  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.


The Light of the Gods


There was a time when mankind was fully guided by the highest kind of intuition, by the cosmic consciousness acting through man. This is called the Golden Age or the Age of the Devas. Then there was a partial disturbance through the individual intelligence of man. Three fourth of the wisdom was divine or intuitive, and one fourth was human. Over time, the human mind grew to be half of the wisdom. These second and third periods are respectively called the Silver and the Copper Ages. In the fourth or the Iron Age human intelligence with its opinions determines three fourth of the wisdom. In this rationalist age the remaining one fourth exists as the undercurrent of the intuition of man; It is concealed under the ever-active waves of the various branches of knowledge. The magnitude of these ages was described in the Puranas and it was discussed in detail in H. P. Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine.

In the present world period of the fourth round we live in the objective matter. The third eye of the spiritual vision, which was alive in earlier ages, became blind. Today, it exists in our head as the pineal gland but without any excretion. Only in yogis, i.e. initiates or Masters, this gland secretes; in others, only the pituitary works. Intuition develops when the pineal gland becomes active.

Sometimes there is a flash of intuition even in average persons. Their intuition works in a random way; it is not a conscious, purposeful work with intuition. Such intuitions do not occur through the pineal gland because it is not yet working. It is a kind of instinctive intuition that works through the solar plexus or the sacral centre and it comes from the times when man was still like an animal. Thus, mothers feel the presence of their children and how they are.

The higher intuition takes place when the mind of the soul enlightens the brain. The intuition of the soul works through the pineal gland. If our mind is properly oriented to the higher mind, the brain emits a secretion through the pineal gland. This creates a luminous tissue between the pineal gland and the pituitary gland which transmits the impulses of intuition to the brain. According to Ayurveda, cow-ghee corresponds to the secretion which the brain emits. Therefore, ghee has a special importance in Vedic rituals. Ghee is described as the “spiritual seed” or the “fuel of light”.

The ignition of the spark between the two glands is called by Master CVV as the “Electric Hint”, electrical signal. This connection is called the Antahkarana or the Light of the Gods. When this bridge is built, intuition takes place. With the intuition ideas come as electrical impulses and things happen within a fraction of a second. The mind can receive these electrical impulses only when the brain becomes more subtle. This happens when we focus our mind on divine matters. While normal thoughts are like a dim light, the intuitive electrical impulses are like a powerful spotlight. Another name for this is enlightenment.

The Sixth Sense

If we regularly contemplate and invoke the Master, we receive guidance from within. Then intuition becomes something quite common and is no longer a coincidence. When intuition increases and is regular, the third eye re-opens. Individually, we then already live in the next world period, the sixth root race. There, a significant part of humanity will have the sixth sense, the intuition. In all, there are seven senses, of which a major part of today's humanity has developed only five senses. The seventh sense is much more than intuition; it is the expression of the soul. This seventh sense will unfold only in the seventh root race. Both senses already exist in us in a rudimentary state. Discipleship is a practice through which we can develop all the seven senses and thus project us into the future, compared with the general progress of mankind. Humanity goes via the path of thinking to higher thinking, to nobler thinking, and then reaches the intuitive planes. So, a part of the humanity advances while another part does not make any progress.

There is an intelligent way to develop the connection with the pineal gland and thus to the intuition. This is done through a regular deep and intense imagination that leads to visualization. This visualization is not a daydreaming, since daydreaming lacks the constancy of will. Focused imagination leads to the gates of intuition. Every innovative scientist is deeply and intensely imaginative. People like Mahatma Gandhi are social scientists; their intense and concentrated interest in the well-being of society develops the means for their work. People like Pythagoras, Moses, Buddha and Christ are spiritual scientists. In any activity, imaginative thoughts can lead to intuitive action. This is the working of the soul. Imagination, visualization and intuitive activity are concentrated exercises, not just simply sitting in meditation.

The spiritual exercises should help us transform the brain, develop purity, and unfold spiritual perception. When we receive intuitive thoughts during meditation, we should note them down in a notebook. This way, the Master gives instructions from within. When we receive a thought, we cannot say, “It is my idea.” The idea was taken up by the instrument of our brain after it has flashed in the mind. It is our problem that we want to take possession of everything.

Experience and Intuition

When we experience an inspiration, we simply carry it out. However, there is no reason to it. In retrospect, we later develop a logic and thought patterns to support the intuitive action. However, from out of crystallized patterns you cannot create intuition. Experience and intuition do not allow thoughts, because a thought serves to explain the experience after the experience is already over. People were in a state of experience, far beyond logic, during the actions done by Master CVV, Shirdi Sai Baba or Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Much later only, someone like Master EK had to come to give an explanation from the Buddhic plane about Master CVV.

Uranus stands for the higher intuition. His energy helps us with the transformation. In this way, a brain beyond the Buddhic plane builds up. This allows us to think apart from the physical brain. When we subdivide the Buddhic plane into three parts, we find on the lowest part the wisdom teachings accessible to the mind. In the second part, we find the intuition and in the first part we find the pure experience.

Occult Sciences

The interpretation of occult sciences, e.g. astrology, often takes place from the intuitive plane; there is usually no logical explanation based on the position of the planets. All true astrologers work with intuition and not so much with the planetary positions. The horoscope is a medium for intuition; the interpretations are not merely mental. Also, in healing, it is the experience of every good homoeopath that they intuitively receive the right remedy. In the homeopathic dispensaries of the World Teacher Trust they always invoke the Master first and then give out the remedies. It often happens that a disease that could not be cured for a long time is cured with one homeopathic dose. Here, the brain beyond the brain leads us intuitively. For this, it is necessary to be regular with the prayers. But intuitive interpretation and clairvoyance are not part of truth seeking. Those who have these faculties are not necessarily self-realized. On the contrary, occult powers often lead to an increase in selfishness. If they are used for self-maintenance, they do not work so well.

The occult sciences are revealed from within. This does not happen for the sake of self-display but enable one to serve better. We can serve people on many levels - physically, emotionally, mentally, intellectually, and also through intuition. At all levels there are needs. As long as we work to serve, we unfold.

Developing Intuition

In order to receive and manifest intuitive impulses, focusing the alert mind on respiration and gathering ourselves a good way. Through deep breathing, we can add vital force to the impulse. When we contemplate on it and then silently start to manifest it, it gains greater power. With every innovative activity, we often receive more guidance than we are aware of. Guidance can come from any direction, from within as well as from outside, through thoughts or through a sign. We should pay attention, and if the sign is affirmed by intuition or by the mind, we should accept it. If we do not follow the guidance, it may lead to problems.

We can promote intuition by contemplating on the space between the pituitary and the pineal gland; it is the point that is open to higher energies. Visualization of blue colour may help to be in accordance with the energy on the individual and on the group level. HSOUM is a sound for the transformation of the body cells and to gain intuitive wisdom. It is a sound that helps to the ultimate unification.

Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Nutrients for Discipleship / Saraswathi - The Word. Notes from seminars. Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Book of Rituals. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India.