Part 1
The Energy of Synthesis
The earth rotates like a spinning top, whose axis slowly sways. That’s why the seeming orbit of the zodiac moves: the spring point of the equinox shifts and goes retrograde into a new sign every 2160 years. This symbolic journey of the equinox confers on the ages the characteristics of the respective sign. In recent times we have entered Aquarius, therefore the world events are particularly coloured by the qualities of this sign. The annual passage of the Sun through Aquarius (20 Jan. - 19 Feb.) further strengthens its effect.
The Aquarian energy reshapes the world and accelerates the evolution in an unimaginable degree - in the individual, in the society as well as on the planet as a whole. Limitations in the inner and in the outer get dissolved, so that everything integrates into one life. Thus the Energy of Synthesis works and teaches us to accept humanity as one kingdom and life on the planet as one unity. It helps us to overcome the separative consciousness and to develop a permeating awareness, which sees in the other people brothers and sisters. Group consciousness is an Aquarian notion, it means that man unites with the one consciousness, which works through the entire group and liberates him from the cocoon of his individual life. When we serve the fellow beings in a selfless manner, we permeate into the ether and become channels for the new Energies of Synthesis.
Bend or Break
Humanity has split up through systems and concepts, in the name of law and truth groups and people fight against each other. Therefore synthesis is the need of the hour. Those who tune up to the Synthesis of Life, stop clinging to concepts and realise the One within and without all forms, all names, all places and all times. Those who are not ready or who resist, are put through the painful process of breaking, for „bend or break” is the keynote of the Aquarian energy.
Uranus, the ruler of the sign, reigns over electricity and the flash of intuition. It causes sudden changes and an expansion in the conceptions of the people. Since Uranus now is in Aquarius (1996-2003), we receive a fresh dose of this energy. Those who tune up to the energy and invoke it regularly, become symbolically „radio-active”. Uranium is the metal of Aquarius. When the permeating light radiates into the heart lotus, it develops quickly, and the spiritual evolution is accelerated. „Only benevolent, all-embracing synthesis can give impetus to the new progress of consciousness.” (Supermundane I, § 96)
Clearing the Way
For the ordinary man the behaviour of the Aquarian type is incomprehensible, obscure, even crazy. He tends to break conventions and to look for new solutions for social, economic, political or religious problems. But existing set-ups should not be broken, before allowing time to them to bend, for otherwise chaos and confusion arise. But everything that has indurated and restricts - regional, national, religious, racial and even personal convictions - is shaken by the Aquarian energy. In the 20th century we have seen how on a large scale previous restrictions got destroyed and room was made for something new - through the two world wars, through scientific developments and progresses, through the global networking by airplane, television, internet, and world economy. Those who selfishly cling to possessions, money or power, bar the way of the flow. But Aquarius ensures the circulation of life energy, gently or rudely he clears the way.
Gap and Bridge
In the body the calves are assigned to him, on the upward path however he is located in the centre of the upper part of the forehead. When in meditation the consciousness expands into the presence of the „I AM”-awareness, it experiences a state beyond sound, colour, form, idea and thought. This cannot be comprehended, because there is no mind there. Like an electric signal the pure experience takes place. It is like the increase of voltage of electric current in a lit bulb and it makes radiate a luminous tissue, a light bridge between the pineal and pituitary glands, whereby the demarcation line between the subjective and objective world disappears. In the mark of Aquarius two lines move parallel to each other like two flashes of lightning (♒). They reveal the energy existing in the interstice and also forming the background of the lines: It permeates all, but at the same time it is not perceptible.
The colouring of Aquarius is said to be the gap between two colours, a shade between dark blue and violet, which seems to be colourless for the untrained person. The symbol of the sign is a man carrying a water jar. The vessel is open on either side. On one side the pure waters of life pour down, we however don’t see what happens on the other side of the opening. We can see the waters as soon as they manifest, but we don’t recognise the source.
Aquarius is the bridge between matter and spirit. Between one plane of existence and another there is a gap, which we cannot recognise as long as we have not reached the Aquarian consciousness. It cannot be explained, but can only be experienced. If we conceptualise it, it is already concrete and dead.
Aquarius is the third airy sign of the zodiac after Gemini and Libra. It represents the principle of spiritual air. Air is matter, but a subtle matter, into which man begins to ascend. This means that he refines his etheric body and enters into the secrets of space and its invisible intelligences. Thus the time comes again for a full development of the finer sciences and in humanity the mysteries of the ancients emerge anew.
Part 2
The Pulsating Space
We perceive the air surrounding us when it is in motion, otherwise it is like not existing for us. Also the space in our room seems to be like non-existent, because we don't see it. We think that the sun and the planets move in space through a vacuum: We cannot perceive the force coordinating the planets among each other and with the sun. Explaining the wisdom teachings H.P. Blavatsky says that there is no vacuum in space, at most there is a vacuum in our mind: Space pulsates and is full of potency. The pulsations move in rhythmic structures as waves through space. They can become a universe, as subtle existence they form the background of each form in the phenomenal world and act as the connecting force.
Aquarius is the space-consciousness; the present Aquarian age leads man to a direct contact with space and its invisible intelligences. In the East they are called the Gandharvas, meaning in Sanskrit “the waves in space”. It says that Vena, the musician - a Gandharva or supra-cosmic angel - encircles the whole cosmos, singing out merrily the “song of light”. Due to his influence the principles of sound and light are expressed on the different planes.
Visually Aquarius is represented as a man carrying a water pot open on either side, out of which pours out the Plenty of Prana, the Water of Life. This symbol throws hints at the endless formations from seeming nothingness to apparent something: On the one side of the pot no water flows in, but on this side the visible world comes out just like out of nothing. In between some magic happens, by which the creation is born. Aquarius rules over this tunnel from nothingness to something, which is also the point of passage from death to birth. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, keeps the key for understanding these secrets. Through his vibrations the minds of the scientists get stimulated to do research into the limits of space as well as into the gap between space and atom and thus discover the secret of the birth of matter.
The pulsating principle exists in us as an incessant streaming. Like a giant waterfall out of the pot of Aquarius the “humming sound of the stream” flows through us as the “voice of silence” eternally with us. We experience the truth of our existence, when we learn to free ourselves from the myriads of thoughts and images in us, which mostly are impressions of our memory. “Nil, none, no thought level”, Master CVV calls it. When we are in this state, we are in the channel of the Aquarian energy or the energy of synthesis. He calls it “higher bridge beginning”. It leads over the gap between the form and the formless, which we cannot perceive with our ordinary consciousness. The Aquarian meditation takes us out of the barriers of our ideas and conceptions to pure experience. This is experienced as an increase of electric tension. Electricity works through the different instruments, you cannot see it, but experience it. “Electric hint” He calls the increase of energy tension between the pineal gland and the pituitary in the head. Between them an arc is created like a spark of electric tension bridging the gap between two rods. The two lines of the symbol of Aquarius (♒) represent this energy. We can visualise the bridge in the etheric in front of our forehead, as the way from the brow centre to the higher third eye and finally up to the highest point of the head.
Sound and the Etheric Body
Aquarius is the third airy sign of the zodiac, it helps us to ascend from matter to the subtle matter. Humanity increasingly approaches the etheric plane, and the laws of light, sound, space and ether reveal themselves more and more: Aviation and space travel, computer and telecommunication spirit away distances, money becomes immaterial, the materials of our clothes get lighter. Also the food is lighter than that of our ancestors. It must become still much lighter to transform our brain cells in order to be able to experience the subtle aspects of existence. The tissues of the brain depend on the kind of food we eat as well as on our emotions and thoughts: More water, more salads, more juices and a small part of cereals should be the greater part of the food. The heavy emotions become lighter, if we look at them with humour. Smiling and humour as basic attitude raise us out of the dense physical. Thoughts of good will help the inner light to permeate the brain.
Aquarius has to do with sound, space and ether. The sound which emanates through ether is the best means for rebuilding the etheric body. Sound mellows the personality and links it up to the inner man. Mantric sounds help to travel from outside to inside and abide in the centre. They are sound formulas through which our consciousness is integrated to the universal consciousness or the synthesis. Jupiter, the ruler of the sound principle, is the regent of Aquarius on the soul plane. In order that we can easily attune to the Aquarian energies Master CVV, an incarnation of Master Jupiter, in the East called Agastya, gave out the syllables “CVV” as a sound-key at the beginning of the last century. He says: “He who intends to break his own limitations and wants to become immortal, can work with this mantram.” The thought is that you realise in yourself that death is a myth, when you have the experience of continuity of consciousness. Then we know that we don't die, even if we leave the body, and lose the fear of death. Going out of the body, which happens unconsciously every night, will become a normal conscious experience in the Aquarian age.
He proposes to regularly intonate the mantram twice a day, morning and evening, and then observe for a quarter of an hour what is happening in the inner. This pausing can also be done from time to time, at every interval between two actions. There is no further mental contemplation on the sound and neither on his nor on another form. It is a contemplation on the state, in which there is no sound, no colour, no form, no idea and no thoughts. The forms we know disappear, and in this openness wisdom can go through like a flash. Let it simply happen. In a split second the Uranian energy transmits intuitive impression, which reveals to us the Plan. Only later this is understood by the higher mind, then by the lower and still much later by the people. Today on global levels many events happen the meaning of which can be only understood if you look back after a while.
Wealthy Wind
At certain times the doors to the Aquarian energies are wide open. We should be vigilant and use the occasions. Sun and moon are often a mirror for Uranus: Each month when the moon goes through the constellation Dhanishta (meaning “wealthy wind”) in the second half of Aquarius, the time is particularly favourable, also each year, while the sun travels through this constellation from the 7th to the 20th of February approximately. Until 2003 Uranus himself is in the constellation and offers still greater possibilities to unfold consciousness. Also at the Aquarius full moon we can more easily experience the downpour of the energies. May the contact with the more subtle planes of existence contribute to a faster transformation and be of benefit to mankind.
Part 3
Breaking Solidified Forms
When we look at the present state of our planet, we see that we, the humanity, have severely disturbed the ecological system and jeopardized the bases of life in an alarming manner. The earth is poisoned by chemicals, plants and animals are manipulated to yield greater profits. Recently we also manipulate the genes or even try to clone human life. There is a great fascination in breaking every natural law to see how it is. Traditions and authorities of old are challenged, sexual taboos done away. Marriages and family relations break, professional courses take a sudden end. In the meantime the churches in the West grow empty, on the other hand the thirst for new things and the unknown grows. In the electronic world unimagined dimensions of networking open up and allow a deep look into most different worlds of human thinking and feeling. New markets come up, collapsing a little later and dissolving enormous sums of money into nothing. Many people experience the rapid developments of the last years and decades as a menace. It is as if a big flood makes dams break, inundates the land and washes away all that comes in the way – an experience some go through also physically. There is no place on earth remaining untouched by these shockwaves. They seize all forms of life and break that which appears to be outer security and certainty.
All this happens under the inrush of the energies of Aquarius; from out of the jar of Aquarius the waters of new life flow symbolically. They break solidified forms and help us to overcome circumscriptions and restraints. From our side we tend to solidify and to create circumstances of life which condition and tie us. We lock ourselves up into family, regional, national or religious concepts and confine ourselves by our own ideas. Even in the name of spirituality we build mental prisons, we speak about profound concepts, which remain empty without experience. Aquarius teaches wisdom through experience: The wisdom we learn through our own experience is deeper than all book knowledge. Hence the masters of wisdom today give us the knowledge of the Laws of Life and of the consequences if we don’t follow them. However they let us free to do what we want and to make our own experiences. They only help us if we want and don’t restrict our free will. The life circumstances themselves impart us the necessary lessons.
In today’s planetary situation many expect the intervention of a superhuman power in order to set things right, but the superhuman always works through men. If however we think that we can solve the situation ourselves, we overestimate our capacities: Our mind is limiting us, our intellect doesn’t get us any further. Therefore the Aquarian energy has paid a visit to the planet, this also being called the descent of the Avatar of Synthesis. His energies work in all kingdoms of nature in order to “lift up the earth to the Kings of Beauty”. They work from the inside; therefore we have to look inside and learn to adjust to them, if we don’t want to go through painful experiences.
Uranus, Ruler of Aquarius
Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, helps us with these adjustments. He causes sudden upheavals and crises. He destroys all that obstructs the soul and reconstructs from inside. Uranus encourages spontaneity, originality and inventiveness. His work is electric and fast like a streak of lightning, a pervasive energy of high speed, which accelerates the pace of life. When sun or moon pass through the sign of Aquarius, particularly in the second half, they convey expansions of awareness. We can use these energies, if we tune into them meditatively, particularly at the full moon and new moon of Aquarius. From 1995 to 2003 Uranus is in Aquarius, during this time he has bestowed on us tremendous changes in the outer and in the inner.
The Aquarian Master
When 1912 – 1920 Uranus was the last time in Aquarius, the great upheavals started. Also at that time many people expected the arrival of a new energy, but it didn’t happen as they thought it would do: The planet received the energies of synthesis through the transmission of the great master called Agastya or Master Jupiter in theosophical circles. He manifested through Master CVV (1868 - 1922), who lived in South India in the city of Kumbhakonam and also was mayor there. He didn’t choose the place by chance: Kumbha means Aquarius and konam angle – Aquarian angle. Through his life he taught the Aquarian ideal of a simultaneous conscious existence on all levels – to live in the state of Samadhi and to pursue the domestic, professional and social duties simultaneously. To work in a small city and to train 1000 mediums at the same time to anchor the pervasive Aquarian energy in the ether and thus to uplift the earth. All Uranian he told his surrounding that they cannot understand his work, several centuries would be needed to assimilate what has come.
In order that we can react on the higher vibrations a bridge has to be built between the individual, planetary, solar and universal mind. He said: “We will let down some kind of a fishhook and draw you up with it. You call and I will answer.”
Construction of the Higher Bridge
Therefore the bridge is constructed from above downwards, in us between the head and the ajna centre. In the body the axis of this bridge is the higher counterpart of the sign of Aquarius, over which the flashes of intuition come into our mind. It is a state of experience, in which there is not yet any consciousness, any observer who could observe the event, because knowledge and knower are one. This state is a passage from the unknown to the known and is compared with the transition of awakening: In sleep we are merged with the existence. When we awaken we know that we come out of sleep, but we don’t know how we awaken. The transition is the Aquarian state, it is called the positive number 0, which isn’t emptiness, but fullness: “It is true and it is not true, therefore it is not untrue” the seers describe the state of fullness lying beyond the mental capacity. Symbolically it is represented by the circle with the central point. Part of this symbol was revealed to Madame Blavatsky by the Masters. The symbol has a blue colour and is of a constructive nature. You can imagine the centre of the circle in the heart centre and the circle in the surrounding. The ancient Vedic mantram “Purna Madah, Purna Midam …” describes its essence: “THAT is perfection. ‘This’ is perfection. ‘This’ springs from the perfection of THAT. When IT takes itself out of itself, perfection remains.”
Part 4
The Original Manuscript
Man is comparable to a manuscript written in his own hand, of which there is only one existing copy. Mme Blavatsky says that she has found the original copy, i.e. the being. Everyone of us is an original, of which there is no second. Every soul is unique and develops in its own special way. Nobody can do a work in the same manner as someone else. Therefore one shouldn’t endeavour to be like someone other than oneself. Out of an old habit people like to copy others, but imitation belongs to the state of consciousness of a child who emulates parents and teachers. As long as we’re unsure about how to do something, we feel more secure in mimicking someone whom we trust. We feel good about following someone else until we have the necessary self-confidence, the confidence in ourselves as souls. In the future there will be no more blind following and obedience, for every man will become a thinking being. He will prefer to gather his own information and on this basis decide how to proceed. More and more children respond to their parents: “Don’t get mixed up in my affairs. Don’t impose on me, I know what I have to do myself and will do it well. Don’t worry about me, just handle me properly.”
The energies of Aquarius and of its ruler Uranus encourage natural originality. Aquarius is not restrained to the beaten track, standing in opposition to accepting orders and being told. This sign doesn’t make decisions for others, but only for itself. Suggestions are only given to those who are prepared to be guided. If you feel receptive, you can accept and follow them. If not, you simply leave it aside and make your own experiences. Aquarius doesn’t accept hollow traditions. Values are maintained, but traditions which restrict and are devoid of value are destroyed or simply decay. That’s why, in the West, there is a negative, rebellious attitude towards traditions and authorities. This attitude however disposes of things of value right along with lesser valuable things.
Learning Through Experience
From the standpoint of the Hierarchy, these aberrations are of no consequence, as souls do continue to incarnate. They might experiment and burn themselves, once, twice, thrice, or four times, but finally they will learn. In the old scriptures it is written: “Thou shalt not steal.” In the Aquarian age of today it is said, “You can steal if you are ready to face the consequences.” If a child doesn’t want to learn, we can tell him, “You can do what you like, if you are ready to live as a beggar later.” Someone who ignores his health in the name of freedom will wind up with incurable diseases and the associated difficulties, prompting him to eventually track down the causes. A smoker might stop when he has a heart attack, a drinker when his blood pressure increases seriously. We can only inform people about wisdom and about the consequences of not following it. A master said: “People know, but they don’t care to put to use what they have been informed about.”
Patterns of the Past
We know many things which we can’t translate into practice. Something within us, which arises from the seeds of past karma, overwhelms our knowledge and prompts us to do stupid things. These seeds don’t perish, but emerge to wreak havoc as soon as there is an occasion. Our subconscious minds are conditioned by these patterns and we can also identify others by their patterns. They are very difficult to overcome: We know that we shouldn’t criticize, manipulate or act emotionally, but do it nevertheless. We know that we shouldn’t be possessive, and though we have decided against it, we remain imprisoned by the pattern.
Master CVV, the Aquarian Master, says that we shouldn’t be worried about it, and that he has already gotten in touch with the Gandharvas, the Lords of vibration beyond creation. Vena, a Gandharva, is immediately prepared to begin the work of cleaning the scribbled pictures off of the walls of our subconscious minds and to wipe off the last trace. In Spiritual Psychology it is said that he accomplishes this with the help of sounds: “Vena, the Gandharva, is wiping off the pictures of the subconscious mind on the walls of my nature with the hieroglyphs of sound from his seven stringed lyre.” When we work with the given sound keys, rapid changes take place. To our surprise, positive changes result, and people might say that it seems we are no longer the same. We can visualize the energy of this Gandharva above our Sahasrara, or head centre, how it enters through this centre, reaches the ajna and brow centre, and continues to flow down through the remaining centres to fill them with light and sound. Then the energy rises again as the serpent, which now has become the winged serpent or the eagle. It requires a certain discipline to vocalize the sound key CVV and to observe the resultant inner happenings twice a day. However, the master has assured the required changes, which will enable us to experience the inner light. Particularly at the time when the Sun or Moon proceeds through the constellation Dhanishta in Aquarius, there is a more effective downpour of the Aquarian energy through sound, which is also called the energy of synthesis. Each year the Sun goes through this constellation from around February 7th to 20th.
The head centre is related to the sign of Pisces, the upper part of the forehead to Aquarius. Even though the coming seven years, while Uranus is going through Pisces, will be difficult times in the objective world, they are favourable to spiritual achievement. They assist us in opening the way to Vena, to bring in the corresponding energies and to wipe the pictures of the karma of the past off of the walls of our subconscious minds.
The energy of Aquarius is a form-building and form-dissolving energy. Like a potter who breaks that which isn’t good enough and creates something new and better out of his clay, Aquarius can break and re-shape the forms of the various planes. The higher circles have decided that man’s present models aren’t suitable to experience the incoming light. The keywords are restructuring and rearranging.
In the past decades, a large number of structures in economy, politics, society, and in the individual & spiritual fields have been changed. Some consider this rapid change to be dangerous, others to be important and necessary. Regardless how it is discussed, structures must be flexible and supple for the Aquarian age. Concepts of nations and governments are therefore shaken up and races mixed, in order to break individualism and separatism and to cause societies to interrelate. We shouldn’t participate in this work of unification with logic and arguments in order to convince others, but instead through simple cooperation. We can link with others on the level of the soul, and when we include them in our meditation, we begin to do work that is complementary. The soul will work via the plane of the soul; personalities need not come together for this. This work is done across countries and continents. When we carry out our work on the soul plane, we automatically cooperate with others.
Sources used: K. P. Kumar: Hercules: The Man and the Symbol / seminar notes / E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology / Spiritual Psychology. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India. - A. A. Bailey: Esoteric Astrology, Lucis-Trust, London. ( / ).