The Seventh Ray
The seven rays of the sun have seven different colours and there are seven flames connected to the seven rays. The number 7 refers to the seven centres in the human body and the seven planes of existence. Symbolically, one speaks of the creation with seven planes as one creation that happened in seven days. The seven rays of the sun have seven names and the seventh ray, the purple flame, is called Swaraj; this means self-government, self-determination.
Self-governance, freedom and independence are the guiding principles of the seventh ray. Even children try to rule themselves. They do not allow us to impose our views on them. This is an effect of the seventh ray. We can make recommendations and provide information, but we cannot put pressure on children. This is considered aggression. They no longer allow us to give them instructions.
We are self-conscious beings. Each one of us essentially has the potential to live free and detached. If we have developed enough consciousness and the related conscience in us, we can rule ourselves. We then do not need governance by others. We need not be told by others what we have to do: 'I rule myself and I let others rule themselves'. Good governance therefore begins with ourselves.
As long as we cannot rule ourselves, we need to be controlled and regulated so as not to be a nuisance to the others. Originally there were initiates who ruled society. Later there were kings, now we have governments. The task of rulers is to guide people according to the law of Nature. In this dark age, power and money prevail, and so we cannot expect an ideal government. People who forget their duty get confused and tend to disregard the Law and Nature.
Technologically much progress has been done, but we have a tendency to overly focus on outer manifestations at the expense of internal growth. Centuries ago, the Hierarchy recognised that people develop structures that are in contrast to the structures and rhythms of Nature, and that they are heading towards crises and great catastrophes. This is why the Hierarchy has invoked the energy of the seventh ray, as this energy is the first thing that enables us to rule ourselves. If we develop internally and learn to rule ourselves, we can withstand the external development and bring it into balance.
Self-governance requires discipleship. All over the world there are aspirants who apply the discipline of the seventh ray to themselves. They make an effort to live rhythmically and be disciples. Self-governance is ruled by the seventh ray and the seventh ray works through the violet flame. In 1675, Count St. Germain began his work to manifest the seventh ray through the violet flame. Saint Germain is the Master of the seventh ray of freedom, independence and self-responsibility; in Europe he is also known as Master Rakoczy. The work of his disciples brought independence to the countries of North and South America. To create good governance, he works to bring people into tune with the rhythms of Nature, the rhythms of the greater system.
Rhythmic Living
The seventh ray of rhythm gives the knowledge of attunement to Nature. In Nature everything is kept in balance by the Law of Rhythm. The earth has its rhythms, the moon and the planets also have their regularly recurring rhythms. Those who live in irregularity and disorder cannot receive this knowledge. We must understand what rhythms occur in Nature and follow rhythms relating to sleep, work, rest and food. According to Nature's plan, day and night are meant for different activities. If we try to extend day activity into night and night activity into day, we have left the rhythm. The seers of all times and all over the world knew the laws of Nature and they recommended to get up before daybreak in order to receive the energies of dawn, which stimulate the brain each day and increase our ability of understanding. Master CVV introduced the rhythm of 6 o’clock morning and evening meditations to ensure that we enter into this rhythm. In this way our lives are ordered.
Rhythm also strengthens health. Master EK often taught that one should have a rhythm for work, food and rest. No one who followed a rhythm in these three aspects of life would fall ill. The Master himself was a model of health; in the 30 years of his work he was never ill. Although he worked intensively for 16 to 18 hours a day, there was a hidden rhythm in everything he did, and therein lay his power to manifest.
To rhythm belongs freshness, the always new. That is the difference between rhythm/ritual and routine. Doing meditation routinely is different from meditation as a ritual. Rhythm is another word for ritual. If we perform the 6 o'clock meditations like rituals, we regain the ritualisation and rhythms of life.
Ritual and Magic
Ritual is nothing else than the imitation of a higher system by a lower system. We imitate the higher system in our actions, and when we are aligned to the higher, the power, love and light of the higher system can work through us. Thus begins the magical impact of order and rhythm. Rhythm can produce surprising magical results. It is a ceremonial work or magic in its true sense. Master Djwhal Khul gives many references to this work, especially in the book 'A Treatise on White Magic'.
There are many books and websites about the magical impact of the supernatural. They glorify Saint Germain, the violet ray and ascended beings. This fascinates many people and they want to establish contact with them. But this does not happen by will alone. Nor do the websites contain any information about the importance of a life guided by rhythm and by working for others.
In every work that is done, there is to be something for others and also something for ourselves. In every action, there is to be both giving and receiving. When we are trying to work with rhythm and the seventh ray, we should carefully observe how much is offered for others in the work we do. As much as we offer to the surrounding life so much do we receive from the higher circles. This is a law and is a part of the cosmic Law of Rhythm. When we do not adapt to it, we cause disturbance. Master KPK recommends: “Receive from higher circles and transmit it to the lower circles.”
We speak of the coming in of the Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order and Magic. This ray only enters us when we follow certain rhythms and applying their laws to our lives. This is called 'bringing the Kingdom of Light down to earth'. Working with the seventh ray is a systematic magical work for others by which thousands of beings are benefitted. This is the “white magic” of the disciple.
This work also directly relates to the subtle kingdom of Nature that immediately precedes the physical plane. It is the realm of violet light. In order to enter it, we can visualize, before sleep and with our eyes closed, a field of violet in the forehead. This slowly leads us to other areas of light.
At the very threshold where the visible meets the invisible, we encounter violet. Behind the violet there are six other colour vibrations. These vibrations of different velocity are needed for subtle transformations. We gain them by relating to the violet flame: from violet to purple, from purple to orange, to gold, to aquamarine, to blue and finally to indigo.
Our earth goes from the visible to the invisible. The violet flame is therefore more and more manifesting and the matter of the earth and the bodies of the beings living there are undergoing a magical transformation. The present plan intends a very rapid transformation of the matter of humans, animals, plants and minerals - a transformation that leads to transfiguration and transcendence. Uranus presides over the transformations involved in order to achieve the magical results. Uranus stimulates the seventh ray to re-establish the law and the ceremonial order and to bring back the much-forgotten science of magic and rituals.
Master CVV brought in the energies of Uranus and Aquarius. The name CVV also means Cosmic Violet Vibration. For the acceleration of development, the energy of Master CVV is helpful for all human beings. As a group we therefore invoke Master CVV, though we do not necessarily all belong to Master CVV. Depending on the ray structure of each soul, there is a quickening of the evolution in relation to the existing structure of the person, and their rays are strengthened.
Rhythm and ritual cause a rearrangement of the atoms and their magnetisation. If we develop a good rhythm and system in our life, we become more magnetic. At the same time rhythm leads to an expansion of time and also to an expansion of consciousness. With the help of the expanded consciousness, work is turned out much more rapidly gaining Aquarian speed. It is called God’s speed.
Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Master CSG. Uranus. Div. seminar notes. / E. Krishnamacharya: The Seven Rays. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India