Jupiter, the Principle of Expansion
The Energy of Synthesis
There is a power in the arrangement of things. The right arrangement makes energies circulate freely; it brings about equilibrium and opens the door to the higher worlds. If the equilibrium is disturbed, the whole life gets disturbed. When the equilibrium relating to health is disturbed, health and wellbeing go. Wealth, peace, and harmony are lost as soon as the equilibrium is lost. The planets in the solar system, the various solar systems and galaxies, only exist on account of the poise that is kept in existence by the energy of synthesis. This energy keeps the universe together; it creates order, structure and grouping. It is also called the energy of the second ray and in relation to our solar system the Jupiterian energy. “Jupiter brings together and binds in friendliness”, says Master Djwhal Khul.
On the cosmic plane this principle is called Ganesha or Ganapati in the East. It is located in the constellation called Hasta, in Virgo, and it has the form of a head of an elephant. Hasti is the Sanskrit name for elephant. This elephant-headed deity is worshipped as the Lord of groupings, wealth and wisdom. He influences our Earth through the planet Jupiter. In India the energy of Jupiter is invoked in the form of Ganesha in order to transform inauspicious energies into auspicious ones. Especially when there are afflictions to Jupiter, either in the birth chart or in the progression, we can avoid negative effects by meditating on the symbolism of Ganesha. It is of interest that the elephant is coming under the rulership of Jupiter and symbolizes beings of light, initiates, the Masters of Wisdom. The elephant shows the bigness and the fullness of the Jupiterian energy. If we show an elephant to a child, it rejoices at the sight of the elephant.
The symbol of Jupiter is the triangle within a circle with a point in the middle. Its number is three; in the chart it is working especially through trine aspects. A Jupiter cycle takes 12 years and leads through the experience of all the 12 sun signs. Its stone is topaz, its colour blue, but also golden yellow and honey colour. Symbol and colours help us to connect with the Jupiterian vibration.
The sound vibration related to the Jupiterian energy is GAM. Contemplating this sound is recommended when the mind is confused and complicates the lives of ourselves and of others. Then this sound helps to re-arrange and to group our thinking patterns and thus furthers poise. When we attain inner order the energies can flow freely and the outer obstacles disappear. A man with a good Jupiterian energy gets the right ideas at the right time and proceeds in the right way.
Jupiter, the Teacher
However, there are instincts in us which do not allow us to do what we know. We know many things that we think we should do. We hear them since childhood, but our problem is the gap between what we know and what we do. These impulses and instincts make us do things of which we know that they are not good. The obstacles in us are shown in the birth chart and given an opportunity, they manifest. We can overcome these conditionings most easily with the help of a teacher. Jupiter is the teacher and Master of Wisdom. It is not by doing, but by his magnetic presence that a sage causes the transformation in us, so that we gain mastery over our instincts. The presence of the teacher enables the student to attain the experience of the Self, the Word of Truth.
The Sanskrit name for Jupiter and for teacher is Guru. It means the greatest. Jupiter, the Guru, transmits impressions from higher circles and uplifts the disciple by initiating him into the work with sound, for Jupiter works through sound. In the solar system Jupiter is the biggest planet. In benevolence and magnanimity Jupiter is also the greatest. Through his transits he visits us many times in our life and keeps on offering opportunities for initiations. But we mostly don’t take advantage of them because we are not prepared for them. The right preparation demands rhythm, order and right work with the Word in order to gain inner purity.
The best month for the use of Jupiterian energy for spiritual practice is Sagittarius. That is why in the Bhagavad Gita Krishna says: “Among the months I am the month of Sagittarius.” The opposing month of Gemini is ruled by Mercury. When Mercury and Jupiter, knowledge and wisdom, are in good agreement, the related expansions of consciousness can be gained. Any trine or sextile aspects between Mercury and Jupiter, either in the birth chart or in the progressed horoscope, are favourable occasions for getting initiated into the Word.
The Muladhara
Ganesha, the cosmic principle of Jupiter, is considered the Lord of the base centre, the Muladhara. In eastern illustrations an elephant is depicted in the middle of the Muladhara. However, at the same time Saturn stands for the Muladhara, whereas Jupiter is ruling the head centre. Jupiter and Saturn are a pair of opposing energies: Jupiter stands for expansion and permeation, Saturn stands for contraction. Saturn binds us to matter, Jupiter liberates. Saturn does not allow Jupiter to eternally expand. Jupiter does not allow Saturn to destroy the whole thing. In equilibrium with Jupiter Saturn ensures the consolidation of expansion. He gives way to Jupiter, when we have learned the necessary lessons.
Ganesha is worshipped with the sound of GAM in the Muladhara so that the expansion begins. It is like an elephant being imprisoned in a too small hut and breaking it. The spirit bound in matter is liberated and ascends. Thus Saturn as the lord of the Muladhara is replaced by Jupiter. Each time we intonate OM we can ask Master Jupiter to descend to the Muladhara and transform the prison into a mobile temple.
Generosity towards the surrounding life brings in the energies of Jupiter. When we come in touch with Jupiter, we get to feel generosity. Benevolence and charity help to come out of blocked states. Giving is an aspect of Jupiter, and when we learn to give with discrimination, we will know whom to give, how, where and how much, with money as well as with other things. A good aspect with Jupiter will allow us to get money without much effort. While with a mundane man the Jupiter aspects only deal with money, food, comfort and social activities, the same good aspect of Jupiter helps us on the upward path, bringing us nearer to the Master.
Master Djwhal Khul says that we can express much love through money and with money also can give a good order to things because Jupiter can lead to synthesis. If we refuse good money, if we don’t respect it or don’t use it properly, we haven’t yet understood the Jupiter principle correctly. It is an important aspect of life which allows the transformation of things and effective service.
Jupiter brings comforts into life. It isn’t a virtue to deprive ourselves of comforts in order to regard ourselves as virtuous; we don’t become spiritual this way. Master CVV, a Jupiterian master, said: “Do not reject comforts”; if we reject them, we will also be rejected. The right attitude towards the Jupiterian vibration demands to feel the comfort in every situation without letting ourselves be conditioned by comforts.
The energy of the 7th plane of the earth, the most spiritual plane, is called Pushkara. This energy visits the planet together with the rotation of Jupiter. When Jupiter visits a sun sign, he therefore visits a part of the planet and spiritualises the surrounding on this part of the planet. The ancient seers visualised the visit of the Pushkara energy in connection with each sun sign with regard to places in India. Such visualisations could also be made with regard to other places and nations. When Jupiter goes through the sign of Virgo, we can say that the Pushkara energies visit Switzerland, in Sagittarius Spain, in Aries or in Gemini Germany. When the energy of the 7th plane visits us in a certain centre, the corresponding energies can be re-arranged more easily.
Sources: K.P. Kumar: Jupiter / notes from seminars. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India.