At the moment we are passing through turbulent times of transformation. Some people fear disastrous catastrophes or even an imminent end of the world. However, from the point of view of the wisdom teachings there is nothing to fear; there might be crises flaring up at different places, but there will be no bigger dissolutions now. All that occurs happens according to the Law. In due time it takes action and not blindly as many believe. Wherever there is a big crisis the Divine appears to reset the Law and balance. The time for creation is decided and within the spans the Lord ensures that creation does not dissolve.
According to the esoteric teachings there are seven bigger dissolutions or Pralayas in this globe cycle, this round. They develop in harmony and in accordance with the karmic law and accompany the appearance and passing of the root races. All appearance and disappearance is always only relative. Time and again forms emerge and dissolve again. Just now the beginning of the Aquarian age brings a great number of changes. Obstacles for progress are destroyed, progressive seeds and what is good for the whole are preserved.
Dissolution into the Subtle
According to its essence everything is eternal, nothing disappears completely. The disappearance of forms relates only to its dense appearance. It is not a complete dissolution but means that in relative terms the forms are no longer there for one plane, but they exist on another plane. When we change floors we disappear on one plane to reappear on another one. In times of dissolution everything goes more to the subtle, away from the dense physical: Matter is eternal, it appears and disappears again. Forces are eternal, they appear and disappear. The cosmos is eternal in the sense that it exists either in potential or in manifest form. We have existed before we entered into the dense physical and were born. We will also continue to be there after death, when we leave the body and we are no more with regard to the dense physical.
It is a matter of precipitation into matter and of dissolution into the subtle. What we are without the body we call the soul. Each individual soul is eternal. It constructs the body and also withdraws it again. There is a periodicity in all. The sages understand and accept this and they don’t even find it a pity when they lose their teeth or when some parts of the bodies stop functioning. If we know that it is a rhythmic game which is subject to time we don’t react with so much emotion on it. We withdraw from one place and know that we will continue the game at another place and on a new day.
There is never a complete dissolution. The dissolutions relate always only to a part of creation. The story of Vaivasvata Manu in the Indian Puranas and the narrative of Noah’s Ark in the Bible also deal with it. Allegorically the passage through the state of Pralaya is also represented by the mystic bird Phoenix which burns its body in the fire and rises again from the ashes. Dissolutions and fresh manifestations happen for the welfare of the beings. Even when the whole globe gets once dissolved the souls are guided through the dissolution to a new globe. Until the new planet is ready the souls rest in a deep slumber and wait until the forms are ready into which they can incarnate again.
When the souls come out again they carry the earlier traces and tendencies in them and behave accordingly. Again and again a creation is formed so that these seeds can come to fruition, just like we go to sleep and wake up fresh in the morning to live and learn according to our tendencies. The same people who were in Atlantis have come back but, matured by experiences, with less cruelty. We are here on earth to gain experiences. Our self-consciousness and our free will can be used for the good as for evil. Through the experience of the consequences of our actions we learn and we slowly become wiser.
Dissolving the Causal Body
All our actions have consequences, as long as they spring from a motive and are carried out for a certain reason. There is always an effect following a cause; the motive makes it black or white. As long as the mind exists the cause exists, too. The causal body is the body of causes and the seat of the ego. Through the ego we create our own world within the greater world. For the ego has its own program, it makes its own proposals. It wants to assert itself and to dominate. Thus, we try to create a sweet world for ourselves, a name, fame, power, wealth etc. But after a while this world is no longer sweet for us at all, but bitter. The more we live on an ego trip the more we isolate ourselves from other people and from the current of life, and we suffer. When we live for ourselves we also will die with our own problems.
We have to dissolve again our own creations in order to live in the creation. If we erect too many walls around us, this work cannot be done. In order to break up the rigidities and all deadlocks and also to loosen the individualities Hierarchy has conceived group work and group livings. In joint activities we can connect with each other and receive plenty of energy in the flow of life. For this reason living in community is being proposed. Prayer and meditation also help us to dissolve the ego. As long as we are in our personalities all thoughts relating to our personalities are buzzing around us. The thoughts are keeping us active. Meditation is a happening and not a doing. It is a state where the mind comes to rest and gets dissolved into pure consciousness and the ego thus merges into the one existence. Meditation is the end of individual existence and leads to the unity of existence.
If we no longer allow our own desires to dominate us, but see that the motive of our actions is the welfare of all, we slowly neutralise the effects of what we do. Later, when we are more advanced, we also let drop the motives. If we act without motive and with right focusing the causal body slowly dissolves. An individual who works from the buddhic plane is no more driven by personal motives; for him motives don’t exist anymore. The way the Plan approaches him he reacts on it; he just carries it out. In this he doesn’t look what benefit he could derive for himself.
After the causal body and the desire body have dissolved we are in a state where the Divine can enter into us and express itself. There we will experience the Light all around us, and we are like an open lotus without a program of our own. Whatever is the plan for the planet it is also our plan. There is no plan of ourselves, because the planetary principle enters into consciousness and decides to stay with us to pursue its own goals. It conducts the work and we are amazed at how it works through us.
Constructing the Etheric Body
This happening is accompanied by intense joy, it is experienced like a signal, like a proposal of the Light itself. We cannot understand it because there is no mind. Master CVV calls it “Electric Hint” and “Ether work out”, the process of making our bodies a sanctuary of the Divine. The mantra “Ether work out” helps us to construct the etheric body and to maintain our systems as long as it is needed. Our real being which we are as the etheric form is exactly the same as we look except that the one form is etheric and the other is gross. And when the gross form gets decayed the etheric form remains intact. Then the loss of the physical form is neither our dissolution nor our death. This is called the state of immortality.
Sources: K.P. Kumar: The Aquarian Cross / notes from seminars. E. Krishnamacharya: Science of Symbolism. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India.