Part 1
Full Moon - Time of Special Energies
Full Moon is always a time where spiritual energies are available in a particular extent, if you make a meditative alignment. The full moon in the fiery sign Leo is considered to be particularly powerful, it is called the Festival of the Future, which is related with initiation into more subtle planes of life.
The keynote of the zodiacal sign of Leo is self-expansion through self-discipline; it leads man to the recognition of the higher self and thus to the transformation of the son of man into a Son of God. Leo is also called a royal sign, whose colour quality is gold and whose energy is the energy of love, beyond emotion. OMNIA VINCIT AMOS: Love conquers all.
People born in the sign of Leo are considered to be magnanimous, direct and loving. Leo however also contains a combative element. It is the sign of the leader fighting for law, justice and order and committing himself to the protection of the weaker ones.
Killing the Lion in Yourself . . .
On the lower plane it symbolises fighting for power and for one’s own advantage. For the man on the spiritual path, the path of return to his Father’s house, Leo stands for the fight with the lower nature in man and its conquest: To kill the lion in yourself is a symbol for overcoming the lower, animal nature in you and achieving mastery over the five senses and the lower mind. This doesn’t come about by suppression, but by the soul, the higher self, obtaining control over the personality. Leo therefore also stands for the soul and its light: May the Light make beautiful our lives.
The personality-centered Leo-individual likes to stand in the centre and makes others admire his splendour. „L’état, c’est moi“ - I am the state, said the Sun King Louis XIV. On the spiritual path however, man learns to place no longer himself into the centre, but the other. Thus radiates the golden light of the heart centre, which expresses love without emotion. The energy of the heart overcomes every feeling of separation and of mine and yours.
. . . And Overcoming the Instinct to Possess
The instinct to possess is age old and the modern human activity is mostly wanting to gain and possess much. This instinct extends to people conceiving ideas how to acquire other’s wealth and other’s property in an intelligent way. Our wanting to possess binds us to the things. We become slaves of our property and we claim that we are the masters.
Wisdom tells us that all belongs to the ONE, and the one in possession of the thing, animate or inanimate, is entrusted by the ONE to hold it for divine purposes and not for selfish purposes.
These are the inversions we suffer on account of the feeling of „mine”: my wisdom, my group, my family, my nation. As soon as we say „mine”, we have made restrictions and limitations and suffer from these. Worries are beginning to chase us, they lead to fear and to a confusion of the mind. „Let go the illusion of worry” says the direction of Lord Krishna to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita.
From the Head to the Heart
Today’s intellectual head-thinking leads man to become more analytical and critical. If we start thinking in the heart, instead of being analytical, we become synthetic. Criticism falls off and loving understanding is developed. Therefore simplicity is the keynote of those living from the heart.
Many men and women of good will and initiates work in all simplicity and silence to bring natural values back into the social system. They work in many areas of life. Today the economic system for example is such that man is subject to it. They give it a new structure, so that man stands above the economic conditions. They work in a continuous connection with the ONE and don’t think of themselves. Whenever man thinks of himself, there is a short-circuit, and consequently the connection with the energy is cut. He who acts in a selfless and intelligent way, channels the Divine and remains in its presence while he acts. „His work is hard and incessant” it says about the work of the initiate. May our approach be directed to service and may our action be full of patience and without expectation.
Natural and Practically Minded
„The heart is verily an international organ” it says in the book „Heart” of the Agni-Yoga series.
This love of the spiritual heart expresses itself in service, in commitment to the welfare of one’s fellow human beings. Without practical service an attempt to lead a good life is of no use. Without good will in action the idea to live a spiritual or only a really good live is an illusion. „The whole life is spiritual” - this should be our understanding, without thereby neglecting our duties, even not the so-called small ones. To be spiritual is to be natural, to be normal and practically minded in all circumstances of our lives. Family life, professional life and social life take place within the spiritual life and not without. This understanding leads man to the core of his being. If we have a penchant for one side, we neglect the others and are thrown off balance. By striving to keep established in the awareness of our centre, the I AM, we act well-balanced and in the rhythm of the inner life, even while we are engaged in the everyday duties.
Part 2
The Movements of Time
The creation is the network of time, which segregates and aggregates things. However independent man may think of himself, his life moves in time and according to time. The wise ones observe the moving life and adjust their plans accordingly, tuning up to time. If we want to understand and experience the patterns and laws it follows, we have to learn to attune to the qualities of time and work with the time key. For this we need an elementary understanding of the planets, the sun signs and their aspects. Certain exercises help to understand the message of the planetary combinations for the day, for example to observe daily during the time of sunrise the phases of the moon and the position of the planets and to visualize their correspondences in the body. An inner attentiveness stimulates the corresponding energies in us. A little hint for this meditative work: In its higher functions the zodiacal sign of Leo rules over the heart as the seat of love. Full moon in Leo means that the sun is in the heart centre and the moon in the opposing sign Aquarius, whose higher correspondence is at the top of the forehead. With this we imagine that the moonlight radiates from this centre at the hairline into our beings and that the sunlight rises from the heart centre upward, and then the two lights meet and fill us with the One Light.
Leo is the royal sign of the zodiac, the second fixed and the first fiery sign. Fixed signs stand for the firmness and stability of the man who walks the spiritual path with determination, while fire represents illuminating power and expansion. Leo fights for law and justice, for the protection of his fellow men. He is upright and has high expectations of himself and demands of others. He also thinks very highly of himself and his capacities. His weaknesses are that he wants to win others’ hearts and greatly enjoys praise; as a result he loses his sense of proportions. He falls through flattery, Shakespeare writes about Leo-born Julius Caesar. Gold is the metal of the sign, its colours are honey and gold; rock crystal, topaz and diamond are considered favourable for him.
Leo is the 5th sign of the zodiac, the 5th house stands for the relation between father and child, while the 4th house governed by Cancer governs the close relation of the child with his mother. The love of the father protects the children and leads them to independence. Leo is the sign of self-control and of establishing an inner and outer order through discipline. While the lower Leo-individual tries to control others, the advanced one says: “I rule over myself, I let others rule themselves.” The recognition of free will is deeply respected in the higher spiritual circles and bases on the realisation, that essentially the other is the same as oneself.
The awakening of man into group consciousness is also called the “birth of the son” in us, of the Christ consciousness or of the Master in the Heart. The moment we start thinking in the heart, we replace criticism by loving understanding and grow more and more into synthesis. When we think in the head, we tend to become more and more analytic and critical. Brain thinking creates scholars, heart thinking leads to the way of initiation. The preparation for this takes place in the cave temple of the heart. Therefore the symbol of Leo (♌) looks like a cave.
The Golden Disk of the Sun
Focussing the thinking on the breathing turns the mind inwards and leads to a neutralisation of thoughts. In deep meditation breathing and all secondary thoughts cease. Even the pulse is feeble and only a subtle pulsation remains. If we go into the pulsation, we enter the cave, where only the original thought “I am”, “I exist”, remains, no other ripple of thought exists. It is like a stilled water lake in existence, full of light and with a humming sound. The light is like the illumined disk of the sun globe, it radiates, because there is the truth on the other side. An age-old prayer says: “May the door open. May the disk veiling the golden light be unveiled, so that the true spiritual sun unveils himself and we can do our whole duty as we journey back to him.” If we consciously try to visualize the golden light in form of a sun disk in the heart, the personality is withdrawn through this endeavour from objectivity into subjectivity, and the soul descends into the heart centre. With the activity of Leo the light of the spiritual sun shines via the soul consciousness through the sun disk like through a door. With this we can imagine that the golden light radiates and we ascend to it. This should be done for a certain time, the thinking remaining centred in the heart. Thus the heart centre is a doorway between the finite and the infinite. “The heart is the bridge between the worlds.” (Supermundane § 22)
Listening to the Sound of Silence
Leo full moon stands for the heart force of the year and is related with the spiritual Hierarchy, the planetary heart centre. It is considered to be the festival of the initiates and the future festival of those who devote themselves to the spiritual work of receiving the energies of Love-Wisdom from subtle sources. Slowly it will take the place of the Wesak festival of Taurus full moon. The esoteric wisdom teaches that the energies of love and of synthesis come down via Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. Sirius is called the Dog Star. The dog has very good ears and hears sounds which are hidden to the ear of the ordinary man. In the East the heart centre is called Anahata centre. Anahata is the soundless sound inextricably linked to the Leo energy. The initiates tune into it entering into the “cave of the heart”, which is physically the hallow in between the ribs of the bones above the diaphragm. Thus the initiate is like a watch-dog, keeping alert to listen to the silence, and through silence and through symbols he is communicated. Some adepts have dogs around them, for the presence of a dog hastens the stimulation of consciousness into the higher vibrations of sound. Dattatreya, worshipped in the East as the brother of Maitreya, as the lord of the science of yoga and as the cosmic teacher principle, is always depicted with four dogs.
Let us not fancy of contacting such sublime planes without having realised the fundamental principles and expressed them in our life. This is not done by reading books for years or by speaking about them, but by entering the cave, conquering our lower nature and coming again out of the cave transformed.
Part 3
The Messenger
The thoughts of one’s own logic and reason condense into the intellect, they are a great obstacle for receiving and expressing higher energies. In course of time these thoughts have solidified in mankind into innumerable ideologies and theologies, and many people are stuck in concepts and convictions. The door to intuition and to pure experience is blocked. In the 19th century the spiritual hierarchy decided to make the wisdom teachings available to mankind anew and thus to open the gate to a greater awareness. They chose Helena P. Blavatsky as the first messenger, who was to carry out the works of introducing the New Age. For more than a year she was exposed to a most intense training and a transformation of her brain cells in the silence and solitude of the Himalayas, so that a great power could flow through her brain in order to destroy wrong teachings and to open the doors to reality for many who followed later. With a leonine courage she undauntedly opposed all difficulties and used all her energy to point out the secrets of eternal wisdom to humanity, in spite of strong opposition and a constant threat to her life.
Like Mme. Blavatsky many initiates in recent times were born in the sign of Leo, so also the masters CVV, MN, EK and Sri Aurobindo. Fearlessness, determination and noble-mindedness are qualities related with this royal sign. There is an element of a fighting nature in Leo, which stands up for justice and the establishment of law and order. In the lower plane it expresses as a fight for power or for an ideology. Leo wants to protect and lead. The danger is that he develops too much self-confidence and pride and shows partiality for his followers.
The Golden Stairs
On the spiritual path the sign typifies the fight with the lower nature and it conquest. In the “Golden Stairs” Mme. Blavatsky describes the leonine qualities which are to be developed on the path to Truth: “A clean life, an open mind, a pure heart, an eager intellect, an unveiled spiritual perception, a brotherliness for one’s co-disciple, a readiness to give and receive advice and instruction, a loyal sense of duty to the Teacher, a willing obedience to the behests of truth, a courageous endurance of personal injustice, a brave declaration of principles, a valiant defence of those who are unjustly attacked, and a constant eye to the ideal of human progression and perfection which the Secret Science depicts – these are the Golden Stairs up the steps of which the learner may climb to the Temple of Divine Wisdom.”
Leo is the second fixed and the second fiery sign. The fixed sign confers inner discipline and perseverance, while the fire of Leo enables the transformation of the personality through self-transformation. The transformation takes place in the inner, in the cave of the heart. It is the second birth, during which the soul is born and a son of man becomes a man of God. Many initiates are said to have withdrawn for some time to a mountain, into the desert or into a cave. The fought in the cave of the heart and killed the Lion there, that is they overcame their personality and the urge of wanting to subject and dominate others. They learned to listen to the voice of the silence and gained mastery over the five senses.
Going Into the Cave of the Heart
When we want to go into this cave of the heart, we have difficulty in doing so, since we don’t have the habit of going inside. Our five senses pull us out with force into objectivity. Even if we close our eyes to meditate, the urge towards outside persists. Thoughts come to us about what we have seen, heard or experienced. Maybe we tell the horses, “Stop, take a little rest”, but they answer, “oh come, let us carry on running.” And so the energy incessantly flows towards outside and dissipates. The more we collect the energy towards its original source, the more the light in us increases. Therefore we should train the horses to return to the source. Then the senses slowly learn to remain directed towards inside, even if we are active in the outside. On the spiritual path of today it is not a question of withdrawing from everyday life, but of bringing light, love, clarity and harmony from the power of the inner into the family, the society and the professional life.
For this we should practise daily to go into the cave of the heart and to listen to the music of the soul. When we have developed the ability of listening, we can listen to the pulsating principle as it happens in our own being. Then we enter into the pulsation and get through it into the subtle pulsation. This is called entering the cave within the cave. Here we meet our higher self, the light beyond reflection. In this deep meditative state respiration and all secondary thoughts cease and even the pulsation is feeble. Only the original thought, “I AM”, “I exist”, and no other ripple of thought exists. It is like a stilled water lake in existence, full of light and with a humming sound. Meditation up to such deep state is not possible unless one has organised his personality. Study and service for long years enable organising the personality, so that it will be fit for meditation.
Living in the heart and acting in the outer world, that is how a Son of God is working. He is in constant contact with the light and expresses the light through the mind, the five senses and the body. Wherever he is, the light spreads from him and penetrates all that surrounds him. In his presence the average beings regulate themselves without being told. He doesn’t try to influence or to dominate them. It is his magnetism that keeps on influencing them and setting them into order. In no way he gets influenced by them, he remains impersonal, uninfluenced and stable. In the outer he may be nice, soft and pleasant in his behaviour, but inside he is absolute fire. Like a lion he walks his way and silently fulfils the purpose of his life with unshakeable will.
Leo Full Moon - Festival of the Future
When we tune to the heart, our understanding will be inclusive and not exclusive. To be a friend of all is called in Sanskrit Mitra; this is the meaning of the name Maitreya. In Leo we can visualize Lord Maitreya with his other important co-workers, he rules over this full moon. In future Leo full moon will be of central importance in spiritual life, his keynote is: “Go into the heart and realise the brotherhood of living beings.” To realise the manifestation of the soul not only in other men but in all is the key to love. Thus the sign of Leo prepares mankind for receiving the love-energies from the subtle sources and for being able to give Love.
Part 4
Magha – Maya – Magic
In the Vedic system of the zodiac there is a constellation in Leo called Magha. This constellation has the ability to manifest from the subtle to the gross. Magha rules over the formation of the first grains among the plants and the formation of the seminal tissue in animals and humans, the means of the production and reproduction of the tissues. It is interesting to note that the fifth house related to Leo refers to children, romances and offspring.
The word Magha became Magus, magic. Those who have the Magha-knowledge of manifestation are known as maghikos or magicians. Also the word Mexico has developed from it, it is the land of the Mayas, who had the ability to work with magic. The magic of sound is the greatest of all magics, and the Mayas had the knowledge of sound and of time. With the help of sound they could move great stones. Many esoteric principles are demonstrated by the placement of the pyramids and altars. In all Scriptures of the world the serpent represents time, and the coils of the serpent are regarded as the innumerable cycles of time. The feathered serpents of the Mayas are a sublime symbol of the timeless wisdom. The Mayas are descendents of a great civilisation of primeval times around the Brotherhood of Ibez, a spiritual centre in South America. Ibez itself is descended from the spiritual centre of Shamballa, in the vicinity of which the science of sound was very well known and widespread. In the great epos of Mahabharata it is reported how a Maya magician came to India and constructed a royal palace for King Yudhishtira over night. In Yogananda’s “Autobiography of a Yogi” it is also reported how in the mid-19th century Lahiri Mahasaya witnessed the magical materialisation of a palace in the Himalayas through Babaji.
The Movement of Wisdom
The eternal wisdom is a scientific wisdom, a free investigation of the Divine and not a religion defined by theologians. It existed in every part of the globe, even though its representation changed through the spiral path of time or ossified to dogmas and superstitions. The work with sound, colour and number, with the planetary energies was general knowledge of the Chaldaeans, the Assyrians, the Jews, the Greeks, the Knight Templars in Europe… There were many schools, who created ideations about the wisdom, there are many different works which we cannot perceive, many ways and kinds forming a network. But each time wisdom is given out anew, it also tends to crystallize through the habit-forming principle, and crystallization has a suffocating effect. The wisdom brought fresh and anew by Helena Blavatsky caused much movement, before it began to crystallize. Again the wisdom expressed fresh and anew through Alice A. Bailey. Many however think that it has crystallized again since the 80ies and that a new dose has to come for those looking out for a new approach. Thus there is always a movement from east to west in order to assure that the most ancient wisdoms are preserved.
Energies of the Directions
Each direction has its special energy: East, north and the movement upwards belong to the movement into the subtle. South is the centre, the heart, compassion, love. West and the direction downwards are the movement into the material, of becoming immersed in matter. Thus the science of wisdom tells us. With the signs of the Fixed Cross East is related to Taurus, South to Leo, West to Scorpio and North to Aquarius. In our body we also find these directions: The North in us is the point at the top of the back head where there is the whirl of hair; it stands for silence. The ajna-centre on the forehead is the East, the point where we can meet the light and where the will of God manifests. The South is in the heart centre, the pulsating principle. The West is localised in the region of the higher base centre and the spleen centre and is related to the energy of intelligent activity. All directions have a deep spiritual meaning and play a particular role in the ritual work, which supports the inner transformation. Rhythm, ritual and magical work is related to the 7th ray and Uranus, who rules over Leo on the spiritual level. Thus the fiery sign of Leo gives the energy for fiery transformation, so that a son of man becomes a Son of God.
The transformation in the heart is supported by the fire ritual. When we conduct a fire ritual in the early morning hours and with a pure body, this has a charming and magnetic effect. We look into the flames and in this we can speak with the fire. We can ask to burn that which is undesired in us. We can put forward whatever we have as desires and ask for a blessing for it. A prayer directed to fire for experiencing the highest truth says: “Reveal before me the Golden Hue of manifestation preceding all material manifestation.” In a further prayer it says that the golden disc of the sun globe may withdraw its rays so that we can experience the pure existence.
The flame of the fire can also give us will. The initiates work with the flame, especially when they are engaged in great tasks. Then they kindle a fire, fill up their will and conduct everything in a very effective manner. The months of the fiery signs as well as Sundays and Thursdays are particularly suited for this, since at these times there is much fiery energy.
Sirius and the Energies of Love
Spiritual astrology teaches very profoundly that our solar system has a father, a mother and a teacher: The Great Bear and the Pleiades play the role of father and mother, whereas Sirius, the dog-star, represents for our system the teacher-principle. The image of the Sirius-system on our planet is the Spiritual Hierarchy with their ashrams in the Himalaya and in the Blue Mountains. Whereas the ashrams of the north work with the soul, the ashrams of the south continuously correct the vehicle used by man and by other beings. In this way a gradual change in the human structure comes about in order to enable the soul to work to the full extent. It is believed that Lord Maitreya is the head of the great Lodge of the White Brotherhood on this planet and Lord Dattatreya the head of the grand Lodge of the White Brotherhood on Sirius. Together they guide the energies of Neptune to assist the planetary development. The Vedic seers perceived the energy of love and of compassion our system receives from Sirius, which they called Sarama. It is said that the Avatar of Synthesis will enter from the south, and the south stands for Leo, for love and compassion, for the heart centre. Each year when we enter into the month of Leo we can align ourselves in a particular manner with Sirius and the energies of the south. For this reason many of the Great Ones were born in the sun-sign Leo – the masters CVV, MN, EK, Sri Aurobindo, Mme. Blavatsky, but also Lord Krishna. Therefore Leo Full Moon will be the future festival of the disciples. Thus Leo introduces the work which then is picked up and gets manifested.
Sources used: K. P. Kumar: Hercules: The Man and the Symbol / Sri Dattatreya. The Symbol and the Significance / seminar notes / E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology / Wisdom of the Heavens. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India. - A. A. Bailey: Esoteric Astrology, Lucis-Trust, London. ( www.netnews.org / www.lucistrust.org ).