  • The Power of sound
  • Rhythm and ritual
  • Listening to the silence

The Power of sound

To utter OM regularly in groups has a better effect on the subtle planes for world peace than peace demonstrations.

Rhythm and ritual

All rhythms and rituals finally aim at transforming the matter of our body in a natural way in order to enable a faster development.

Listening to the silence

When we listen to the silence, we will hear a humming sound. This is the voice of silence, the soundless sound which is heard in the heart centre.

World Health & Healing Order - Prayer

“Meditation is not a doing, but a happening”
Meditations and Rituals | Prayers and Invocations
The World Health & Healing Order, PDF (130 KB)
Prayer (MP3, 18 MB) | Video as visualization aid (MP4, 40 MB)
Prayer on YouTube

  • World Health and Healing Order is perceived to neutralise the impact of the raising sicknesses of various kinds.
  • Love and Compassion only can dissolve the persisting energies of the disease. Attacking the disease is futile and is reactive. With Love and Compassion coming from the greater ones is the key.
    Omnia Vincit Amor (Love wins all)

  • Those of us, in the World Teacher Trust groups or even other groups may select a friend and relate to Me (K. Parvathi Kumar, KPK) to form a triangle to heal. A global network of such triangles is a definite possibility due to our activity all over the globe.
  • The process is simple. Just build a triangle by visualising that you and your friend are sitting with Me (KPK) as a Triangle, wherever you and your friend are physically located. Then make a pledge to serve humanity, to heal the world from the pandemic and other diseases as well.
  • Every Thursday and Sunday at 12 noon, the triangles need to sit in a short prayer and transmit energies to the surroundings.

The Prayer
Three times OM
1Master Namaskaram
Master CVV Namaskaram
Master MN Namaskaram
Master EK Namaskaram
Master KPK Namaskaram
Master Namaskaram
Silence for 5 Minutes
2“Master! please let us receive the influx of Thy plenty of Prana into our system, so that, we may resist disease, decay and death, realise the highest truth, the pure love and the bliss of existence and serve Humanity according to Thy Plan. Master Namaskaram.”
Silence for 2 Minutes
3I visualise along with my friend for 7 minutes the descent of the Master Energies into the triangle via KPK unto our hearts via Ajna centre.
Silence for 7 Minutes
4We feel the abundant golden hue in the cave of our heart.
Silence for 3 Minutes
5We now distribute the healing energies by visualising their outflow from our heart via throat, via shoulders, hands and palms.
Silence for 12 Minutes
6We visualise the outflow of the healing energies in ever expanding waves all around us covering our surroundings, our region, our state, our nation, our continent and our globe.

We feel that the globe is filled with the golden hue energy emerging from us.
Silence for 3 Minutes
7OM Shanti Shanti Shantihi.


  • When every triangle does this work, twice a week, the energy encounters, with Love and Compassion, the diseases to neutralise them and dissolve them.
  • This human effort is considered to be the immediate need. Members may participate in this grand service and become a member of the World Health and Healing Order (WHHO).
  • This service commences on 31st December 2020 after Sagittarius full moon on Thursday and continues ever. Please note 12 noon local time on Thursday and Sunday are ever dedicated to this work for life.
  • The persons who join this service may inform me by sending email to kparvathikumar@gmail.com, which is exclusively conceived for this purpose (The address remains to be valid permanently). Please send your name & address and the name & address of your friend with whom you wish to join to form the Triangle, via email and mark a copy to your friend. Make sure that your friend would only join with you and vice versa for this purpose and that only one email is received from both of you.
  • In His Name We Serve.

K. Parvathi Kumar

WHHO Prayer