Expression of the Original Substance
The foundation of all creative activity is pure existence which is also called the Truth. It is indefinable, it cannot be grasped mentally and it goes beyond any imagination. All creative activity is seen as a game between spirit and matter. Creativity comes from the origin of our being. The original substance is nothing but the spiritual substance of the human being. Each time there is creative thinking and action, the original substance expresses itself. Creativity is life; routine activity and routine thinking do not contain fresh life. Creative work happens from within. It is not a repetition or reproduction, but it is always new, due to the development of time. Each day is new and is different from the previous one. Creativity is the power that brings gradual transformation into the quality of life. It is an impulse that always brings us forward when we connect with the creative being.
Human intelligence is primarily trained in analytical and reproductive thinking. As it thinks about existing details, it becomes more and more technical and self-centred. In the vast amount of details it loses the understanding of the whole. With this we can incrementally invent things according to our constructive mind, but we can never create a new world for humanity.
Seed of the New Age
The seed of the New Age is creativity. It also promotes human coexistence. Most of the advanced thinkers and scientists that substantially contributed to the progress of humanity have reached the higher mind. By their thought they lead humanity and give it a progressive direction. There are also many who do not belong to this first class of thinkers, but who nevertheless contribute to progress. Many people use mobile phones and computers; this does not require creative thinking. But the few who conceived them with their superfine thought have given a different direction to the entire humanity.
If there are creative thinkers in a community, that community tends to be progressive. Men of vision, reformers, inspirers of souls, healers of high order or effective servers, who illustrate noble virtues through their lives, inspire the society and help it to progress. The mass mind aspires to emulate and thereby develop. The masses are mostly engaged with sports, games, races, lotteries or movies. Players, movie stars and politicians are projected as leaders, brand ambassadors and heroes which shows the infancy of the mass mind. A movie star or football player need not necessarily be a noble person while he may be of high ability related to his field. If the collective mind is engaged mostly with entertainment, with exciting distractions or even with manipulation and exploitation of others, etc., then the community stagnates or even regresses. Such energy also inhibits the few progressive thinking people that the community may already have.
All creative work is pioneering work and there are difficulties while developing it, but the path opens up through consistent and constant effort. The path develops when the pursuit is directed towards the well-being of the family, the community and the greater whole.
The more we arrange something useful for society, the more we will evolve. We therefore have to move on with patience and daring, with will, secrecy and silence. Thus, creativity enables a spiral movement while routine makes us move in circles and leads to monotony. Creative thinking, on the other hand, finds ways to grow. On the spiritual path we have to get out of routine thinking.
Creativity and Reproduction
The difference between creativity and reproduction is that many copies are produced from one original. You do not really need people for reproduction; machines could also do that. Designing a computer is a creative activity. Making millions of computers is simply duplication. Many can make reproductions, but few are really creative.
We are the original and can make fresh expression when we go inside. Creativity comes from within; it comes from silence, not from thoughts. But concentrated thinking about a problem can open up the planes of intuition through the tension of the focus. Obstacles are needed for this deeper thinking. The stronger the obstacles, the more the human intellect is cornered, and the deeper the thinking process. In this, the plane of intuition can be touched; ideas can flash and offer a solution. Master Djwhal Khul says: “Let pain bring due reward of light and love.”
Just having creative thoughts is not enough. We have to acquire the necessary know-how in order to manifest a creative thought. But it does not matter if we try in vain at first. Perhaps we will fail several times, but these failures can be a steppingstone to success.
The first step in developing and realizing creative thoughts is visualization, because this develops the subjective mind, the inner vision. The creative work begins with imagination. In the beginning, humanity’s inventions were only imaginations - for example, ideas about flying. At the beginning, the scientists played with strange, unattainable ideas. Then they began to devote a lot of attention to these ideas in a single-minded way and thus supplied energy. Through projection, the ideas became visualization. Then they were brought from the inside to the outside and slowly they became a reality.
In order to become more and more oriented and purposeful in our work, we can meditate on the symbol of the unicorn. From the third eye we can create this horn within ourselves. It is a horn of subtle matter, of light. Energies of good will can be projected through the third eye. Even if our image may be a wild imagination at first, this kind of exercise will help us to be creative. We can try to work with the help of sound, colour and form as well as with the help of time and find our own approach. It is important not to talk about it and not to let our ideas influence us but to wait for confirmation from outside. The teachers say: “Learn to imagine something visually.” We also can just guess and imagine things, e.g., “What is the light of which the books speak? How does it look?” Then the mind will search for that light. Guessing leads to imagination, which leads to visualization and finally to intuition.
Highest Creative Potential
When we ideate upon the light and what the seers have said, our mind will get impressed from higher circles and it would receive higher thoughts. Then the bridge to the Buddhic plane is slowly built. Buddhi is the light of the soul, which is called the higher mind. Buddhi is also the plane of creative will. Through contact with the intuitive planes, creativity flows into our actions. It is the same energy we use for creative thinking and the upward flow of awareness or for the downward flow that generates procreative awareness and sexuality. The energy at the Ajna centre is related to the creative light and the higher path. The energy at the sacral and base centre is the light of reproduction which leads to the production of seminal fluid. Sexuality is an instinct of nature to preserve the species on Earth. If the energy flows out to a large extent through sexual desire, the ascendance of Kundalini force is obstructed. Man then follows the path of the reproductive intelligences and lives like an animal. To moderately enjoy sex is okay, but if we indulge in it excessively, we lose our glow and our ability to think and be creative.
If we strive to rise to the Ajna centre, in due course of time there might come a response from above. We receive from above and express what we receive on earth. This is called white magic, i.e. we do not work for the personality, but only bring down that which corresponds to the higher Plan from the spheres of light. This is a creative work of good will; it lifts us up so that we can live as souls and even ascend into higher circles. When the energies rise beyond the Sahasrara, we can create a form of light. With this sublime form of creativity we are born in the light instead of flesh and blood.
The best instrument for this creativity is sound. Light manifests itself through the correct utterance of a sacred sound. The sound itself is the origin of light. Sound is the source of all magic. An inappropriate use of sound can destroy humanity. Correct use of sound will take it to higher realms. Study and work with sound will place a tremendous creative instrument in our hands. We carry this potential within us. We also have the potential to permeate the whole atmosphere with our energy. This is the future and supreme study for the mankind.
Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Uranus. The Alchemist of the Age. Notes from seminars. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India