Beyond Concepts
Caught in Concepts
According to our understanding the Atlantic and Pacific are two great seas, but there is only one great water. We make the division for our understanding. We see something and, to comprehend it, we develop a concept. We put names to many things and build thoughts around, and we believe that what we have constructed is the truth. We point at a mountain top and say, this is the Jungfrau. For itself, however, it is not. We recollect more the name than the mountain. We are not aware that the mountain can distribute energies, or we forget it.
We live in the concepts we have built and we thus become prisoners of these thought forms. And just like the mountain is not a mountain for itself, like salt isn’t salty for itself or an animal doesn’t know that it is an animal, individuals for themselves actually aren’t human beings but pure consciousness. We call ourselves “human beings” because we have denoted ourselves human beings. Then there is man and woman, but for themselves human beings are neither male nor female, but just pure consciousness.
As pure consciousness there is the awareness of existence which exists as the original thought. We are because we call ourselves BEINGS or living beings. We call ourselves BEINGS because we exist. On this basis there are millions of concepts. Concepts are a facility to frame the infinite into a form and to be able to work in the outer world. Buddha says, “Don’t limit yourself by a concept.”
Normally we are always bound to concepts. We have to find the path to neither remain stuck in concepts nor to break the concepts of others. It is the goal of Yoga to remain in a free-flowing energy, without any congestion or blocking. When we are connected with the universal soul we don’t suffer from the constricts of concepts. The stream is not broken and energies of healing and of enlightenment flow through us. Normally we are bound by our inclinations and ideas. He who is unbound by any concept, habit or trait is called a Yogi or a Master of Wisdom. He is a representative of the absolute energy and the related light, love and will; he knows no separating consciousness.
Self-Imposed Limitations
Concepts are built around him, because people need something where they can cling to. They build prisons out of their ideas, while at the same time they aspire for freedom. Knowers live life; they interact with concepts as per place, time and the people surrounding them, without any rigidity. They leave the concepts once their work is done. They are only guided by Truth and the Law, but not by concepts. Truth exists within and beyond creation. When we aren’t limited by any concepts, we see each concept in its fitness as it exists in the world. Also, the concept is a state of awareness, and awareness is an ever changing luminous energy.
The wise ones don’t enter into arguments because they know that other people live in the cocoon of their concepts. Krishna said, “Do not disturb the simple-minded.” In spiritualism there is no such thing like proselytizing for concepts or spreading certain views. We are not here to spread a certain concept of God, for he himself spreads everything. Our being caught in concepts makes us feel that God does not exist in some people. Ignorant religious people throughout the world try to impose their concept of God onto others or even to kill them without realising that God is beyond all concepts.
We perceive the world through our concepts and have difficulties to open up to other views of looking at things. Our perceptions seem to us to be right and we would like the others to accept them, too. These are limitations of the mental plane which arise out of the principle of Saturn and which even distort sublime concepts. When we live in the awareness of the background we are no longer limited by the multiplicity of concepts. To break the concepts of his followers Shirdi Sai Baba lived in a mosque, but he wasn’t a Muslim. He kept a holy fire burning but he wasn’t a Hindu. He spoke of Allah to Hindus and of Rama to Muslims. He said, “Your concepts are your self-imposed limitations. Do not impose them on me. If you impose you see me in your own way. If you see me as the Master you find the Master in me. But I am beyond your concepts. I AM THAT I AM. Do not define me, I am infinite.”
The energy of the Aquarian age teaches us not to get defined by thoughts and concepts, but nevertheless work through thoughts. Even a spiritual concept is a prison. There is no difference between being in a golden or an iron cage. Concepts are meant to foster and support the thought process. They are like a ladder for us to ascend to reach the next floor. On the last rung of the ladder we don’t cling to it any more but let go.
Living in Light
Seen from above, the many concepts look like holes dug into the ground. If we are stuck in a concept we are like a frog in a well seeing from the hole his own sky and defining it that way. The sky, however remains unlimited. We look up and say, this is Sirius, Orion, the Great Bear. This, however, is only a fragmentary truth. Thus, knowledge can also lead to illusion. In the truth of existence all concepts of knowledge and of wisdom disappear. When we see the Light behind the mind, behind ideas and concepts, the agitations of the mind come to rest.
Therefore, we should not get stuck in our concepts about wisdom, like what we have learnt about the seven rays and astrology, about colours and sounds. Many who see themselves as spiritual have filled their heads with wisdom concepts and live in mental polarisations or emotional views. Yoga proposes freedom from all concepts, to live in the originality and simplicity which are human.
Spiritual concepts are a means to experience the Light. To live in Light, however, is more important than to live in concepts of light. When our thoughts and emotions become transparent and we live deep enough in the Light also the concepts expressing through us become magnetic. And the people then listening to us and assimilating the concepts will equally live beyond the concepts in the Light.
Projections and Background
All our concepts exist for us as long as we exist as individuals, as well-defined units. When we open up to infinity they also don’t continue to exist. The biggest of all illusions is our having the feeling that “I exist”. Krishna whispered Arjuna the secret of all secrets into the ear: “You don’t exist at all.” There is nothing other than THAT. There is not something like my soul and your soul; only seemingly we are many. There is one soul, one consciousness, one vital force working through many forms. This is a secret, for even if we hear it every day we keep on forgetting it. Meditation and prayer are means to remain in this connection. And we keep on gathering in groups to remind us of the unity of this bond. When this connection is strengthened we can realise the work of the Divine in its diversity and magnificence.
This is life in synthesis. We achieve it when we understand that we are the background. As soon as we awake and think that we exist, this awareness is a projection of existence itself. Everything is just a projection on this background from out of which our consciousness springs – our thoughts, desires and actions. When we live in projections, however sublime they might be, we lose sight of the whole and fall into the multiplicity of concepts. But if we can remain with the awareness of the background we have a conscious connection with the source even while working in daily life. Then we always know what we have to do in a given moment, and all that happens becomes acceptable for us. We live in the awareness that we are a creation of the origin, like every other being, too. We are always only THAT.
Sources: K.P. Kumar: Uranus – The Alchemist of the Age / Saturn / notes from seminars. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India.