Working with Colours: Green
Study and Practice of Colours
When we study the colours and their properties and consciously connect with them, we gradually go beyond the material forms. We enter into a kind of transparent world of colours which precedes the dense physical world. It is also described as the Garden of Eden. Today's Natural Sciences begin to approach this world by exploring the nature of light as the most important basis of matter. The occult study of colour requires an observation of colours and their application for one’s own transformation. It is not a study of books but we relate to the colours and try to see and realise them through matter. If we do this over a long period, we become clairvoyant and can see through the material forms.
At first, it is a study, then the observation of the effects of colours and finally their application for transformation. All colours have an effect. We should first visualise them inside and realise their effect. We cannot transmit colours to help people if we have not previously recognised and realised them in us. Therefore, the Masters propose a profound study and a practice of colours.
Each personality is a mixture of colours. The colour speaks of the behaviour of a human being. Some people have more red, some more blue or green. We also have combinations and we see and recognize according to the combinations. Some have confused colours and thus also a confused mind. Our consciousness also has a colour vibration. The energy of pure consciousness is perceived as diamond light. The super-mundane light is golden, the clean mundane light is orange. A mundane but subtler form of light appears as rose, the dense mundane light as brown. When there is confusion, the colour is grey. When there is the contrary of good will the prevailing colour is black, the colour of ignorance. As students of occultism, we should pay attention to what colours we wear.
Dark Green
Black and dark green are the colours of Saturn. Dark green is the colour of the fate that we carry with us. It is the mundane colour of Cancer; occultly seen it is a reflection of the colour of Saturn, the ruler of the opposite sign Capricorn. Saturn conditions those who do not follow the discipline of the Nature. He keeps us in bondage to matter as long as we do not follow the Law
The lower psyche of the soul, meaning, our mental attitude and astral emanation, is described as dark green. This colour is related to the base centre. We should not meditate on the darker shades of green unless we are explicitly told to do so by our teacher; otherwise the consciousness can thereby fall into the lower pole. Generally, meditation on green leads a beginner into difficulties and misfortune. It promotes the profound disturbances in the vital and mental bodies which are called Psora in the system of homeopathy, and it favours all kinds of infectious diseases.
Meditation and Healing with Green
For a yogi, the green colour is localized in the throat centre. This centre holds the key to liberate us from the bondage of matter. However, the eyebrow centre or the heart centre is recommended for meditation. The throat centre is located above the heart; seen occultly, it is subordinate to the heart centre. However, light green, blue and yellow and all its shades can be invoked in the throat centre for all practical purposes. The throat centre is used for communication between the subjective side of our nature and the objective, material side.
Those who dedicate themselves to healing and have become a spiritual helper in the fields of medicine and nursing can meditate the green colour and thus derive great benefit. In ‘Spiritual Psychology’ Master EK says that Master Jesus does his spiritual work mainly through the vibrations of the green colour to help neglected and oppressed people. Christian missionaries therefore organize hospitals and homes all over the globe. In hospitals green is often used as it supports the vitality, although it is a lower vibration of the colour aquamarine. The meditation on Christ is done with the rose colour vibration. The disciple working with healing meditates on the green colour when he is alone and on rose in the presence of a patient.
In the body, green strengthens the vitality. It has a soothing and nourishing quality when the right shade is applied. Its healing effects can be safely applied in cases of fevers and inflammations, especially with throat disorders and inflammations. With people who are easily disturbed by emotions green neutralises this sensitivity. The colour is particularly beneficial with disorders of the left side of the body and also when the effects extend to the right side. This is because the left is the material side and the right the spiritual side of man. Green helps with left-sided headaches, ear-aches, eye diseases, throat affections and left-sided paralysis. Mental disorders such as arrogance, envy, hatred, revenge and cruelty can also be cured with green.
The colour green promotes desirelessness and a smooth flow of the vital force. From light green the colour then changes to golden yellow so that we can realise the unity of life and the union with the larger whole. With the help of the golden light the dark green in us is transformed. Light green contains more yellow. The tender light-green leaf is not as solid and tight as an old green leaf. The golden light makes it bright and transparent. Golden yellow represents nobility and aquamarine an even greater form of nobility.
Green is the essential colour of nature - that is, the colour of the physical, material plane. The vital force in nature appears in its gross material form in the green of the plants. Everything green contains chlorophyll; therefore it is recommended to eat green vegetables as part of the food. They strengthen the health and protect against disease. In green, life is in full manifestation. In the Fire Ritual, the tip of the flame sometimes appears green indicating healing and replenishment of the life force.
Colours of the Throat Centre
The light tender green, yellow green and blue green are the evolutionary colours of the throat centre. These shades have a great healing effect; they are the colour of Gemini and Mercury. These colours have to be distinguished from the darker green of Cancer which has the opposite effect. The darker shades vibrate less than the bright ones.
The colour of Gemini, which helps the occultist in his meditation, is described as that shade of green that produces blue and is a half tone of blue. Blue is the colour of Taurus. Green stands in a very close relation to blue. The passage from Gemini to Taurus gives the blend. We can imagine these hues as the blend of colours on the neck and the tail of a peacock. Depending on the Sun’s radiation, they vary in all shades between blue and green with the basic colour note being green. Depending on the incident light, the colours of the peacock quickly change, and also the colours of the throat centre which is mercurial. Just as Mercury cannot be fixed, the colour of Gemini cannot be fixed. It is also compared with the bluish green of the crystal of copper sulphate. For many spiritual aspirants it is difficult to visualise this shade of green. The associated sounds are IEM, BLUM, and JUM. They can also be generally used for curing disorders of the throat centre.
The colour of the throat is also described as aquamarine. It is blue and yet green, it is green and yet blue. Therefore, it is said to be the middle colour in-between the blue sky and the green earth and to establish contact between them. It represents the collective energy of Gemini and of the opposite sign Sagittarius. This colour enables the experience of wisdom.
The Jewel Kaustubha
The Eastern wisdom teachings describe that we can visualise the Cosmic Person, Vishnu, as the ideal form adorned with precious jewels. He bears the soul of the entire creation near his heart. It is beyond quality and untouched by anything. The World Soul is in the shape of the self-effulgent gem Kaustubha, and Vishnu is brilliant with it. Kaustubha is an aquamarine, bluish-green jewel and has the shape of a papaya. All beings are in this jewel, and from it they are released into all the seven times seven planes. Kaustubha is located on the fourth sub-plane of the cosmic Buddhic plane of the Cosmic Person. Just thinking of it is very sublime. In many rituals Kaustubha is mentioned, this way it has become known. Sometimes it is presented in all its splendour in the highest temples of the Masters of Earth to give the related joy and ecstasy. Its beauty speaks of the love of the Lord for the beings of the world. It cannot be understood but only experienced.
Sources: K.P. Kumar: Healer’s Handbook / Notes from seminars. Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Psychology. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India (