pole in the form of a whirlpool but the South did not solidify. The Devas and the Sons of Yoga asked Agastya for help. He then consolidated the circumference, which now is the equator, and created the South Pole. It says that he came from the northern regions to the South to subdue the Vindhyas on the way, a proud mountain chain. It asked when it can acquire again its original form. He replied, “When I come back to the North.” But he never came back. He never goes to the north. It says that Shiva and even Krishna visited Agastya in the South to pay him honour. He is also called the non-moving Master. He is deep, silent and effective and works in the shadow. He is an expression of THE MASTER who is omnipresent and eternal, the Be-ness of the universe.

In the early times of the earth there was a crisis where dark forces that were hiding in the waters of the oceans, came out during the night hours to disturb the law and order. The king, an emperor from the solar dynasty, was helpless. His advisors told him that only Agastya could handle the crisis. He approached Agastya through deep meditation, and Agastya appeared before him. The king explained the problem. Agastya smiled and said, “I shall inhale the waters of the ocean. Then you can see the dark forces and kill them. As soon as you have killed them, I shall once again release the waters into the depths of the oceans.” The king was pleased. The Master did what he had said. The king killed the dark forces and the Master released the waters back.

In this symbolism, we, the individual soul, are the solar king. The dark forces in water are the forces of emotion. Agastya is the teacher who teaches the work with respiration. Through deep inhalation, the solar principle reaches deep inside and expels the carbon through exhalation. Air is the medium. Aquarius is the airy sign ruled by Agastya; Uranus therefore is the regent of the sign.

It is interesting that Agastya is connected to the sky waters and that he mostly establishes his ashrams near waterfalls. His primary ashram is besides the Kuttalam waterfalls in the Courtallam Mountains of South India.

Master CVV

Master CVV is the Master of the Aquarian energy. He is an advanced member of the ashram of Agastya, he is even a manifestation of Master Jupiter. The advent of Master CVV is a part of the work of this ashram. When the Plan was received from higher circles to bring additional energy to our solar system and also to our planet to speed up evolution, on the prediction of Madam Blavatsky, some members of the Theosophical Society prepared a high soul, Jiddu Krishnamurti, for the descent of the energies. But the divine decided, like in earlier times, to choose the ashram of Agastya. Master CVV was entrusted the task of receiving the energy coming from Sirius via Uranus and Halley’s Comet and to anchor it in the sphere of the earth. It was also distributed to other planets of our system.

Working with Sound

Our work in context with the ashram of Agastya is mainly to make our bodies subtler. The main instrument for invoking the higher energies is sound. Agastya particularly works with sound and Master CVV therefore arranged the sound key “CVV” in the ether for humanity.

Two mantrams came from the ashram of Agastya, which became very well known. One is the Jupiter mantram GAM GANAPATAYE NAMAH which is recommended for the meditation in the base centre. And the other is the 6-syllabed mantram SARAVANABHAVA, with the symbol of the 6-armed cross, which was given for the purification of the lower centres. It is one of the most powerful mantrams.

For protection, the daily visualisation of the double pyramid around us covering us completely was also given: When the six angles of the double pyramid are connected, the six armed cross is formed with the four directions and with the energies of Vasishta above and the energies of Agastya below. In the fire ritual the two are also called INDRA VISHNU and AGNA VISHNU. Their energies meet in the centre, in the heart centre. This structure radiates around us like a diamond.

Sources: K.P. Kumar: Sri Suktam. Mantrams / notes from seminars. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India