Book Presentation

Ashram - Regulations for Entry

by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview Wisdom

Ashram - Regulations for Entry

Short Description:

Entering into the ashrams of Masters is possible by adopting oneself to the cardinal occult regulations and practices. Emotional approach would not lead one to the ashram and in as much as one tends to be impractical, one gets derailed from the normal and simple journey of life.

In 1993 Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar was invited to teach on varied wisdom subjects at the Theosophical Library of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The group ardently requested the Teacher to narrate to them the nature and characteristics of an ashram of a Master and the specific practice to be adopted for entering.

18 years later, the groups started demanding for the content of the talk. As the demand was gathering strength, the Master gave out this synopsis. The booklet is a practical guide for those who intent to make inner adventures and eventually find the hidden beauty of Nature within and without. It is meant for sincere seekers.

Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 2013

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Ever since the advent of a fresh wave of theosophy through the valiant lady Madam H. P. Blavatsky, there has been considerable interest emerging in the aspirants regarding the super mundane world. Super mundane world is tending to be a reality to many aspirants and disciples. This ignition to aspiration is further triggered by Sri Aurobindo, who had emphatically spoken of the supra mental reality. This concept of supra mental is no different from the super mundane experiences of Madam H. P. Blavatsky and the related teachings. The teachings of the Tibetan Master, Master Djwhal Khul, also emphasise on human transcendence to supra mental as the immediate step of evolution.

Madam Blavatsky, Sri Aurobindo, Madam Alice Bailey and a host of other initiates experienced supra mundane beings as also supra mundane plane. They not only experienced the presence of the supra mundane beings but also received their advice guidance and protection as well. They had even done impressional writings emerging from the supra mundane plane. The life stories of many disciples indicate guidance to the mundane man from supra-mundane beings. The writings of Madam Blavatsky stimulated the aspirants to gauge, to guess and if possible envision the beautiful ashrams of the Masters of Wisdom, who hold resplendent super mundane bodies. The scriptures speak of great Masters of Wisdom, who live in a variety of resplendent bodies, ranging from subtle to causal and golden to diamond. Their gait and their ashram’s beauty attracted many and absorbed them into an inspirational world, while many were also drawn into the emotional aspect of the ashrams. Today there are many aspirants who wish to experience the Masters and their ashrams. They desperately look for entry into the ashrams of the Masters.

Entering into the ashrams of Masters is possible by adopting oneself to the cardinal occult regulations and practices. Emotional approach would not lead one to the ashram and in as much as one tends to be impractical, one gets derailed from the normal and simple journey of life.

Many aspirants are emotional and claim that they have the presence of a ‘Master of Wisdom’, and that they have had the experience of the ashram of a Master. Whosoever makes such a claim cannot be believed. In fact, their claims have to be discounted and discarded. A disciple, who claims entry into the ashram of a Master, never speaks of such an entry. For, such a disciple is governed by seal of silence. Only an emotional aspirant claims and brags around of his entry into variety of ashrams and encounters with the Masters. Those who claim to have entered are false claimers and those who really enter, claim not. Such is the reality.

For any aspirant to enter into an ashram of a Master, or to experience the presence of a Master, he should necessarily go through a process of discipline, which is again a process of self-transmutation, self-transformation and self-transcendence. Only a transcended one can find an entry. Transmutation and transformation are but necessary for such transcendence. An aspirant must offer himself for immediate transmutation and transformation. One has to put oneself to the process of change. It is truly a chemical change that happens in one, when one follows implicitly the given regulations.

A caterpillar follows many regulations and puts itself to self-transformation to become a butterfly. A flower plant submits itself to innumerable transformations to give birth to a flower, a few of which in turn give birth to fruits. The transformations are needed to have the experience of the altered state of awareness. Mere enthusiasm is not enough. Curiosity is insufficient. Submission of oneself through specific processes is but necessary. There is a famous saying, “You must become the change that you wish to experience.”

To enter into an ashram of Masters, certain keys of Wisdom have to be applied upon oneself. They are essentially three in number. One has to apply every key upon oneself. One has to key oneself three times to stand in the presence of the Master.

They are as under:

  1. Application of the sound ‘A’ (sounds like the ‘A’ in ashram)
  2. Application of the Key of Sound
  3. Application of right Thought and Action