  • The Power of sound
  • Rhythm and ritual
  • Listening to the silence

The Power of sound

To utter OM regularly in groups has a better effect on the subtle planes for world peace than peace demonstrations.

Rhythm and ritual

All rhythms and rituals finally aim at transforming the matter of our body in a natural way in order to enable a faster development.

Listening to the silence

When we listen to the silence, we will hear a humming sound. This is the voice of silence, the soundless sound which is heard in the heart centre.

Master CVV Sharing

“Meditation is not a doing, but a happening”
Meditations and Rituals | Prayers and Invocations
Master CVV Sharing, PDF (280 KB)
Facebook group: WTT Shambala

Master CVV

The prayer relates to the mission of Master CVV which is essentially meant to link the spiritual groups and share the energy to build a global web around the Earth. This web of energy uplifts the humanity to the realms of Light. “From the Avatar of Synthesis, who is around, let his energy pour down in all kingdoms. May he lift up the Earth to the Kings of Beauty”. This mission that came through Master CVV as we all know is picked up by Hierarchy and in all Ashrams the energy is invoked, linked as between and shared. The groups would eventually know this.

The prayer given is only to remind the followers of CVV to consciously link up at soul levels to the fellow members of the group and to all the groups that invoke CVV and further link up to all other spiritual groups and experience the consequent uplift.

The prayer is self-explanatory. It can be invoked periodically (once a week on Wednesday) according to the inclination of the groups.

The Prayer
1May CVV sharing be perceived,
As global sharing of the energies of Aquarius via Uranus,
To link up, to share and to rise!
May the Master help in this regard!
Master CVV Namaskaram!
2May the individual aspirant shut the door to objectivity
and turn subjective to invoke the Master.
May the translucent vertical be perceived from Muladhara to Ajna.
May the Kundalini be envisioned!
May the Master help in this regard!
Master CVV Namaskaram!
3May the individual Kundalini link up to the group Kundalini and be shared.
May the group Kundalini be linked up,
To the group Kundalini of the groups that invoke CVV and be shared!
May the energies thus be shared with all the groups that invoke CVV!
May the Master help in this regard!
Master CVV Namaskaram!
4May the Kundalini of the groups stand linked firmly!
May all the spiritual groups, oriented to Hierarchy,
Be also linked and shared via Kundalini.
May the Master help in this regard!
Master CVV Namaskaram!
5May the spiritual Kundalini of the spiritual groups on Earth
Merge into the Kundalini of humanity!
May such Kundalini stand linked to the Earth Kundalini!
May the Master help in this regard!
Master CVV Namaskaram!
6From the individual to group, from the group to the groups of CVV,
And from the groups of CVV to all spiritual groups on Earth,
And from all spiritual groups on Earth to humanity,
And from humanity to Hierarchy.
May all the global groups be linked and the energy be shared.
May the Master help in this regard!
Master CVV Namaskaram!
7May the Kundalini of the humanity, Earth Kundalini,
Kundalini of the Hierarchy be linked and shared, up to Shambala.
May the Master help in this regard!
Master CVV Namaskaram!
8May the humanity, Hierarchy and Earth Kundalini
Be linked to Shambala for the lift-up of the Earth to the Kings of Beauty!
May the Master’s mission stand fulfilled!
Master CVV Namaskaram!
9May the needed transition happen!
May Uranus be kind and compassionate!
May Shambala shower the blessings!
May the Master’s mission stand fulfilled!
May the Master help in this regard!
Master CVV Namaskaram!