Time Cycles
The ancient seers of India knew the cycles of time such as daily rhythms, lunar months, yugas and manvantaras in all possible magnifications. They could understand time as a flower pattern embedding the petals of the various scales of magnification. For as there are cycles of seasons, there are cycles of larger seasons over thousands of years. The seers had the vision of the law of correspondences. They applied it to the life of a human being, but also to the larger time cycles of nature. They studied the cosmic events from the beginning of a creation to its dissolution.
The result of their findings is a wisdom of prophecy. Their prophecies agree with their understanding of the time cycles. For example, they recognized that the Age of Aquarius is a smaller cycle and they described its characteristics. They called it the great month, and twelve such months make a great year.
The seers recognized the law of alternation as the most powerful of all laws in creation: light and darkness, contraction and expansion occur throughout the universe, and the law is eternally in operation. Every birth is a certain prophecy of death to come. Death in turn is a certain prophecy of rebirth. The Law of Cycles is a continuous activity, but the exact knowledge of the time cycles given in the 'Secret Doctrine' is known only to the adepts. The knowledge unfolds within us as we progress in discipleship. It should not be made a dogma.
When the sun rises in the morning, the prophecy is that the sun will set again in the evening. However, in an ever-changing environment, nothing can be predicted definitely. Predictions assume that certain conditions are constant, but when these conditions change, the prediction is not fulfilled. Assuming there is a global nuclear war tonight, there will be no tomorrow for humanity and no sunrise. The sunrise exists only as probability.
Just as the cycle of seasons is a probability, so are the cycles of major seasons over thousands of years. It is not that the future is already decided. Statements about the future incarnations of a soul are based on the current state of energy held by the soul. The personality constantly experiences gradual transformations. The speed of transformation in the present life forms the basis for the later incarnations. On this basis the speed of development of the soul can be estimated with a certain degree of accuracy and thus, the future can be predicted. When a train is travelling at a certain speed and has reached a certain station, one can say when it will arrive at the next station. Based on the strength of the will and the speed of the changes the soul is able to bring about, it is possible to see what our future will look like. Thus, it is not one hundred percent certain that it will be fulfilled in detail. Everything is a game of the will, which is responsible for the progress of the soul.
These tendencies can be understood through the horoscope. Astrology only speaks of a prediction about things that are constant. As for the predictions made by astrologers, we can make them true or false. It depends on us. With our will we can change.
Astrology is the science relating to the energies that are presented in us and around us. The one energy of the sun is presented in varieties of ways through the variety of planets around the sun. These varieties are not constant, but they continuously change. As long as we think that astrology is a science of prediction, it fools us. It is not intended for prediction. The knowledge of astrology works as a light for our lives. It does not add anything to our life nor does it take away anything from it. It reveals what is there in us and what our fitness is. We can see where we are strong and where we are weak and we can recognize our purpose in life and what we better not do. So, it is a science of analysis with solutions. Astrology has much to offer for self-unfoldment. We call this as spiritual astrology, different from the predictive astrology.
It is not because of a prophecy that we become rich or poor, but because of ourselves, according to our past karma. Often the horoscope can provide information about character and small personality happenings, but the general subject remains nebulous. Astrology is useful for persons focused in their personality life and oriented towards the material world. For a less developed or average personality it is often amazingly correct. However, it is not so correct in the case of higher developed people, because an advanced individual can dominate his personality life and thus offset the influence of the planets. When we approach the stage of an aspirant from the path of probation and the soul rules, the planets cease to condition our life. In this case it is useless to cast the horoscope with the objective of discovering the future or determining action. The events in our life become unpredictable. The planets then work as our helpers and guides. They indicate tendencies that we can correct, and they lead us into situations where we have to behave independently. They leave us to ourselves and they honour our decision. When, through the wisdom of correspondence, we have established the relationships between the planets, the parts of our body and our behaviour and then meditate, there is neutralisation of our past karma.
On the spiritual path trying to learn anything about our own future or the future of others through astrological prophecies should be strictly avoided. Our future is always veiled by the curtain of the alternatives that are worked out by our doubts, miscalculations and overdoings. With a mundane person who gets a prediction of a good event, thought-waves arise from the expectation, which stimulate his desire body in the direction of the expectation. Hesitation, doubt and disappointment further add confused thought forms. The result is that, generally, the prediction of the majority of good events is not likely to be realised. The converse is the case with a bad prediction. Fear drives the thoughts in the direction of precipitating the incident. Each predicted incident has a thousand ways as alternatives of manifestation. True knowledge of astrology teaches us what we have to do, whereas the craving for prediction indicates our expectation of something from others.
We should not waste time discussing disaster prophecies or propagating the idea of a world crisis in order not to spread destructive thought-forms. On the other hand, we should include references to positive directions so that we may have a positive turn of events. The more we cherish such thoughts, the more we enable their manifestation. There are many healthy topics we can talk about. And there are many positive things that we can learn from the Masters and the scriptures, which are really useful for us to practice them.
There is only one Plan. If we follow it and offer our cooperation, everything will change from darkness to light. If we disregard it and continue to live according to our individual ideas or national self-interest, we will create our own crises and wars. This has happened many thousands of times in the history of the earth. But often people have also averted dangers and wars. Whenever a war was averted and humanity entered periods of safety and security, there were no reports about it.
The joint uttering of OM has a great effect on the environment. Thus, we can heal places and also the elements of nature find the necessary harmony. The transformations happen inside. When we listen to the voice of silence within us, we listen to the voice of God. We gain knowledge about how, when and what we should do and what not to do. Through this we experience the Plan and transform ourselves. We also gain certain abilities, such as blissful utterances, healing abilities and prophetic expressions. We should take care to use such abilities with responsibility. With utterances of certain mantras and sounds, an acidic tongue is transformed into a benedictional and blessing tongue. Whatever such a tongue utters will prove to come true. Prophecies made by initiates will come true.
Master CVV made many prophecies that are unbelievable but all will come true in time. He prophesied that in a cycle of 240 years, from 1910 to 2150, the Yoga of Immortality will unfold and mankind in general will become aware that there is no death. He promised that everyone who recollects him and follows the path of CVV will become CVV. He even foretold that we will enter a state where the human body, like a book in electronic version, can appear and disappear at one stroke. The fiction of today, as shown in Hollywood movies, is the science of tomorrow. For yogis this was already possible in the past through yoga.
Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Div. seminar notes / E. Krishnamacharya: Science of Symbolism. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India