  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.

The Avatars

Descent of the Divine

The Avatars In every living being the divinity is present, either in a special form or in complete wholeness. When we encounter divinity in a being in completeness and wholeness we call it an Avatar, an incarnation of God. In the Eastern wisdom teachings Avatars are a descent of a sublime being, of a God on Earth. For them there is no need to be born in a mortal body. The scriptures say that the omnipresent God takes to a form of an Avatar through his celestial power of Maya. Thus the Lord descends into a physical body through which the divine consciousness radiates. He is the “Word made flesh”, and symbolically we live on “His blood and His wounds”.

When the Divine functions through a human being as his instrument and the human has prepared himself to let the function happen, he is called a teacher. Wherever something good is happening through a human form, anything that helps humanity to take a major step forward, the Divine is at work. And wherever something good happens, wherever the eternal truth is presented without the colouring of any religion or ideology, we should respect these messengers. It is one electric current passing through so many instruments.

When an Avatar is born, this event generally remains unnoticed. Avatars are also often not recognised by their contemporaries. They do their work in a simple and humble way and then go again. But with the time, their impact makes it clear that here the Divine has expressed itself. Just like from a source a feeble spring of water comes forth which in its coursing grows bigger and bigger and increases to a grand river, the work of an Avatar unfolds little by little. Our eyes are opened by the narrations of the sages of the past. The stories about the lives of the Avatars and the great teachers make us aware of their work; the narrations uplift us and allow us to identify with the Divine. Teachings or moral rules don’t have such an effect. But by studying the events of the lives of these great ones, we tune to their energy, and this awakens in us the awareness of the Divine.

However, there is no place for the craze to find out who and where a real Avatar is. Expectations block the connection and prevent the influx of the energy. The real Avatar is a continuous process in the creation and evolution. In the language of Master CVV, the Avatar is in everyone of us and he can be known through the “Higher Bridge beginning”. This higher bridge is what Master D.K. calls the Antahkarana.

In every astrological age, a great World Teacher or Avatar represents the highest ideal of perfection which humanity can reach during that age. Thus, in one of the Cancer ages Rama was the divine Avatar. In an age of Gemini it was Hermes, in the age of Taurus Krishna, in the age of Aries Moses and in the age of Pisces it was Jesus Christ.

Expectation of the Coming

Before the coming of an Avatar there is mostly an expectation of his advent, but the Higher One decides how it wants to descend. Human beings cannot decide how and where a divine manifestation should take place. When Krishna came down the seers knew that an Avatar would come. They made their plans but he came in his very own way. When Krishna was born, his parents lived in the prison and he was brought by his father to step parents in a miraculous way, where he grew up at first unrecognised.

In connection with the coming of the Avatar of Synthesis, there were great expectations at the beginning of the 20th century. Madam Blavatsky knew that a great energy with the rank of an Avatar would descend to the planet. Her followers took up her hint and tried to prepare a pure person as a channel for this energy. They thought that the young Krishnamurti would receive this energy and prepared him for it. He was a pure soul but things didn’t happen as the theosophists had planned. Krishnamurti was frustrated about it and parted from the Theosophical Society.

The Divine had another plan; the energy never comes down as man decides or would like to have it. The plan manifested through the ashram of Master Jupiter, and thus Master CVV was born in 1868. He was an advanced disciple from the ashram of Master Jupiter. He chose as his birthplace the South Indian town of Kumbhakonam. In Sanskrit kumbha means the pot of Aquarius and konam means angle. The “Aquarian angle” is the place where already in the past Aquarian age, 26000 years ago, the Aquarian energy descended.

Master CVV

Master CVV led a splendorous life as a very magnetic personality and was admired by people from all walks of life. He was a Vedic scholar, a musician and a mayor of the town. He waited for the arrival of the energies which were transmitted via Halley’s Comet to our planet on 30 March 1910. On that date the tail of the comet touched the Earth. In the silence of the midnight hour Master CVV was sitting prepared in meditation posture, when the energies stroke into his house with a lightning and a big thunderclap. The neighbours came running together, for they thought that the house would have been destroyed. But they found the Master in deep contemplation in an anteroom with an open window. He was radiating bright light. The people were irritated and withdrew again. The next morning they visited him and asked him for an explanation. The Master said, “The energies of the New Age have come. I have invoked them into me, assimilated them and will distribute them to humanity in due time.”

After having received the energy he started to work with it. With the help of this energy, which today we call the Avatar of Synthesis, he conducted many scientific experiments and understood the purpose of its visit: conducting transformations with the sheaths of the planet and to speed up the development on all planes, i.e. on the mineral, plant, animal, and human kingdom. The human beings should be liberated from the gross material tendencies and finally be lifted up to the planes of Light, to the etheric planes. For this purpose he also received sound keys.

From 31 March till 28 May 1910, the Master performed many different experiments. From 29 May on, the May Call Day, he started distributing the energy. First, he said that this energy has come to initiate mankind, so that they can transcend death. The energy will help mankind to neutralise the karma of the past to be able to proceed faster. There would be fast transformations in the understanding. The body tissues will be transformed; emotions will be vaporised, concepts will be broken, so that there are no more solidified ideas of right and wrong. He promised that he would create our golden body, if we follow his rules. He emphasised that the present human bodies are not suited for a complete experience of life and that the “spiritual” can only be experienced correctly if the model is changed. Therefore, he proposed rectifications of the body models.

He prophesised that the energy, which he was transmitting, would return to India only after having been well established in South America, North America and in Europe. To become a channel for the energies of synthesis, the Master gave the sound key “Namaskarams Master CVV”. He added that the sound should not be repeated like a mantra but that it is enough to invoke the sound key in the morning and in the evening and to offer oneself to the energies. Then you should be silent for 15 minutes and observe the happening inside. He said that it takes at least 15 minutes, so that the energies can spread through all the corners of the body and thus the necessary adjustments can happen. Further, we should contemplate on every form as the Master: The Master is the background consciousness of all there IS, and therefore we should recognise all forms as divine.

The event of the descent of the energies happened over 100 years ago; their effect gets bigger from year to year but the work of transformations happens in silence. In the books of Master DK, the importance of Master CVV is described as an Avatar of Synthesis, his name, however, is not directly mentioned. The 5th stanza of the Great Invocation was received by Master DK together with the other stanzas, but for certain reasons it remained hidden for some time. The invocation of the downpour from the Avatar of Synthesis helps with the ascent.

Sources: K.P. Kumar: The Aquarian Master / notes from seminars. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India.