The Inspiring Light
There is inspiration and there is expiration. We cannot exhale if we have not first inhaled. Likewise, we cannot serve the outer world if we have not first found the light within ourselves. The ancient ones, those who have realised the light within themselves, have enabled the light to work through them. They have served humanity in a way that their service still inspires after thousands of years. Most of us will be forgotten when we are no more because we have left nothing behind that will inspire others. Works that come from our mortal dimension will die with us. For although we are immortal, we tend to be mortal when we become subservient to the personality. Works that spring from the immortal dimension of the Soul remain immortal even if they were unnoticed by the public.
Master EK, for example, left the body decades ago, but his teachings and the inspiration he bestows continue to spread. On the other hand, many rich and powerful people who were very famous in his time are forgotten. People who inspire others even after leaving their bodies have a wide consciousness, because they and their works are connected to the divine energy. Master Morya mentions that even personal items used by a Master are kept in the cave temples in the Himalayas because their vibration continues to inspire.
To the Divine, his workers and helpers are always very dear and near, and the Divine tries to glorify them. That is why persons who have attained the inner immortal being make a difference; they inspire. The inspiring, enlivening and awakening light is the light beyond our sensory, mental and Buddhic awareness. It is the light of consciousness that awakens us from sleep. In truth, we are THE light. This light is within and without. Master E.K. referred to this light when he wrote, “May the light in me be the light before me”. For some, this light can express itself through their speech; their words will be inspiring for many. The light also expresses itself through their smiles. We can most easily see the light in the eyes of the Masters. These are the shining eyes of people who have realised the Truth. All Masters of Wisdom have expressed so much light, love and wisdom. Even through a photo or a picture, they transmit a lot of energy.
Inspiration of the Masters
Master Kumar explained that it is not out of undue emotion when we pictures pictures of these great souls on the altar. Their images fills us with their energy. Their inspiration gives us strength to be able to also bring things into the world that are true and beautiful and also inspiring - things that help to make the earth beautiful. It is part of the Divine Plan to make the Hierarchy known as widely as possible in humanity. The Masters are like mighty towers of wisdom, and they stand for the knowledge they impart.
The Masters teach, and their teachings are very gentle and subtle like a clear stream of water. They do not impose anything, but merely express and inform. Nor do they intend to inspire. Inspiration depends on the listeners. When we engage with thoughts of the Masters and go deeper into them, a process of magnetisation takes place. This is an effortless way to be transformed.
A Master will not enter our life unless we invite him. He will also not force anything without being asked. If we ask him, he gives us a push from within. We are inspired to learn many things, and we feel that we ourselves have that inspiration. It starts simply, but it expands to an unlimited extent.
The Masters take care to create living thoughts in people's lives and they also preserve thoughts in the wisdom books. The books are therefore helpful in inspiring us and guiding our minds in the right direction. But reading books alone does not lead to enlightenment. Those who use the objective mind to collect information about wisdom, organise it and publish it as books create only short-lived works. True knowledge comes only when we go within.
All seers developed knowledge through inner contemplation, not by reading books. After integrating the knowledge, they wrote it down, and this is how the scriptures came into being. Many of the great ones, like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa or Ramana Maharshi, gained their knowledge from within and not by reading books. We do not become initiates by studying books, but by living and experiencing every moment of life. Action initiates.
Lightful Thoughts
Inspiration is the fire that leads us on the path to our goal. However, it is not enough to just be inspired. After inspiration, we are to set out on the path. We need to have gained basic virtues such as right speech, harmlessness, purity, etc. before we can enter into the school of learning which is preliminary to the school of wisdom. When we associate with persons who are sincerely working for the truth, we receive the inspiration and strength to follow this path of truth.
Ideas are better implemented through group work. When we work in a group, our thoughts turn to how we can improve the group work or what else could be done. Each inspiration brings forth new thoughts that carry more light. We call them golden thoughts or diamond thoughts. When we get such noble thoughts and manifest them, our personality is transformed. This is how goodwill manifests itself more and more in the world.
Diamond thoughts refer to the radiant, diamond light of the causal body. For this body to be born in us, the Ajna centre must be opened. That is why the Seers contemplate on the light in the Ajna centre. They recommend that before we begin any work, we should remember this centre by touching it with either the ring finger or the middle finger to stimulate the energies in the Ajna. The custom of placing a mark there comes from those exalted Seers. When we get this kind of inspiration, we start from the brow centre, then to the Ajna centre and may even make a vertical line on our forehead like Master EK. It means he has made a strong decision to ascend.
It is important that we connect with a Master and his Ashram during our daily contemplation. The ideas, aims and purposes that motivate the Hierarchy are thus transmitted to us by the Master of our daily meditation through his ashram. When such thoughts begin to work in us and are put into practice, a great change takes place. The values of our life, our behaviour, the way we relate to others and the way we understand the life and work of the Masters change. The quality of inspiration we receive and register depends on our orientation and preparation through our daily life. If we do not follow the instructions given to us through meditation, we will not receive the corresponding inspiration.
Liberation from Limitation
When inspired thoughts come to us, we mostly think this is not possible, that is not possible. We see more and more difficulties in relation to work and much more so in practices of spirituality. The first question we ask is, Where am I going to find the time to do all this?“ But the truth is , when we take the impressions and inspirations seriously, the time expands to accommodate all practices and leads us by leaps and bounds.
We should add one inspiration after the other and slowly stabilize them. Then we can do thousands of things that we thought were not possible before because we have connected to an energy that is unlimited. If we believe in the feeling of being limited, we decide many things as impossible. We also extend it to our planet and think the resources of our planet would be limited. This is because we don't really understand Nature. The planet is supported from subtle inner circles. We only see the visible physical plane of the planet. We must remove the thought of impossibility. Only with our continuous effort and unwavering will many things unfold, once we apply the will with knowledge. To will, to know, to dare and to be silent, these four qualities are required.
The presence of an initiate leads us to the path of liberation. The presence of Sanat Kumara on the planet enables the Hierarchy to direct the will for the upliftment on the planet. Untouched by creation, they remain in creation to inspire and guide. Even in the most devastating situations they remained stable. They are role models for us. They inspire us to stay on the path without becoming distracted and not to forget our true identity. The immediate effect of the PRESENCE is inspiration. Without the PRESENCE, inspiration cannot be upheld.
Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Teachings of Lord Maitreya; div. seminar notes. Dhanishta Publications, Visakhapatnam, India (