The Element Akasha
The Quintessence
The five elements are five states of matter. The densest one is the solid state, also called “earth”. The second state is liquid, “water”; the third is “fire”; the fourth is “air”. The fifth state is usually not seen as an element in the West, because it seems to be immaterial. However, it is the subtlest form of matter and is called the ether of space or Akasha. Akasha is sometimes translated as “space”, but it is the all-pervading content of space, the eternal existence. Akasha is the origin of the other four elements, their original essence; it is also called the fifth essence, in Latin quinta essentia. The Secret Doctrine calls it the quintessence of all possible energy, to which all the manifestations of energy in the material, psychic and spiritual worlds are due.
Akasha is also described as the sky. Its hue is the blue background, the source of all kingdoms and the synthesis out of which the individual units of existence come forth. The quality of Akasha is sound. Through sound the manifestation of the other four elements happens which are potentially hidden in it. The sound makes the form descend into the denser states of matter.
The Devas of Radiation, called Rudras, enable the silence to manifest as sound. They cause waves which as disturbances in the Akasha bring about the manifestation. The Rudra principle exists in us in the throat and produces the speech. Its vibrations remove blockages. Through appropriate speech we can bless and rise to the worlds of Light; but through speech we can also hurt and cause confusion.
Speech is an expression of sound and a precipitation from the Akasha. For us sound is a disturbance of silence. However, there is also the subjective sound of the Voice of Silence. It comes through silence as the gateway and continues to manifest through the Akasha as the subjective sound. This sound belongs to the higher planes and comes from the head centre, the Ajna centre and the heart centre. Our throat centre is the gateway to the Akasha. By working with sound we rise above the throat centre from the earthly to the etheric existence. In the Akasha we are as a pulsating being unlimited by thoughts, like a free bird in the high sky. This state is also described as the milky ocean, and oceanic light in which we are above the body consciousness and beyond the terrestrial forms.
In the West there is nearly no idea of the forces that lie hidden in the akashic vibrations, the sound of mantric words. Sounds can bring order into life and cause healing. Pronounced in a correct arrangement they establish a connection with cosmic forces. Thus, the Masters of Wisdom can materialise things from the Akasha, seemingly from nothing. Frequently initiates have manifested fire, moved clouds, directed the wind etc. The magic of the ancients is based on techniques of sound. Vedic recitations, singing of mantrams and the OM help to purify the mental plane. We can support acts of good will, if, while intonating the holy word OM (AUM), we place the emphasis on the third part, the M.
The Most Holy Tissue
Akasha vibrates. Every human being has his own sound note through which his qualities can be determined. Our identity is conserved due to the original envelope of the soul called Akasha Sarira. In this closest envelope there are all recordings of the soul, of every thought, word and deed. In this cover the memory is kept. When we die we can leave behind all other envelopes, but this most holy tissue remains until the end of the Manvantara or cycle of creation. The Akasha form is the last thing we let go to become one with the Absolute. Its substance exists in the subtlest cells of the brain like the filament in the electric bulb; the corresponding centre is the thousand-petalled lotus of the Sahasrara.
Our identity has the substance of the imperishable Holy Land of which Madam Blavatsky explains that it never shared the destiny of all other continents on the planet. Other continents on the planet have undergone many changes. But this Holy Land around the Mount Meru hasn’t experienced such changes. It is the only one whose purpose it is to survive until the end of the Manvantara. It is the cradle of the first human race. Since Mount Meru has been in the region of the Himalayas the Scriptures say that the Himalayas are the cradle of humanity.
The first race was transparent; the body forms were like shadows which assimilated some ether. When compared with the solar angels they had a dense matter, but their forms were highly etheric. They only had the ability to hear, because the quality of Akasha is sound. The ability to hear is different from hearing. Hearing is formed only when there is also the mind, the same with the other sensory perceptions. All perceptions only come from the third root race on. Also with an embryo the matter is still very, very tender in the first weeks; it needs several months to build up the solid form.
In those days there was no death, because death also comes only after the mind has arrived. Death is an illusion the mind creates. The etheric forms don’t die, they surround us. Today we try to maintain through yoga the etheric form in which we continue to exist. We can activate this form if we enter into the Antahkarana Sarira, into the awareness of the spinal column.
The Akasha Records
In us there are all stories and associations of the past cycles of lives. All records of the soul are kept in the Akasha Records. The entire wisdom is also written down there. The Secret Doctrine speaks about the Lipikas, the intelligences which record all actions of each human being. Even if we are secretive towards our neighbours and family members – nothing remains hidden for these Devas, the good as well as the bad thoughts and deeds. Aggressors also cannot escape their deeds. The Akasha has enough records, and in due time everyone receives his share of pain having given it earlier to others. Also good work done in secrecy is recorded and will be revealed in due time.
Therefore the Master says to the spiritual student: “Constantly I am observing you.” Therefore we should do only things which can also be done while being observed and not lead a second life where we think that nobody sees us. Then we slowly abstain from doing certain things. Master CVV said: “Observe me in all your activity because I am observing you all the time.” Whenever a teacher says I AM, he refers to the Soul. In this all Masters only speak of the Soul which is a continuous existence.
Initiates can read the past, present and future of the entire creation from the tables of the universe. Therefore the great Masters don’t care whether their teachings are written down or not. They know that the teachings have been written down elsewhere and will come from time to time, when it is necessary. Jesus Christ often drew symbols into the sand and explained profound wisdom in them. Then he blurred again the sand. His disciples wanted to note it down, but Jesus used to say, “It is already recorded in the Akasha. It will come to you again when you are ready for it. I can write with the finger in the air; all I have written or said will remain in the Akasha. It will come again according to your aptitude.”
Very much wisdom was given out through Madam Blavatsky, for she was an initiate of a high order. The Indians did not respond well to her work, because they presumed that they already knew everything from their teachings. But HPB could produce information from the records of the Akasha which were revelations for humanity.
Akasha means illumination which is as unlimited as the absolute God. A is the name of the absolute God. If we apply this illumination to the past we can know and listen to everything that is preserved in the Akashic records, also the flute music of Lord Krishna. Then we will understand the activity of the whole world as a big drama and also our role in this mystery play. Finally, the subtler and grosser levels of consciousness merge in the one illumination.
Sources: K.P. Kumar: Sound – The Key and its Application / notes from seminars. E. Krishnamacharya: Lessons on the Yoga of Patanjali. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India.