North Pole, South Pole, Equator
Evolution of Man and Earth
The Bible tells us that the serpent came crawling down the tree of life. It is in this same way life precipitates down from above; the serpent symbolically represents the downward movement of involution. The entire activity of creation was a downward progression of spirit into the materialisation of matter. The development of the embryo in the womb of woman imitates all these stages of development.
We entered the body as a point of light. A group of Deva intelligences works out the development of the embryo through the fertilisation of the female egg with the male sperm. The upper pole of the body is formed first, from which the head centre, the Ajna centre and the throat centre develop subtly. On the physical level, a bubble develops in matter, from which the head with the brain system forms in the foetus. Near the throat centre, the cerebrospinal system begins to develop up to the lower pole at the base of the spine. Around this axis, the outer parts of the body gradually form. We enter and prepare the body, and through our presence the body moves. We exist as the pillar of consciousness in the globe of our body. This globe of the body functions only with the help of our presence in the pillar. If we are not in the body, the body cannot move.
What holds true for the body can be applied in the same way to our earth: Just as the point of consciousness entering the body becomes a column, and this column forms a shape around itself, so also the axis of the planet is formed around a point of consciousness; and the globe is then formed around the axis. Earth consciousness is the means by which the globe moves. The form has its movement according to the presence of the consciousness within. Our spine corresponds to the rotating axis of the Earth. The I AM within is the centre of the rotation of our life. The more we contemplate and apply these correspondences, the more we discover that we are a micro-globe, a globe in preparation. When we contemplate deeply on the principle of correspondences and equate the axis of the planet with the pillar of consciousness within called “Kundalini”, we can feel our oneness with the planet.
In our body, the Sahasrara or head centre corresponds to the North Pole, while the Muladhara or base centre is the South Pole. The diaphragm, between the solar plexus and the heart centre, is the equator, which corresponds to the equator of the planet. The lower part of our body is considered worldly, the upper part divine. There are upward movements in us when we meditate, study wisdom teachings and serve. Downward movements set in as soon as we engage in worldly activity.
Since most of us live in the solar plexus, we tend to be mundane. If we stay in any centre higher than the diaphragm, we feel attracted to the super-mundane side. We can choose to follow the path of Yoga or discipleship and thus move upwards towards the North Pole from the equator, or we can tread the path of worldliness and get into areas lower than the solar plexus. Below the lower Muladhara sub-human beings exist from there up to the gross matter.
Energy currents
Creation consists of downward and upward moving currents. The energies run from the North Pole to the South Pole and then up again in an upward direction. There is a vortex above the North Pole and also above the Sahasrara that brings in energies from the surroundings. There is a vortex below the South Pole and also below the Muladhara that collects energies. With man and with the planet, the North Pole brings in energies from higher circles and it distributes them to the system. In-between the poles, there is the apparent existence.
There are two seers related to the poles. Marichi is related to the energy of the North Pole. His quality is radiant light, the highest possible enlightenment. He represents the original light in our system. Adhvaryu is the Rishi related to the South Pole; he is the foundation and contains all energies.
Distributing and Receiving
The North Pole is the distributing centre. It represents the male principle in creation; its energy is positive/radiating. The South Pole is the gathering and preserving centre; its energy is negative/receptive. It stands for the feminine in creation. Femininity means in the sense of receptivity. The North Pole is giving and distributing; the South Pole is gathering and receiving. Receiving and gathering happen so that the planet remains intact.
As far as receptivity prevails, life tends towards the South Pole. We like to look at what we can receive. Many people think it is right to receive things for free from others, but nothing comes free. In the shops they say, buy one, get one free. But this is not true. As much as we receive (gifts, help, etc.), we become negative and tend to move downwards with our consciousness. As much as we strive to give and distribute, we move upwards and orient ourselves towards the North Pole.
We should get out of the habit of taking. Giving more than taking is a fundamental quality of discipleship. To bring our consciousness to higher states, we should think of sharing more at any level - physical, emotional, mental, intellectual. This way we reverse the downward movement; we move upward and gain a greater awareness. If we accumulate a lot of material things in life, we can be sure that we will tend energetically towards a lower awareness for the next life. If aspirants aspire to become disciples and disciples are aspiring to become Masters, they need to become better and better givers. Bliss lies in giving and not in receiving. When asked, “What is yoga?” Master E.K. said, “Yoga is nothing but being useful to others.”
There is wisdom in discharging ourselves from matter through donation/giving. We must offer and apply what we have been given. If we receive wisdom and do not apply it or pass it on, it simply becomes an accumulation. To pass on wisdom is also to release ourselves from the Buddhic plane, the plane of wisdom. In order to uplift ourselves and keep on growing, we don't need much instruction in wisdom teachings; it is enough to offer ourselves to the surrounding life and to offer our self as a sacrifice. We always receive so many things from nature, from our surroundings and from other beings; we should be grateful for them.
The equator is equidistant from the North Pole and the South Pole. At the equator, the energies of the two poles meet and agree. Through meditation and spiritual practices we work out a new balance. When we live in the heart, we bring the higher and lower forces into balance. The heart centre Anahata thus becomes the higher equator. From this point in the centre we can move with ease in the subtle and the dense realms of life. And in the heart, we can experience the bliss of existence. Another name for bliss is love. Pure love arises from the union of positive and negative energies.
Formation of the Earth
What we know today as the North Pole is only the North Pole for the South Pole. The North Pole and the South Pole are not poles in themselves. The centre that receives is the South Pole and the centre that transmits is the North Pole. Before the solidification of our globe, there was no South Pole. When the Earth was in its child state, it was an etheric half-globe. It had its upper pole in our Sun and the lower pole in the region of the then-existing North Pole. It was a dome-like structure like an umbrella or a half-cut orange. The pole was oriented to the Sun and the half-globe rotated around the Sun. The would-be North Pole was the only pole and there was no polarity. This later pole is the spiritual permanent atom of the planet, and it was called Mother Meru (Meru Devi).
The beings on the planet had also not yet taken physical form and were only formed up to the diaphragm. Slowly, a part of the hollow half-globe condensed. There was a disturbance in the motion, and as a result of this disturbance the axis gradually tilted 90 degrees. The Earth now rotated in a periodic manner. It became round; the lower half-globe was formed, and the lower pole half-globe. This brought about the complete manifestation of the Earth on the astral and etheric planes and later on the physical plane. The North Pole was no longer oriented to our Sun, but to the Pole Star. From that time onward, the Earth began rotating with its equator facing the Sun.
The continuous movement of the axis makes the Earth become an induction coil. In this way, the equator is thus charged on both sides by the radiant energies coming from the Sun, so that the electromagnetic field develops around the Earth. These electromagnetic phenomena form the vital plane around our Earth, which the Masters call “Plenty of Prana”. The vital plane works out the life of the planet. The living beings born on the planet carry this life as the individual electromagnetic field.
The Earth had tilted about 90 degrees and this change occurred also in every atom of the globe. Every atom received two poles. Since then, every plant, animal, and man possesses the higher and the lower poles. The original point of the North Pole, from which the planet was objectified, is the place where the Lord of the planet lives. That is what we call “Shambala”. Shamballa is also at the top of our head.
Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Occult Meditations; div. seminar notes / E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology. Dhanishta/Kulapathi Book Trust, Visakhapatnam, India (