Manifestation of Matter
Matter is not such a trivial thing as we think. For us matter only means dense physical matter. But just like the One Spirit has so many planes of existence – from subtle to gross – matter also undergoes all these modifications along with spirit to form the planes. In the world scriptures a primordial substance is known as the most subtle aspect of matter. In the oriental scriptures it is called Mulaprakriti or also Shakti, the “Mother of Power”.
The whole creation is the play of Shiva and Shakti or of spirit and matter. The force interacting with matter is called “fire”, Agni. Agni, or pure energy, manifests as light and is the cause of the manifestation of creation as well as of its dissolution. Interacting with primordial matter the fire generated from out of spirit brings matter down into grosser states. Akasha is formed, the ether of space of the etheric plane. From out of ether the grosser manifestations of matter are formed; it manifests itself as “air” and then as “fire”, as “water”, as “earth”, physical matter.
The quality of Akasha is sound. Through sound manifestations happen. This sound of manifesting is the third part of the sacred sound OM because manifestations happen through the third Logos. Even if we might know that it is this third part it is not known to us how to utter the third part of OM. Masters of Wisdom know about it; hence, they can also create matter and manifest from out of Akasha, seemingly from out of nothing. The Divine shows manifestations of matter from out of nothing through various human forms, for example through a form called Sai Baba living in South India.
Sound and Light
When we want to manifest acts of good will we can use the OM and stress a bit more the M. If we intend to spiritualise we can put the stress more on the A and the U. A plus U gives O. A is the sound of the Father and E or EEM (long) is the basic sound of the Mother. HREEM is for manifestation, SREEM for uplifting and KLEEM for the experience of bliss. The sound HSOUM helps with the transmutation of the body cells to receive more light of wisdom; or in life, to manifest something from spirit to matter.
The inner brilliance emerges from inside out. As far as the inner man shines, the light manifests through the outer man and gives its presence. It expresses through the eyes, words, touches and actions. The Light should manifest as service – on the physical plane, the emotional, the mental and the buddhic plane. By becoming a channel for the Light we bring the Light down into objectivity. We can manifest the Light only by regularly linking ourselves to the Light. The Light emerges as the diamantine light and then brings forth the golden light which leads to material manifestation. We can imagine the diamantine light in the Ajna centre and the golden light in the heart centre.
As far as the Light manifests through us we stand in the Light and get fulfilled. From the centre of God in us Will, Love and Light express. It is not our plan or our doing, but the work of BENESS through our being. It is not a doing, but we allow acts of good will, of love and of light to happen through us. Then we are a channel for the Divine to manifest. Master EK was a good example for this. He never proposed by himself but responded to the proposals that came up to him. He never initiated any work. He was only tuning up to the work which was already initiated in the higher circles. He was unperturbed by the results of the work and hence never sought the fruits of such work. He went on and on manifesting the work that was steered by his guides through him.
Manifesting the Plan
Many people who read spiritual books would like to manifest the divine Plan. However, they cannot even manifest their own plan, least of all the divine Plan, but they fight for their daily survival. Only wanting to do something great is not enough. We have to develop our abilities and our skills for the good manifestation of a thought. A right thought is needed at the right time and at the right place for the stream of manifestation to flow unhindered. For our intentions not to get stuck in the air it is enough to start with something small. Even acts of good will with a global impact have started with an unimposing manifestation.
The soul works through the mind to manifest the Plan on the outside. However, many good thoughts remain on the mental plane without being realised. We may have good thoughts but often not the possibility to manifest them. Thus, many people have the good intention to heal, but they know themselves how much happens through them. Often we also try to manifest our own thoughts of good will as personalities. This helps to purify our personalities and to learn with our souls; but regarding its quality, its persistence and effectiveness it cannot be compared with a thought manifested from the soul.
When an impulse comes from the soul, this means that it was already intended by the higher planes. It means there is an eternal wisdom existing in space, which impresses us and thus is received afresh from sources which are not yet manifested. By impressing us this wisdom expresses through us, through thoughts and words. We can cooperate with the idea, pursue it and work with it persistently.
A thought form can be energised through deep breathing. The more vital energy it contains the better and longer it can manifest itself. If it comes from the soul it can be vitalised better than when it is from the personality. By inhalation there is an upward movement towards the soul, by exhalation a downward movement to manifestation. During deep inhalation the thought form is received from the soul and visualised, during deep exhalation vital force is supplied to it and thus “driven out” into manifestation in the three worlds to concretize in objectivity. It is good to do this work of white magic in silence. We can also support the manifestation of thoughts of good will with the colour aquamarine.
To manifest a plan we should think from our hearts and then submit it to our minds for analysing it. From the heart there can be at first some emotion with the thought; we might also want to pour our things over others without first making sure that they can digest it. The mind then says, “I agree that you want to give, but give one spoon after the other so that the one who receives can also absorb it.” Master DK says, “Think from the heart, submit it to the head and then manifest it in an organised manner.”
Channel for Higher Intelligences
Man stands in the middle between the visible and invisible beings, the lower and the higher worlds. He can support the evolution of the mineral, plant and animal kingdom by dealing with them in a responsible manner, and he can also be a channel for higher intelligences to work through him on the visible plane. Angels cannot do this directly, they can only manifest themselves with the help of humans; therefore, they look out for responsible people with whom they can cooperate.
There are scientific methods to express the subtle energies in the denser planes. In this you apply a sound (Mantra) upon a symbol (Yantra) according to a specific process (Tantra). If our motives are pure, it leads to White Magic. The essence of White Magic is to manifest a divine thought on the dense physical plane. When, for example, you work with the sound RAM for a long time it purifies all layers of the body. Then pure consciousness can flow in and spirit can manifest from the subtlest to the grossest plane and give us fulfilment.
Sources: K.P. Kumar: Uranus – The Alchemist of the Age / notes from seminars. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India.