The Full Moon and New Moon Meditation
“Meditation is not a doing, but a happening”
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Full and New Moon Meditation Formula
Current Astrological Dates / Astrological Calendar
Book: Full Moon Meditations | Invocation for New Moon
Meditations during the full moon hours do much good to the mind, senses and the body - in the sense that alignment can be easily worked out in between these three implements by the Soul through the co-operative and magnetic energies of the time. Those who are inclined to such meditation are strongly recommended to remain with light food and to abstain from too much objective activity from the day before the full moon. The ones whose body, mind and senses are aligned through purity in thought, speech and action will experience the energies of the full moon and gain a scope to experience the meetings of the initiates through the etheric permeation (travel).
The full moon is therefore taken as an opportunity given by nature to regain the alignment, and thereby get replenished with the light of the soul which is otherwise hindered to permeate. The light of the soul is eternally present in creation, and it is our alignment of the body, i.e., the mental, emotional and the physical, that would enable the experiencing of that which we all cherish: the light of the soul, the sound of the soul, called the music of the soul and the magic of the creation.
The new moon helps us to dissolve the desire body. The energies are useful for reorganising the desire body. The desire body is divine. But we only should use it as it is allowed by nature, by the law. Without desire nothing can be done, because desire is the reflected form of Will. The desire should always serve to execute goodwill in every walk of life. To cause adjustments to the desire body, meditation during the new moon hours is helpful. So, we take to consecration to the new moon also. The full moon currents are helpful to build the etheric body. This is how we have to work with the new moon and the full moon.
The emotional currents are dissolved, if we orient to the new moon energies, thereby the desire body gets adjusted, and the full moon helps us to build the etheric body, the body of golden light. Building the golden body is not possible, unless the desire body is adjusted. This is how we have to tune up to the cycles of the new moon and full moon. It will help us on our way towards progress into light.
The new moon meditation is very profitable, if you start working right from the 13th descending moon phase terminating in the beginning of the new moon point. So, a day before you can start working with it.
You can hold on this awareness of new moon until six hours after the new moon point. Likewise for the full moon also. Hold the awareness of the full moon with you up to six hours after the full moon point. Just hold in your awareness that this is the new moon time or this is the full moon time. The awareness itself is a good key to be in the presence of those energies, and you can chose a regular time convenient to you to contemplate upon these energies.
That would help us in the long run in getting certain changes happening in our personality.
Preparation for the Full Moon and New Moon
Every full moon and new moon is a great opportunity to gain the alignment. Each full moon and new moon has its own splendour. We have to understand that the full moon enables manifestation of light up to the physical. Everything gets lighted including the body. The alignment between the Sun, Moon and the Earth in the sky is a great moment. If we are poised enough, as the alignment takes place in the sky, it also takes place in us, so that the light is experienced all over.
More than the expectations about the full moon or new moon, it is important to live in silence during the full moon and new moon hours. Keep the mind as quiet as possible, as still as possible, by minimizing the speeches and actions, so that the sun ray or the soul ray or the light of the soul is well reflected upon the mind, and the quiet mind is a transparent medium which would enable the reflection of the solar light as lunar light upon the body of seven tissues. Consequently, you experience the magic of the full moon or new moon in you.
Aries 2024 – Pisces 2025 Full Moon and New Moon Formula
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OM Saravanabhavaya Namah (MP3, 5.0 MB)
Download Ekkirala Kulambodhi (MP3, 0.8 MB)
The full moon and the new moon are the two important nodal points in human consciousness. In fact, all the mental activity of the biological beings on this earth is instrumented by the actions of the moon.
The new moon and the full moon are the best days to conduct meditation within yourself and they are the days of great opportunity to contact the higher forces in you and the higher forces outside.
See Astrological Calendar for the dates for full moon and new moon meditation.
Text | |
I | OM (7 times) Guru Brahma, Gurur Vishnuhu Gurur Devo Maheshwaraha Gurur Sakshat Parambrahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha (5 minutes silence.) |
II | Namaskarams Master Namaskarams Master KPK Namaskarams Master EK Namaskarams Master MN Namaskarams Master CVV Namaskarams Master CVV Namaskarams Master CVV to your Lotus Feet (15 minutes silence.) |
III | Vena, the Gandharva, is wiping off the pictures of the subconscious mind on the walls of my nature with the hieroglyphs of sound from his seven stringed lyre. Serpent ‘K’ loosens its skin. The pictures of past Karma on the walls of its skin are peeled off. Karma neutralised. (Occult Meditation 31 & 32) |
IV | Om Saravanabhavaya Namaha (18 times) |
V | Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu (3 times) OM Shanti Shanti Shantihi |
VI | (optional) Ekkirala Kulam Bodhi Vidumananda Rupinam Anantharya Tano Jatam Krisnam Vande Jagadgurum Sri Krishnamacharya Ananta Putram Satsa Dhu Mitram Karuna Rdranetram Gurum Gurunam Piteram Pitrunam Ananyasesha Seranan Prapadye |
The proposed time intervals are optional.