Part 1
Protecting the Inner Reality
With the transition of the sun from Leo to Virgo you can observe a change in the qualities of time: The dynamic Leo-energies change into the gentle and yet powerful character of Virgo. Its note is to guard, to nurture and finally to reveal the hidden spiritual reality.
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - the three earth signs of the zodiac - are in a special way related to the Mother-aspect of Creation:
- The body has been given to us by our mother; this is depicted by the zodiacal sign of Taurus.
- The sign Virgo represents the love we receive through our mother or our partner.
- The third earth sign, Capricorn, stands for the birth of the child through the mother.
There exists a deep relation between Capricorn and Virgo; for interestingly at the day of the winter solstice at midnight, when the sun enters into Capricorn, the sign Virgo rises at the horizon (ascendant). If you count from Virgo Capricorn is the fifth sign; the fifth house of the zodiac announces the birth of a child. Thus always at the winter solstice in Capricorn the birth of the Son of the Virgin is celebrated. For the journey northwards of the sun now beginning brings to earth the renewed increase of the light and of its live-giving rays.
Symbolical Meanings
The symbols of the zodiac point to fundamental spiritual realities and creative processes. With images and figures truths are illustrated in order to make them vividly clear. From the spiritual point of view the terms father and mother, son and daughter also have a symbolical character and must not be equated with the biological relatives: The Mother embodies Nature and the Light of Creation rising out of the dark. The Father is its background holding all created things in existence. The Son stands for the soul, the fruit of the union of the Father-Spirit with the Mother-Matter. The Daughter represents the light or soul body, which is developed through right relations with the form and love aspect of Nature. In the spiritual context the female form in creation is a special symbol of the Mother, and we should not cause grief through a wrong behaviour towards women.
The word matter comes from the Latin word for mother (mater), and the letter M as well as its inversion W trace the wave-movement of the water. The sign of Virgo, ♍, also symbolises the wave (m), the crossed line indicates the womb of the Mother. In the Womb of Time, surrounded by the Waters of Space, things grow up until the right time. In most theologies we can find this water, the original or virgin matter. This virginity stands for the state of matter before the emergence of form, impregnated in purity through the potency of the Spirit. Another name for this water is ether. It is the field or the matrix (lit.: uterus) of all manifestations, the space pregnant of possibilities, also called „Mother of the World”.
The Rainbow Fabric
It says that the Father spreads out through the eyes of the Mother: The Spirit streams down in seven planes, seven colours, seven scales of musical sounds etc. In the Bible the time periods of Creation are described as seven days. Many old religions represent the World Mother surrounded with a seven-coloured aura of the rainbow, and therefore the colour of Virgo is rainbow-coloured. The rainbow also symbolises the bridge between the world of form and the formless.
The world of form is in a continuous movement of changing qualities. We should look upon these qualities as garments: a red, a blue, a green garment. It is as if we put on dresses woven with different colours. Besides these three garments there exists the white robe to which the initiates refer to: the glorious white robe. It is the Light of the Soul, and each one of us is a soul with this Light.
We exist with and without dress. But for the most part we only see the cloth or the pattern and forget the threads out of which the fabric is woven. An initiate is fully aware of the existence beyond the qualities. Therefore he is considered to be a man without clothes. Let us connect in regular exercise with that which we are in the inner, beyond the forms and qualities - with the pure existence and its Light as awareness - then the qualities come and go according to their periodicity, but we continue to exist.
Becoming Inclusive
The Virgin in the Virgo sign is depicted as having an ear of corn in one hand and a lamp in the other. The ear of corn represents the fruit growing up in her womb, her Son, the spiritual food of mankind. The lamp is the symbol of spiritual light in the darkness.
To the average man Mercury is governing Virgo. He fosters a critical and analytical mind, which is important for dealing with the objective world. But mental thinking is only concerned with the concrete and with details and doesn’t perceive the synthesis of things. Thus man imprisons himself in a cage.
Therefore Virgo represents the limitations resulting from ignorance and misunderstandings, from dislike and refusal. Synthesis requires inclusion and not refusal. That’s why we must learn to become inclusive. Here we are helped by Virgo in its higher aspect: she teaches us to serve, to stand up for the well-being of mankind and of the co-creation in a loving and benevolent way. The key to Virgo is to work without looking out for reward. You might receive reward, but you don’t look for it. If we act in such a way, we are purified inwardly and the Light shines more and more through.
Part 2
The Mother of the World
If we throw a pebble into a still lake, this continues for a certain time to create waves which emanate in circles and die away again after a while. The emanation of creation is like the emergence of waves: through the first impulse in boundless Space a manifestation is created, a field of action appears. It is circumscribed by its own limitation and has its order and duration. Cyclical, periodic emanations bring creation down to its dense stand and periodically it is also brought back again. It is like vapour condensing to water and water to ice and dissolving again. Though the forms differ, the substance in the different states and planes remains the same.
In each form the original pure matter is inherent, it is the Mother of all forms and qualities. Electricity, magnetism, light, heat and all chemical reactions the scientists are concerned with are born out of her. In the state before the emergence of forms she is called in old theologies the Holy Mother of Creation, Isis, the Heavenly Virgin. Her fertilisation by the Father-Spirit is also called the Immaculate Conception. Out of the „Mother of the World” the whole creation emerges as an emanation of the divine idea, with the Father as substance. In the East the „Great Mother of the Dawn” is called Gayatri. The age-old Gayatri Mantram is a contemplation about this source of light, which is the basis of the cosmic, solar and planetary spheres. It is a petition to the Lord of Light to inspire and alert our wills: „We meditate / contemplate upon that Light of the Lord, so that it embraces us and alerts our wills,” is a simple explanation of the Gayatri.
Qualities Of Virgo
The sign of Virgo symbolises the Light of virgin Nature, which manifests in seven scales of sound, of colour, of matter and of the Kingdoms of Nature. Therefore the colour of this sign is the rainbow, but also milk-white, seven its number quality, its metal the secretly radiating radium. The Virgin in the Virgo sign has a lamp in one hand, as a sign of the spiritual light, the light in darkness, in the other an ear of corn, representing her son as the spiritual food of mankind. Virgo presides over the nursing professions, welfare centres and service of suffering humanity. Love, affection, a sense of belonging are characteristic features. Virgo-individuals on the first stages of the path want to be recognised for their work and labour and have the tendency to care too much for their health and diet. They also fear to give their own opinion or to oppose the proposals of others. If they start to develop self-confidence and to do what they realize to be right, they will be successful.
The Way of Inclusion
Virgo is the sign of analysis and of the scientist, who in his search for knowledge anatomises things and loses the sight of the whole. The opposing sign Pisces stands for synthesis, for the artist and the man who cares more for the unity of things. Virgo is the sixth sign related to the sixth house of the horoscope, presiding over limitations, lack of comprehension and misunderstandings. Mercury rules on the lower planes and advances faultfinding and narrow-minded thinking. Our wrong conception and dislike of things and situations prevents us from realising their meaning and purpose. We should not hate any form or any quality, because everything in creation has its fitness and role to play. Undesirable qualities in us only grow stronger by hating and by admonition, we should work intelligently to overcome them. If we negate, we are negated. If we neglect money, money neglects us. If we neglect health, health neglects us. The Path to Truth is the way of inclusion by assimilation and not a way of confrontation. „The old world rejected the Mother of the World, but the New World begins to perceive Her lustrous veil.” (Agni Yoga, § 55)
Virginal Awareness
Virgo is the mutable earthy sign; for the ordinary man as well as on the first stages of the path the three earthy signs represent matter, the gross side of nature. We have to see that we don’t get stuck in objectivity. If we continuously live in the outer, our mind is filled with things the senses have accumulated. We are like a sheet filled with writing, we cannot receive impressions from within. When we are able to close the door to objectivity, the energy which had effused through the five senses to the outside is lead back to its source. The mental, emotional and physical impressions in consciousness come to an end and we gain a state of virginal awareness. Then our mind reflects the Light from subjectivity. In truth we are a light coming from the LIGHT. The mind is an envelopment around us, we are not this envelopment, it only mirrors our original essence. The meditation on the Virgo Full Moon stimulates the process of immaculate conception, by which the birth of an originally pure, divine quality of consciousness happens in us and we are raised to the plane of the „Son of the Virgin”.
The Cosmic Light reflects much easier through us, when we have a pure body, which is also called an etheric body of the virginal matter of Virgo. The key for this is to work for the well-being of others - to give money and time, energy and constructive word - without watching out for reward. You may get it, but you don’t expect it. Therefore Virgo is essentially a sign related to service on the physical plane. If this service is selfless, you get automatically purified and the light shines through.
Part 3
Perspective and Symbols
Everything we observe in nature is only as it appears to us. Wherever we go, we always have our own standpoint and our own point of view. For us the sky is blue and the horizon a ring around us. It’s true that reason makes us realize that there exists neither a horizon nor the blueness of the sky. However it is of no use to us just to know this fact: We have to accept that from birth the horizon surrounds us as a circle and that we are its centre. Both perspectives, the intellectual and the experiential, are only parts of the truth. The approach of a seer towards truth is synthetic and not analytic in the first place. An intuitive view complements the intellectual thinking, and thus we can come to a comprehensive understanding.
The sign of Virgo stands for the analytic thinking, the opposing sign of Pisces for the synthetic one. If we are focussed on details, we can get bewildered and lose the sight of the whole. If we look at the things in a more intuitive and less intellectual way, the overall scheme of things unveils to us. A holistic approach can’t do without using symbols.
The science of symbolism shows that all which appears, points to an underlying hidden truth. Everything visible is a manifestation of the invisible. Each form is a symbol and the entire creation a composition of symbols. There are man-made, but also universal symbols. Man-made symbols like the characters of a language are never universal, they confine to a group of people having a common understanding. The universal symbols are not invented by man, but they were received by him. They form the language of the gods to be deciphered by man. They are the original alphabet and include number, shape, sound, colour, smell, taste, touch and the thought. They exist as creative intelligences (Devas) and are first concealed properties. However they can be revealed by us.
Virgo - the Great Mother
For example, the nourishing and protective power of nature is symbolically represented as the Virgin Mary holding the child Christ in her arms. Nature protects all those who respect its Laws. If we follow the Law, this leads us to the originally pure and virgin nature of consciousness. When the mind is filled with things the senses have accumulated, it is no virginal mind. A virginal mind is like a screen where no picture has yet been created. We can get it if we turn inward and thus free the mind from the impressions from objectivity. Then it is able to receive fresh things. The virginal awareness is worshipped as the Mother or the Light of the World, and the Father as the background. The Light of the World manifests through the seven scales of sound, of colour, of matter and of kingdoms. All female forms in creation are a symbol of the Mother of the World and they must not be abused. The whole nature is a network, which is described as the garment of the Mother, as the veil of Isis concealing the Truth: “Such an outspreading fluid network has an enormous salutary significance. One must send not only thoughts but also psychic energy over great distance. The ancients called such a fluid network the fabric of the Mother of the World.” (Fiery World, § 309)
We can pray for the blessing of the Mother and ask her to guide us. Perhaps we think we are intelligent and seek our way with our little brain outside. But the Mother can protect us from following wrong ways. She can give us the right understanding and help us to find the right path – concerning the economic situation, the partner and the right teacher. We can experience the presence of the Mother, if we realise her message in the form, the colour and the vibration of a symbol. Through a flower the Great Mother gives us her presence as beauty and smell. Through the sign of Virgo she finds her expression in nature and in man.
Affection, favour and love for relatives are the keynote of the sign. By nature people born in this sign are serviceable and they serve according to the favour shown to them. They are easily discouraged when people do not co-operate. Nothing deceives them more than a false word of sympathy. Their humility is good but they should develop self-confidence and begin to do whatever they are convinced to be right. They should make themselves free from feeling obliged to do things against their conviction or that others should lead them.
The mutable earthy sign of Virgo is ruled by Mercury on the worldly plane and by Moon on the subtle plane. Astrologically Mercury represents the mind or the soul, having the Sun, the spirit, as father and the Moon, the nature, as mother. If the mercurial mind is turned to the material, it gets worldly and busy. If however it is near the Sun and focussed on the Spirit, it becomes divine; it conveys wisdom and enlightens the path.
Marriage and Pregnancy
The sacrament of marriage is regarded as the most sacred one, because here the trinity of spirit, force and matter unites, for the well-being of the planet ant its living beings. The bridegroom is looked on as the embodiment of the spirit and the bride as the embodiment of the divine nature. Their marriage is an union and not a mating. Animals mate, man marries. This union reveals a higher purpose, it is an image of the union of Spirit and Matter for a new creation. Every pregnant woman is a repetition of the World Mother. The child she gives birth to is a micro-creation and is like the emergence of the cosmos. The egg in the womb is a prototype of the cosmos, and in its macrocosmic equivalent it emerges as the cosmic egg. Symbolically it is represented as a circle with a centre. The birth of a man on earth is indeed the birth of his globe. He is the geometric centre of the space surrounding him, the globe of his earthly life. This symbolism is one of the main keys for an understanding of the zodiac, and Virgo Full Moon is also called the moon of the creation.
Pregnancy is a time of formation; all the energy pouring in passes over to the child and crystallizes there: Whatever the mother and the father think and do during this time is transferred to the child. You can give very much education to an incarnating ego, as long as it is still in the mother’s womb. If during this time the couple increases reading the scriptures, participating in rituals and doing acts of good will, the impression of these activities will find expression in the child in the womb. This is the best kind of teaching. The couple should co-operate harmoniously in order to be able to give birth to a child of good will. When the child then comes into objectivity, it carries the seeds of wisdom in itself, which develop in time and can later lead to the second, the spiritual birth. Thus marriage and pregnancy carry a deep purpose and a responsibility.
Part 4
Distorted and Pure Mind
Our mind is naturally receptive. With information it receives from the outside, through the senses, it develops knowledge and ideas about objectivity. The information is stored in memory. What goes into action as our thinking is mostly nothing but the work of memory. Our subjective thinking is also often just a reproduction caused by memory. When we close our eyes to meditate, we quasi open the door to the reservoir of memory: The mind wanders about and recalls events, persons and places coming all from the storehouse of objectivity. Thus the mind is continuously impregnated by the outer world, and it is occupied with satisfying desires or seeking experiences stimulated by memory.
However, it is important to remember that we are souls. We are consciousness expressing itself into objectivity through the vehicle of the body. The unimpeded soul radiates Love, Light and Will. When the soul enters into objectivity, the Light gets reflected in the personality and there is the possibility of a disturbance. When the mind is occupied with things other than Light, the inner radiance is covered, and the body consciousness overshadows the soul and imprisons it. Disturbances of the subjective mind cause disturbances in our personal understanding. Distortions happen on the mental plane, in the sense activity, in our speech and action. Whenever the mind gets shaken by disturbances, the entire picture of Truth is corrupted. From the absolute to the objective world the virginal pure mind is capable of reflecting and expressing Truth in an undistorted way. This type of mind receives directly from the source; it is not reproductive, but originally creative. It carries magnetic radiation, inspiration and freshness, since it isn’t a repetition of something given earlier nor a reproduction from memory.
Triple Reflection
Roughly speaking the mind exists on three planes. The first is the plane of the reflection of the Absolute God in the spiritual triad; the second the reflection of the spiritual triad as personality; the third, when the personality reflects itself into objectivity. The spiritual triad is a reflection of the inexpressible God, and the mind reflecting the inexpressible God as the spiritual triad is called the virginal mind, which is symbolised by the sign of Virgo. When God Transcendent reflects Himself through spirit and matter into creation, He becomes the Word, which was with God. The Scriptures also call it the Original Light, the Celestial Virgin or the Mother of the World. It is our seventh plane of existence, and the mantra of Gayatri calls upon meditation on this Light of the One, which comes out of the darkness beyond the seven planes of existence, so that it may embrace us and awaken our will. It proposes that we become light and merge with this Light. So we can become Sons of the Virgin. The Sons of the Virgin are born of an “immaculate conception”, since they have become a pure vessel through which the Grace of the Divine can flow. Some religions have distorted the original wisdom concept of virginity and presented it as their property. Gaining virginity, the supra mental or buddhic consciousness, is not the prerogative only of one Son of God or one religion, but the highest aspiration of every man. The way to it is referred to as the Path of Discipleship.
Kaleidoscopic Variety
On the lower planes the mutable earthy sign of Virgo personifies ignorance and distortions of Truth. The sixth house of the horoscope governed by Virgo indicates wrong views and misunderstandings. Here Mercury as ruler leads to difficulties and discord. Dislikes and rejection constrain us and we suffer. If we learn to get beyond confrontation and critical analysing, Mercury conveys to us the light of higher understanding. Thus we can gradually realize our own limitations, accept them and include other perspectives.
Virgo stands for the kaleidoscopic variety of creation. Its colours are the seven colours of the rainbow. It forms the bridge between the subtle and the gross and symbolizes the radiant aura of the World Mother. In the energy of the World Mother all forms, colours and sounds come to an agreement: “I exist in great variety on all seven planes. All seven are but ME.” When all seven are visualized together, joy arises inside.
The Figure of Gayatri
An Eastern illustration of the World Mother is the figure of the six-faced Gayatri of which five faces are visible. The six faces of the Sun Deity carry five colour aspects, namely the solar and the lunar light, the colours blue, red and golden-yellow as well as the invisible colour of the background. The faces are also represented geometrically as the six sides of a cube. They embody the six energies of the solar year, as represented by the 12 zodiacal signs in their male and female aspects. In their totality, they form a synthesis of the original light.
The Daughter of the Mountain
According to the Wisdom Teachings, alongside the symbolic representation, there is an embodiment of the World Mother in physical form. Just as Lord Maitreya, Sanat Kumara and all other Great Beings exist, there is also the incarnated female energy, called the Daughter of the Mountain, found in the Himalayas. The Secret Doctrine describes her as Stella Maris, the Star of the Sea, the Exquisite Jewel. The Master E.K. portrays her in the book “Man Sacrifice”. She appears in the shape of a yogini, as a young woman of about eighteen years, often accompanied by a lion or riding on it. Her curls are tied up over the head, her face radiates peace and sparkles with a graceful smile. She is the guiding star of the entire Spiritual Hierarch, and often when they are confronted with crisis, she provides for a solution. We can visualize this delightful form of the Divine Mother in order to meditate on Her and thus to experience the blessing of Her presence.
Sources used: K. P. Kumar: Hercules: The Man and the Symbol / seminar notes / E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology / Man Sacrifice. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India. - A. A. Bailey: Esoteric Astrology, Lucis-Trust, London. ( / )