Table of Contents
Dhanishta Publications
Dedicated to the
Ashram of Love - Wisdom
and to
Master E.K.
Publications of Dr. K Parvathi Kumar
Book Order
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Ashram Leaves
Publisher's Note
“Ashram Leaves” is yet another brilliant ray from the repertoire of Sri K. Parvathi Kumar. It must now be familiar to students of practical occultism that he prefers to be called a composer and not an author. He is able to compose the amazing range of ancient wisdom so freely, to suit the needs of the hour, because he remains composed. As he often says, “All belong to Wisdom. Wisdom belongs to none,” which means that it is available for anyone, who seeks it properly.
His writings are directly relevant to an ardent seeker, because they emanate from his direct experience - like light from a lamp. This experience is as persistent as breathing, because it has a continuing history of hard work done in silence and is tinged by a hue of sacrifice. The experience of the impersonal beyond is extremely personal and its effusion is ever impersonal. This is the way of the Yogi.
The leaves are age-old and hence durable. The messages are ethereal and hence they will remain fresh and relevant. The need is always there. The composer's “Mithila” prescribed the science of alignment. His “Aquarian Master” gave out the expansiveness of the soul activity. His “Sacred Doctrine” provides a lucid non-technical account of the Genesis, the Yoga Path and the variety of methods to realise the Self. Now, “The Ashram Leaves' are the 'Soul Stimulants'. They are the nutrients to the soul to express out.
“Ashram Leaves” contain the gems of his experiences strung together as in a song and lovingly presented before the plethora of seeking souls.
Each leaf is complete and comprehensive in itself. It is different from and relevant to another leaf! This is the beauty of this book. Though they were compiled from the composer's seven year cyclic newsletters to the spiritual groups abroad, they are, purposely, not printed in a bookish order. It is entirely up to the studious seeker to arrive at the continuity - which is very much there.
Each leaf is at once obvious and subtle. Each passage is a soul-teaser. Each message is a challenge to the mind. The purpose is to inspire the mind to abide in its abode. They are not obvious as they are not strung together artificially. They are already together - like the leaves and the branches and the flowers of a plant. You may find in them psalms sung from a higher plane. You are invited into the wisdom of symbols and the poesy of numbers. You are welcome to witness the conversations between Him and him. You can humbly pick up the golden key to the zodiac. You can get absorbed into the Vedic triplicity of the cow, calf and the cowherd. You can see the colour of the sound and listen to the music of the colour. You can remain as I Am.
The leaves do not leave any possibility unmentioned. They are elaborate in a nutshell. The innocuous seed truly contains the Banyan tree in full! To a willing gardener who applies himself to the task totally, a seed is no different from a tree.
Thus, we invite you to a realm of unfamiliar reality, where you are left to find your nascent Eden.
- Dhanishta
The Ashram and the Master
The leaves of wisdom are gathered from the Ashram of Love-Wisdom. The wisdom contained in the leaves is a direct flow from the Ashram via the Master. Hence this work is dedicated to Master E.K. and to the Ashram.
Wisdom is age-old and it expresses through time according to the need through appropriate channels. Master E.K. has been a brilliant channel of Love-Wisdom. Multi-faceted wisdom flowed through him, inspiring aspirants in the East and the West into the right way of living. He gave the spiritual key to the riddles of modern living. He taught the technique to accept the problems of life and thereby solve them skilfully. He was brilliant, pure, protective and directive. He healed the sick, trained the followers and showed the way to life and the way to the Truth.
As Master to his disciples, as Gnostic to the knowledgeable, as diplomat to the intelligent, as commoner to the common, as guide to the travellers, as author to the readers, as powerful to the powermongers and as lovable to the simple, the Master played His life dexterously.
He revealed as much as was visualised. According to the purity, the beings around experienced His presence. He shined like lightning and settled in the hearts of thousands as an embodiment of Love!
“My look, my smile, my speech, my movement and my action are only to awaken” seemed to be the message of the Master.
The composer of this work is intimately associated with the presence of The Master. He considers this work a humble offering to the Master.
- K. Parvathi Kumar
Ashram Leaves
Meditate upon the sound So-Ham
applying the mind and the buddhi upon
respiration and cause 'Construction.'
2. GOD
“The mind of God is time,
His physical body is space;
His thought is ether,
His colour is blue.”
God as Creator is His own idea. The Creator created the world as his idea. The idea relating to creation is a square from the Triangle or the Creator. The resultant creation is the fifth. The creation is a five-sided creation.
Idea is precipitated into concept and concept into shape. Shape created (precipitated) atom and atoms are shaped by the force with which they are shaped. Thus, bodies are created and ideas are filled with flesh and blood into beings.
The ideas we get are the beings who are to precipitate before us as beings (Masters), if properly received and kept sacred. If not, they escape and give place for further ideas which may be evil and which can be precipitated into devils or Dark Masters. Thus, mere entertaining ideas after ideas gives room for manifestation of the devils.
A figure, a colour, a sound and a smell with a number form the base of the idea and culture it into a being. This being helps us if properly formed - if composed of harmonious components. If not, it does harm. This is the esoteric meaning of Tantra Science.
The Vedic symbols when examined and studied analytically reveal much knowledge and arouse much curiosity in a true seeker. Most of these symbols are symbols of sound. Many are the geometrical figures popularly used. There are many commentaries that reveal these sublime symbols of sound of which the ones given by Sri Vidyaranya and Sri Dayananda Saraswati are of prime importance. However, the fundamental principles, based on which the commentaries were written, were lost even during their time. In fact, even during Veda Vyasa's time (3300 BC) there was much conflict relating to the chronology of events.
Nevertheless, basing on the Brahmanas and Upanishads, if we examine the Ancient Science, certain layers of the science reveal themselves. Generations of scientific study and understanding develop into certain scientific symbolic language. After a few generations, such (symbolic) language attains respectability.
Thus, the scientific understanding of previous centuries transforms slowly into the religion of later centuries. The wisdom of the past thus becomes the culture of the later generations. Lack of understanding and rational approach crystallizes the culture into tradition and the tradition in turn further stabilizes into superstition and blind belief. Thus, the content of concept escapes and the empty containers remain, which make much noise. The sublime (highly scientific) symbols thus become idols, to be worshipped by the idle. The present day idols of Vishnu, Lakshmi, Siva, The Cross, The Tao are much misunderstood and are fanatically possessed by foolish religionists, which in truth do not belong to any sect, cult, race or religion. It is as foolish as attributing nationality to the Sun, the Moon and the planet Earth.
Not satisfied by the distortion thus made man proceeds further to call these symbols “primitive” and name the scientists of the past as the ignorant race. Thus he completes the process to shut totally the doorway to wisdom. Man once again receives through Nature, the impulse to know himself and the environment and starts learning afresh from the alphabet. This process is cyclic and humanity has periods of Light and Darkness. Just as we have the new moon and full moon, we also have, through the Law of Alternation, periods of ignorance and periods of wisdom. This is true with the human race as a whole, with a nation, with a group, with a family and with a person. It is important to understand this cyclic path of time.
When man gains the capacity to approach the Vedic symbols untouched by the crystallized, superstitious religions, traditional concepts, the various idols of Devas, the animal forms (the lion, the horse, the bull, the serpent etc.,) reveal much wisdom that enables the seeker to progress on the Path. Hence, the importance of the study of symbolism.
The cow, standing on its mysterious legs, holds the calf. The direction of the cow and the birth of the calf is still more mysterious. Surely it is not earthly.
Space is a potential globe. It conceals all the geometrical properties of a globe and the numerical potencies of zero.
The area in the space globe is full of potential points which are concealed Suns.
The origin of Sun is denoted by a point in space-time. The moment a point emerges, it works as a geometrical centre of its own globe of space.
Grip the right hand of the Guru by stretching your own hand to your fellow beings!
Timely worship is ritual.
Ritualised worship is magic.
Magic manifests.
Time is Memorandum for Magic.
Worship here and now - do not wait.
9. 0M
Poornam is a very important word in Sanskrit which means fulfilment, perfection and all-round development. In fact, a circle is a perfect geometrical figure - all polygons merge in a circle - a triangle, a square, any shape - it can be rounded up. That is why fulfilment is always represented by a circle. The globes of the Solar System are round in shape - it is indicative of the fullness or completeness of the creation. It is recommended that we respect any shape that is round as it is a full shape; it is a perfect shape which carries 360 degrees. Another important shape which carries 360 degrees is a square (a double triangle). It is always a square coming from the circle and a circle coming from the square. In fact, it is said in the Scriptures that the cube comes from the sphere and the sphere comes from the cube. Square and circle are another type of representation of the globe and the cube. The globe and the cube are the perfect shapes and it is that perfection of every concept which is recognized as Poornam.
For instance, full moon is called Poornima. That means, as far as the Moon phases are concerned, the full moon is the point of fulfilment or perfection. Before that it is not full - after that it is not full. The 14th phase before or the first phase after full moon are not so very full as the full moon. So that which is full, that which gives a fulfilment is called Poornam. It is to that Poornam, the Mantra refers here.
“Poornamadah” means “that is perfection” or “that is fulfilment.” “Poornamidam” means “this is fulfilment.” “Poornaath Poorna Mudachyathe” - “it is out of fulfilment, fulfilment springs up.” Only a man who is fulfilled can fill others. If he is empty, he cannot make others full.
“Poornasya Poorna Maadaaya” - Even if you add some more fulfilment to fulfilment, it remains fulfilment only. You deduct something from fulfilment - it remains fulfilment only.
And “Poorna Mevava Sishyathe” - At all times what remains is fulfilment.
Mathematically, zero plus zero is zero, zero minus zero is zero, zero into zero is zero and zero divided by zero is zero. These are the four steps.
If you exist
I exist to you.
If you do not exist
I do not.
Creation emerges and progresses upon the dissolution of the previous one, in “Due and Ancient Form.”
It is the rebirth of the Grandfather as the Grandson.
12. HARI
Om is the ocean of life. The sounds “S' and 'H' apparently separate the fathomless and boundless surface of the ocean. The two sounds form the two wings of the swan (the breath). When the ocean becomes the wave, it is HSOUM and when the wave becomes the ocean, it is SOHAM. In the process there is stirring up of heat represented by the sound “R'.
The heat impregnates the male (S) and the female (H) and forms HR or HARI - The 2nd Logos - Vishnu - Love.
Meditate upon the sounds - S, H, R.
“On the surface of the ocean, there stands the great serpent of unwinding coils. Amidst the coils, the Lord exists in blue colour. Near His heart on a great lotus. The Mother sits.”
Actions happen. The variety of actions that happen through and in the body are amusing to watch. “Watch” is the watchword of the disciple. Watch how the actions take place through mind, senses and body with you as its background. Evenwhile you propose not to think, the mind keeps thinking; it proposes, it propels, it renders speech and conducts actions through senses and body. When you keep watching, they fall into order. When you are forgetful, they kidnap you into their own patterns of action. You are indeed a “kid' to your own mind, senses and body!
I draw near the impregnated cow (Earth) which is milked by the white hands (Rays). May the Lord Savita accept the milk to fulfil.
May His warmth reach us through prayers every morning.
The triangular phenomena of (Jupiter) (astrosign) , (Sun) and (Venus) forms the emblem of great protection.
It is the mystery of protection, which is the secret of harmony and success.
The sound formula 'Gopala' therefore fulfils life.
The numerical potency located between nine and one fills the gap.
The gap is unfathomable. It explains the journey of space to atom and atom to space.
The gap is poornam, but not sunyam. Its symbol is 'kumbha', the partly opened globe.
“I am in the body; I am not the body,” says the Philosopher. It is like saying “the onion layers are not onion.”
Where is the onion without layers? Where am I without the body?
The Saviour is One. According to the need, He manifests as the Deva or as the human or even as an animal and saves.
Even in creation, He saves:
* The Sun globe not to crack away by the light He transmits.
* The Planets not to wither away from the System.
* The animals, by manifesting as their horns, biting teeth and piercing nails.
* The children, as their parents.
* The citizens, as their ruler.
When the Law is disturbed and is incapable of being set right by aforesaid means, He descends in incomprehensible ways to save the world.
None can define the form, the name, the time and the place, until after the work is done.
Perception leads to conception
Conception leads to concept
Concept is crystallized through time
The winged bird turns into crawling serpent
Conceive and conduct,
do not conceptualise.
Surya is Su + Yah - The Sun. The one that develops. He is the centre of creation. He is the seed principle of the tree of creation.
He rises in the East. East means the point where the space and matter (akasha & bhumi) meet. That point is the birth of Sun.
That meeting point is the place where Kasyapa (the noumenon) and Aditi meet.
He is born out of darkness but darkness ceases as he appears.
He is the onlooker of the lokas (the planes of existence).
Awareness enters into the memorandum of mind, senses and the body and gets enveloped.
River flows into the lake and is surrounded.
Enveloped,the awareness feels conditioned. Surrounded, the river feels arrested.
When not surrounded, the flow is natural to the river. When not enveloped, the freedom is natural to awareness.
To stand free while surrounded, is the key to happiness. To be aware while enveloped by the mind, is the key to life.
The point is the first idea which is new as centre and old as circumference. The circumference is but a centre magnified. When the circumference was a centre, it imbedded its centre in the form of a principle.
The tree is born of a seed which imbedded the tree as its principle.
The theory is imbedded in the womb of the practical which is the child of theory. Theory is the son of his mother, practical, or practical is the daughter of her father, theory. Theory is the seed, and practical is the tree.
Idea is the son of mind, and mind is the daughter of idea. Knowledge is the mother of idea, who is the son of knowledge.
Evolution is embedded in the womb of history and history is expressed out of evolution. Thus evolution and history are but the centre and the circumference.
They call
The Song 'SAMA'
The Sound 'RIK'
The Plan 'YAJUR'
Meditate upon the Throat Centre. Try to link up, mentally,, the air in the lungs with the air outside. Get hold of the thread of consciousness. Thereby, enter the inner chamber of the Temple.
Practice the art of breathing, meditating upon the Self.
The WORD is Breath in Gemini
The WORD is Voice in Taurus
The WORD is Utterer in Aries
The WORD as thought is the Grand Geometrician whose numerical value is “Pi”.
Man is a symbol of himself in all his planes of existence, from the lower to the higher. Likewise, the form and the phenomena of this universe are the various symbols of the 'universe'. The point of unity is called 'Purusha' (the cosmic person) and his personality is called the prakruthi (cosmic nature). The physical is the symbol of the mental and the mental is the symbol of spiritual. Thus, stands the symbol of the individual, who is a symbol of the globe he is living in. Again, the skeleton is the symbol of the man in flesh and blood. Thus, the principles of the universe are the skeletons and the truths subtler, form the flesh and blood.
The Earth, the Sun and the Moon are the principles and the planets Earth, Sun and the Moon are the symbols.
The numbers are the symbols of the knowledge and form 1/7th of the gateway between the knower and the known. The shapes likewise are the symbols of knowledge and form the l/7th.
Astronomy is the symbol of the cycle (bigger or smaller) and the year is a form of symbol of the creation. The circle is the symbol of oneness of the inner and the outer (subjective and objective) personality. The polygon with its numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 respectively is the symbol of the foundation of the creation.
Sounds of the elements are the symbols of the language of the elements. Sounds of the living beings are the symbols to express their feelings. Language is the symbol of knowledge and is the vehicle of knowledge from one individual to the other.
The transmission of uttered language once again reaches the other through the vehicle called ether. The shapes of waves of the ocean are the symbols of the sea water. Every drop of the wave is the symbol to represent the whole entity - ocean. Thus all shapes of this creation are symbols that represent the Creator himself of whom the individuals are made up.
Triangle and square are the prime factors of the eternal music with their septanary gamut.
'This' is apparently made up of five elements and results in three realms. There are one triangle and one square when separated, but three triangles when the square is magnetised by the triangle.
The immortal is the co-born of the mortal.
Self impregnated, he moves forward and backward.
You say “this is onion”. How does the onion exist?
It exists as layers, one enveloping the other. Thinking that the layer is not the onion, remove layer after layer. Where is the onion? Existence of the onion is the collective existence of the layers of the onion. So is the existence of God in creation.
What is the binding force of this creation? The answer is what is the binding force that keeps the layers of onion together?”
The womb of time periodically stimulates the globes of space. The solar ray principle enters according to the Law of Spirit into the globe to form the Sun-ball and this forms the beginning of a new solar system.
Thus the ovaries of the galaxy are stimulated to existence at equal intervals, each of which bears its own Sun at its centre as nucleus and expands into an universe.
This expansion is progressive until the Earth has formed the crest. Henceforth the development is mental and marks the period of decadence.
“How should one love?”
“Why should one love at all?”
“Why should the learned ones love then?”
“The learned ones remain one with all. Hence, love, light and power flow through. They do not love, they do not enlighten and do not exercise power. The love flows, the light radiates and the power generates through them and not from them. These are happenings through them and not doings.”
Man builds a house and feels the space in the house is his. Space existed even before he built the house and exists even after the house is destroyed.
Man forgets the space in the house and imposes names to the space in the house as bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room, toilet, etc. He conditions his actions accordingly.
Man decorates the rooms with furniture and fills much material in each of the rooms. In the process, the space is filled with many names, forms and materials.
If someone asks him to describe the items in a room of the house, he mentions every article, every colour and every shape in the room. Seldom does he remember the space in the house, which existed much before the house was built, divided into rooms and filled with articles.
The one who remembers the existence of space as the background of a manifestation in the room is liberated. The one who forgets such existence is conditioned.
1. Takes and mistakes are man-made. Man mistakes, but Master does not and Nature does not.
2. Actions that create entangling consequences are the real mistakes. Skilful action that gives experience without entanglement is the requirement.
3. Such skill is available to the one, who recollects “The One” in all. It is available as long as the recollection exists. The recollection and the skill are co-terminus.
4. The Lord is and is not. He is existent and yet non-existent. He exists when recollected and does not exist when forgotten. Hence recollection leads to liberation. Liberation is the end and recollection is the means.
The splendourous, impregnated cow (the Earth) the treasure-house of the solar angel is drawn near.
It is gentle and affectionate. More affectionate to its calf.
May its milk be accepted by the Aswins - The Twin Gods.
May it live progressively as a treasure-house.
Having sprung from the Father, the Mother divides and draws (the Father).
Impregnated, the Mother cognises and delivers the Son (the creation).
The Son remains around the Father, tuning up to the Word.
Identify the Mind with Prana the pulsating life force in you and thereby gain mastery over the ether, astral and fluid matters as also the moods of your constitution. This is the sure process of purification of the lower vehicle.
Solar year is 12 months or six seasons of two months. The spring, the summer and the rainy seasons are Devas. The sarad, winter and the fall are Pitris.
That half month that fills, it is of the Devas. And that half month which wanes, is that of the Pitris.
On the equinox day, a.m. is of the Devas and p.m. is of the Pitris.
In the seasons, the first month is of the Devas and the second is of the Pitris.
Learn to invoke the Devas and Pitris as per the 'set time'.
The Devas protect during their time, while the Pitris protect at their appointed hour.
The disciple is one who knows who to call at a given time.
The aggregate of the principles contained in the eightfold nature is the Veda. It is uttered forth as the cause of Prana within us. It is the basis of our pulsation and respiration and is called Om.
Om is understood as a sound, as it is uttered forth. It exists as sound in space. It exists as “I Am” within us.
Meditate upon Om within, without.
![]() | 1. The Semi-circle (Water-2) fits in the circle (Air-1). This means the Water is contained in the Air. |
![]() ![]() ![]() | 2. The (Fire-3) fits in the Square (Solid-4). The Seven states become Five. 3×4 =12 3+4 = 7 —— 5 —— |
![]() | 3. The Triangle (Fire) is one fourth of the Solid (12), three fourths being Matter, Water and Air. |
![]() | The year is square at the base (4) Fire at the sides (3) and pointed at the apex (1) It is subjective at the apex, threefold in emanation and fourfold in manifestation. |
The total God-minded nature of the Mother enables birth of initiates.
Women with God-minded nature exist in places where womanhood is respected in all ways by the man.
Man, woman and their inter-relation decides the fate of contemporary humanity.
To realise unity is (Yoga) fusion.
To unite the variety is confusion.
Realise the unity and variety and
Respond skilfully in society.
He illumines and protects the Devas and the Pitris. As He courses towards north, he protects the Devas. And as He courses through the south, He protects the Pitris.
When He courses through the north, one can establish in the person and when He courses through the south, one can return duly illumined into personality.
The disciple is one who follows the path of Sun and learns to work with the Devas and the Pitris.
Occult sciences have no existence independent of “Existence”.
They are the unfoldment of existence.
Practice of occult science devoid of experience of existence is ignorance concretised.
Looking at the calf that winks affectionately at it, the cow moos at the calf.
To lick the head of the calf affectionately, it moos for the second time.
It moos for the third time moving its lips, apprehending the heat of sunlight affecting the dear one (calf). It somehow ensures that the calf drinks the milk.
“How do you experience God within the creation?”
“Just as you experience the presence of author while you read the book. The author is not in the book. He is not conditioned by the book. The book does not exist without the author.”
Spring is intuitional.
Summer is protective and militant.
Rainy season is wealthy.
The one who desires to establish in Spirit Should ritualise life in Spring.
The one who seeks name and fame Should ritualise life in Summer.
The one who seeks to grow in wealth Should ritualise life in Rainy season.
Meditating upon the pulsation (that controls the respiratory and circulatory activity) and gradually identifying upon the voice and the source of expression of the Word rise up.
The nameless and formless One reveals through name and form for the Seer.
To the impractical philosopher, they are mere names and forms.
Identify the nameless and formless One through the name and form.
You stand in Omnipresence.
1. Listen to the stories of the Lord. Their recitation is auspicious. It enables unfoldment of the Heart Centre which is an auspicious beginning. It dissolves inauspiciousness.
2. Continue to recite the stories of the Lord. The unfolded Heart Centre stabilizes the mind. The mind gains harmonious disposition. Relieved of the entanglements of inertia and activity and the consequent anguish (desire, anger, miserliness, illusion, pride and jealousy), the mind establishes poise.
3. Continue the recitation further and the attachments drop off from the mind that is stabilized.
4. Only such a mind is eligible to mirror the wisdom that is eternal.
+ | - | |
1) | Positive | Negative |
2) | Male | Female |
3) | Electricity | Magnetism |
4) | Sun | Moon |
5) | Soul | Mind |
6) | Fire | Water |
7) | Gold | Silver |
The ray of the positive, mirrored through the negative, is creation.
The ray of Sun, mirrored through water, is life.
Mantra is the rhythmic sound whose repeated utterance protects the utterer.
Understand the fourfold aspect of mantra to derive protection, direction and liberation.
The four aspects of the mantra are: the sound, the rhythm, the meaning and the form.
The approach to the mantra is either through its meaning or through its sound rhythm.
In either case the utterance of the sound and listening to it is the key. Utter the mantra listening to the sound rhythm or listening to the meaning.
Through listening, the utterer is linked up to the utterance to realise the One who is uttered forth.
Understand that the utterer is a centre separated from the infinite existence as finite existence.
Thus by listening to the utterance, the utterer is linked up to the infinite, eternal existence.
The steps to retrace the source of existence are therefore:
a) Utter the mantra
b) Link up mentally to its
i. Sound rhythm
ii. Meaning through listening.
c) Trace the source of utterance through listening.
d) Realise the source, the utterer and the utterance as One in Three and Three in One.
Thus the finite transforms into the infinite.
What is the difference between the man and the Master?
As is the difference between iron rod and Aaron's rod.
Creation (four) - the resultant of the three, conceives the qualities of above and below forming six arms, which make eight right angles. When all the eight points are joined together, there is the double Pyramid.
This is the temple with its reflection revealed.
Each side of the temple has
or fire. The base is
or earth.
The result is or 12, which is the sanctum sanctorum in its cyclic value and is seven or
which is the protective dome (Gopura) in its unfolding value. Within the cyclic value of 12, the cycle is phenomenal and the seven is spiritual.
The cow returns home mooing when it hears the utterance of the calf. The cow stands superior to the calf, grasping the intention of calf.
Every time the calf utters, there is the musical sound of lightning, arising out of the belled throat-lace.
The lesser numbers which differ from each other find their L.C.M. in the greater numbers. The less evolved persons, who disagree with each other, find their agreeability in the presence of a Master.
The greater the number, the more concordance it finds with the lesser numbers. The more evolved a person is, the more he finds agreeability with greater number of persons.
There are no good numbers and no bad numbers - to those who know. Likewise there are no good persons and no bad persons to those who know. The one who knows, realises the importance of every number / person. To him all are numbers / persons.
Persons are but units of consciousness in essence. So too are the numbers. Persons are but ideas of themselves. So too are the numbers.
The bodies of persons are but the shapes of numbers which differ according to time, place and stage of evolution. The voices of the persons are but the names of the numbers, of which no two are the same.
I Exist.
I am the awakening.
As the Creator, I am the awakened.
I am the awareness of creation.
I exist in the innumerable layers of creation as the layers and their awareness.
The layers exist to themselves and to the perceivers.
The intricacies of the multitude of layers of
creation do not exist to “Me”.
Just as the forms of plant, animal, human, etc., do not exist to the metal with which They are made up.
1. Cosmagony is the objective side of theogony. Matter is the objective side of the subjective self.
2. Mind is both subjective and objective and hence is the middle principle.
3. Change is objective. Death and birth are objective. Concepts of space and time are objective. In fact, all concepts are objective to the conceiver. The conceiver is subjective.
4. The conceiver has no second to him as he is ever subjective and ever singular and is the background of all conception.
“Rose - Arose - Love;
Colour - Cross - Karma;
Rose - Cross - Consciousness.
Rose and Cross - Rosy Cross;
- Rosicrucian”.
“One with the look, one with the frame and one with himself within Himself.”
Understand that Yogic state (discipleship) is one of continuous experience of the presence (of I Am). Understand that in that state of experience there are no such things as pleasant or unpleasant events or auspicious or inauspicious events or favourable or unfavourable times. Every aspect of life is filled with Him and as such there is continuous experiencing through dutiful work. There is neither delay nor discomfort in carrying out the work.
Understand that the process of learning is always in relation to duties and responsibilities in life, but not in terms of accumulation of knowledge at the cost of such duties and responsibilities.
Understand that Divine Life cannot be experienced unless there is mastery of the material life of pleasure and pain. Mental acceptability and agreeability to the pain, discomfort and displeasure of the material life is the stepping stone for the Divine Life.
The triple expresses from the one. One is Rajas. The other is Tamas and the third is Satva. One causes movement. The other rest, and the third, poise. One causes grip, the grip to power, the grip of people, property, thought etc. The other causes accumulation, secrecy, mistakes etc.
All that is gathered from the two, possess the possessor. It enables one to subdue others but the possessor is subdued by the two. The subdued has no peace of mind, leading to his fall.
Compassion towards created beings (creatures) culminates in appreciation by the Lord in Form - Vasudeva, the indweller of forms.
As a result, the compassionate one is drawn into the presence of a Master of Wisdom and is enabled to experience the presence of God through the agency of the Master. Does not the wave that reaches up to the sandy shores make us experience the taste of the ocean? Is not the wave representative of the ocean? Verily the ocean reaches us in the wave form.
The presence of God through the agency of the Master, lifts up the man from the state of personality to the state of soul. The process is natural and blissful and is not fanciful. Does not the presence of a magnet lift up the iron piece into the state of being magnetic?
Compassion is the gateway!
Cube is the most symmetrical figure which is the unity of creation. It has six sides, 12 edges, eight corners and 24 right angles. The six sides are the six seasons of the year. The 12 edges are the 12 months.
The eight corners are the eight periods of 45 days (yamas). The 24 right angles are the 24 lunations of the year as also 24 hours of the day. This is the brick of the temple of the year. Its course is not changed whichever manner it is placed. This is because all its faces are equal. Understand the correspondence of the seasons, of the yamas and also of the lunations in relation to the year. You would have thereby understood the symmetry of the year and all its faces. Cube is a good representation of Gayatri. Let us, therefore, meditate upon the cube starting with the month of Aries to enter into the mysteries of the New Solar Year.
The Lord is the president of the universe. He presides over its activity. He congregates and segregates beings in His play of creation.
The word is his reins. He knots and chains beings through names and words creating innumerable illusory relations. Reined by thoughts and chained by words, names and concepts, beings move busily in the “make-believe” world of words.
In the play there is union, communion, communication and also separation, conflict, confusion and estrangement. Beings gather to disperse and disperse to gather. The play continues with the beings as axis and their bodies as the wheels around the axis. The axis is stable while the wheel rotates. One is immutable and the other is mutable.
Matter (prakriti) forms the framework of the spirit (purusha). It is the lighted wheel or the ovary of space omnipresent, with the ovals of stars which form the scales of the serpent of time. The ovals are nine in number in the three turns. 9 x 3 = 27. Twentyseven are said to be the lunar mansions. Moon lives in or moves through one asterism a day. These are the 27 asterisms.
The solar consciousness and the lunar dimensions are intertwined alternately in the whole universe to form the Ardanari, Adonai, Jeh-Veh, male-female and androgynous aspect of spirit and matter.
The whole zodiac is thus formed by the intertwining of Lunar (even) space and Solar (odd) principle, formed in 12 doubles (Rasalila) or 24 lunations of the year. Out of these 24, 12 are male and 12 are female. The frame of the Grand Sacrifice (of the cosmic person) itself is created in every round (of the year, or, the zodiac) in the same model (of alternating male and female ).
Everyday the inhabitable globe (the Earth), goes round the 24 mansions in 24 hours - each mansion being alternately positive and negative. Thus the 24 hours emit alternately the male-female, positive-negative energies. And, the seven sacred deities preside over these hours to form the seven “days” of building the “temple”.
The Lunar Ray of two nodes (new & full moons) which guide the tides on this globe goes around these 24 units in 27 days.
The Solar Ray goes around these 24 units in 12 months or 360 days. It goes around these units in 12 months of our Sun (12 Solar years to us).
This is the 24 inches scale which is one of the main implements of this frame of our zodiac. These are the 24 spokes of the wheel (Ezakiel's) of periodical motion (Chandas). These are 24 sacred letters of knowledge of the highest degree.
This wheel is impregnated in two rhythms:
3 x 8 = 24
4 x 6 = 24
Three and four are the prime factors of this eternal music with its septanary gamut.
The cow (the matter superior) stands stable amidst the respirations of the beings. It stands firm as an axis among those who move speedily. It move & in synthesis among many abodes. It holds itself as the life of the dead. Being immortal it remains the co-born of the mortals.
Existence is of the atom. Living is of the cellular state. Living is the level of experience - it is the point of experiencing itself.
The microbe begins to live long after the atom starts its existence. The atom travels from the existence state to the living state when it is hatched into uni-cellular organism.
The Creator awakens and creates.
'I' exist before awakening, whom the awakened calls 'He' or 'That'.
'I' exist as awakening and also as the awakened. Hence the riddle in perceiving 'Me'.
1. Interacting with God Form (Form as God) is Yoga of Action.
2. Interacting with the Dweller of Form (Others' behaviour as God) is Yoga of Wisdom.
3. Interacting with the Existence in Form and in behaviour of all is Yoga Integral.
Yogi lives in Yoga and not in terminology!
There exists One who bears the Three Fathers and the Three Mothers standing stable. They cannot wear or tire him out. He is beyond the Earth and the Heaven.
The One utters forth the soundless sound (anahata) through the Three as creation. But the created beings put together cannot form the sacred sound (anahata).
The Lotus unfolds into petals;
The Petals when gathered together Cannot form the Lotus.
“The wheel is rotating around the commanding finger of the Lord and is conducting the function of the cyclic path (of the worlds upon the plane of illusion) destroying the obstacles of creation (and protecting His followers until the grace of the Mother in the Lotus is showered).
Meditate upon this symbolism for a long time to get liberated from the force of the wheel.
Venus forms the Holy Ghost
Sun forms the Father
Mercury, the Son.
1. Recollection of synthesis enables experiencing the soul, the unity of life.
2. Synthesis enables release of bliss from within and the related capability. Analysis releases individuality, dependence and the related capability, namely, doubt, suspicion and separation.
3. Grip synthesis, the undercurrent of the analysis and establish in bliss.
Presence is eternal and unconditioned, by time and space. It has neither distance nor proximity. It seems to function through time and space but time and space function through presence. Presence transcends all and yet condescends to be with all.
To be with, is different from being within. One is influence, the other is involvement. One is flow, the other is arrest.
Know the Lord, the man and the animal. Know that they exist in you as your own self. You are Three in One and also One in Three.
The animal is the vehicle to move about. The man is to experience the Lord of the universe moving around on the vehicle.
To experience the Lord, the man should learn to use the vehicle, the animal. The animal is usually stronger than the man. It is ferocious, unwieldy and many times dangerous. A tiger. It kills others for food even when it is not hungry. It is unmanageable.
Man is made to live with it in the cage. If you are to live (and live peacefully) you shall have to tame it. Make friendship with it.
Friendship is a positive process of winning the heart. When the animal is tamed through the positive process, you have a powerful friend with you. You are highly effective with the co-operation of your friend. Being very strong and powerful, the friend helps you in all your endeavours.
The tamed animal helps you and the untamed one complicates you. Know that the animal in you is untamed when you find in yourself jealousy, desire, anger, miserliness, misunderstanding of others and pride.
In the presence of an untamed animal, your life is conditioned. You are bound. You are pushed into a hole - the hole of Scorpio where you are bound hand and foot. The spirit is buried in matter. Matter dominates the spirit in total. The coffin is nailed. Thus the serpent (the spirit) descends vertically and crawls horizontally. There is the disappearance of man through a gradual fall into the animal passions. The light disappears. The man reaches the eighth house, the house of death (loss of consciousness).
Worship of the Mother riding the tiger and worship of the Father riding the bull, are the mystic means to overcome the animal conditioning. The Masters of Wisdom gave out to humanity this key to overcome the passion of Libra and the animal magnetism of Scorpio.
Cross has four arms. The four arms represent the four aspects of the One. Know the four as existence, awareness of existence, wisdom and behaviour. Also know the four as the background consciousness, the will, the love and the light. The four exist as the four Yugas - the Kruta, Treta, Dwapara and Kali. The four exist as four Kumaras (cosmic).
They are the four heads of the Creator. Known the four in every aspect of your life. Everything exists as four and the disciple is expected to realise the four in daily life. The four exist even in day to day life as the four cardinal points of the day - the midnight, the dawn, the noon and the evening. Understand that your own life exists as four - childhood, youth, manhood and old age.
Around the four is formed the square as the boundary. This square is the result of the radiance of arms from the centre. The centre is essentially a lotus in principle ever unfolding. Four is the expression of the fourfold word manifest through four transformations.
Only the four which is manifest is known and the other three are concealed in the cave of imperceptibility. The first of the three imperceptibles is the most imperceptible and is symbolised by the empty chair. This is space and is understood as located in the north. This is the midnight time or the fourth house - Cancer. It is covered by the Lord of Gandharavas, Soma.
The four faces of Brahma (Creator) are the four triangles. Each is threefold in its significance as is symbolised by the zodiac.
During the. travel of the Ray of Self-expression through this threefold activity of the universe, the pure white Ray of Objectivity is refracted and made into seven coloured phenomena upon which the whole world exists. These are the seven circles in the three imperceptible layers of the universe. Each ray produces its number, colour, atom and consciousness. The result is the total phenomena of evolution in seven groups.
Death is the inevitable to dislodge one from longings and belongings.
Death is an opportunity for dislodgement for the wise one to utilise.
Death is initiation, to those who can see. It is not the end of life.
Recollection of 'Me' at the time of death enables-smooth, conscious and unconditioning departure.
“I” have seen 'a cowherd boy' who moves even multi-dimensionally. He never falters in his movements. He alternately unfolds and refolds. He lives weaving within the fabric of creation.
“Father! How to make proper use of the Teacher?”
“Be useful to him, my son.”
Water gives the level and fire gives the height. Water goes down to find out the bottom of the creation. Fire goes up to find out the apex of the creation. Hence water is Mother and fire is Father. Water teaches us to keep level. Fire teaches us to fix our gaze. Water teaches mixing all our consciousness with that of others. Fire teaches us to elevate others through the alchemy of 'I' consciousness.
Air teaches us to be active. Space gives us position. Any point in space is a bird with space and time as its wings.
The level of water is always horizontal. Hence it points the line joining the eastern and western horizons at that place. Water is the mark of the surface which we have to keep in our consciousness. It also finds the level of any quantity of water in twin containers and carries the mechanism to equalise the level if there is any difference. It is, therefore, a symbol of friendship that elevates the fellow being to equal level.
Water assumes the shape of the container. It symbolises the perfect surrender of the disciple to the Master.
Water cannot fly up. It sticks to the solid matter of the container. The more it is nearer to the solid, the more it loses heat.
Warmth of love of a being enables his liquidity to liberate from the liquid state and fly into the final state of air. Then it is free from the control of matter. The heat of will and the warmth of love are the two means of a Yogi to enable him to march from the level of matter to the level of space.
God exists to Man.
Man exists not to God!
Clay exists to Pot.
Clay remains clay in Pot!
It does not gain
Two winged birds form two halves of one. They remain circling the tree of all measures. One among the two eats the fruits of the tree and the other lives observing the one.
“Close your eyes, apply your mind upon pulsation, observing the centre of the forehead.”
A visible (material) globe comes out of the invisible as one fourth of the former in essence and as one zero to form the numerical potency of ten.
Some realise Him as the triangular activity in creation and link up to 'poise' in the triangle.
Some others realise Him through serving humanity.
Yet others realise Him by engaging their mind, heart and soul in the parables of the Lord, his deeds of direction, protection and illumination. They adopt to the process of self magnetisation, diverting from the worldly emotions.
The sundry arrive at one of the three through trial and error.
![]() | When west meets east, south meets north. Convergence rounds up the square and causes con-centration. |
![]() | Unity realised raises the awareness-centre to transform the square into the pyramid. |
The Moon is the God of Mystery. He bifurcates the whole universe into the twofold process of waxing and waning.
There is the waxing and waning of the Sun light too through the northern and southern sojourns of the Sun.
The time cycle for the total process is a month for the Moon and a year for the Sun.
The Moon principle works through the planet Moon to us. The Moon principle of waxing and waning works through the Sun for the Devas. For the Devas our Sun is the Moon and our Jupiter is their Sun.
Thus our lunar and solar paths form the following pairs along the corresponding Lokas (planes of existence).
(Earth of Men) Earth - Moon (Earth of Pitris)
(Earth of Pitris) Moon - Sun (Moon of Devas)
(Moon of Devas) Sun - Jupiter (Sun of Devas)
Our Moon is the husband of our Earth and our Sun is the husband of our Moon. Hence our Moon is male to our Earth but female to our Sun, who is in turn, female to our Jupiter.
When our Moon and Sun interchange sexes, then the mind becomes masculine, embracing the soul as his wife. The result is manifestation of buddhi (Mercury). Ponder upon this process.
The unknown is known from the known. The unborn is given form through the six permanent atoms. The six remarkably intertwine to hold the seventh in six centres.
The Time has a refractory effect upon the mind's eye.
One does not fell the age, the wear and tear until the signs of old age appear.
One does not fell the time he is wasting, until he loses chances.
The refractive index time slab is considerably altered, as per the nature of the Ray of Mind.
The bird of individual consciousness and the bird of universal consciousness are on the Tree of Life. They are like the space in the house and the space in the space.
The individualised consciousness has view point as centre and the corresponding circumference is formed as a conditioning factor. As the individual moves from point to point, his point of consciousness also moves forming different rings of conditioning.
The bird of individual consciousness when it identifies with the universal consciousness becomes two. The two birds are, in one great bird “Garuda”. The two birds when they sing, sing only one song(Sama), speak only one word (Rik) and do only one work (Yajur).
Man wills a plan while indriyas (senses) wish some other. Indriya is part of man, will be localised and bound in wish. The manas (mind) is in-between the man and indriyas.
Hence it can will and it can also wish. It can bind or liberate. Such is the field of action.
“Yes, Son.”
“How can I cooperate with the higher ones - The Masters?”
“You cannot, my Son.”
“But why Father?”
“The Masters can cooperate with you. You cannot cooperate with them.”
“I understand Father. When do Masters cooperate with us?”
“When you find cooperation within your being; when your mind, senses and body cooperate with each other and are subservient to you - The soul.”
Speaking of a river, one makes two seemingly opposite statements.
One is: The river is continuously flowing.
The other is: Here is the river.
We therefore understand that there are two facets or entities to the river. One is, that it flows continuously - dynamic. The other is the existence at a place - static. One is the analytical counterpart of the river. Each and every minutest part of the river water is ever changing in position of space and time. The other part is the integral synthetic part which is taken as the existence of the river. The former is the everchanging river, while the latter is the unchangeable river.
The former is the form which is relative and which has ever a beginning and ending. This flowing aspect is the river's nature. The latter is the spirit or the unmanifest eternal logos who is the owner of the nature. The latter is the brahman or the inner deity of the former.
The statement “Here is the river” relates to the river deity or the soul of the river, while the statement “The river is continuously flowing” refers to the physical form existing in space-time which is the gateway between the higher and the lower.
The space-time is a sacred bird, hamsa, with the absolute and the relative as its wings to traverse from itself to its own globe or egg.
Likewise the inner deity inhabits every physical word. Names denote the inner deity. They never qualify the manifest physical bodies. If we say 'Bro. Paul', to which exact part of the body does it refer? Every infinitesimal part of Paul's body changes in time and space, just as the flowing water of the river. Also whenever we say Paul's hand or Paul's mind, Paul's life”, etc., we certainly do not mean the manifest physical precipitate but we do mean the personality. Hence when we use names to call, we call the inner being, the deity and it is this deity that responds when you call.
“Learn to see the deity responding behind the form each time you call.”
Call the nameless by any name and he responds “Here I Am.”
The unqualified periodically seem to become qualified. Yet not.
The gold seems to have become the ring, but not.
To the gold, there is no ring.
The two birds (The Father and the Son) experience the nectar upon the “All pervading” tree of life (creation). They move in and around the tree with much enthusiasm. The ancient seers described the taste of the fruit of this tree. They cautioned that the one who does not know the Father, can never experience the fruit.
Sit in a vertical position, close the eyes, begin to utter Om in a low tone as a prolonged nasal sound with mouth closed. Tune up the mind with the voice and locate the source of the voice mentally.
Sun is the fertilising bull. Moon is the impregnated cow. Mercury is the created calf.
Concept is masculine, language is feminine. The word is the child.
Saturn and Moon are but the same expressions on two different scales of time
Moon governs physical birth or spiritual death.
Saturn governs physical death and spiritual birth.
Those of you, who wish to be my disciples, shall not appear 'special' either in appearance or in behaviour. “Normal temperament” shall have to be the keynote in all walks of your life. Your objective appearance and behaviour should be common. Do not be uncommon among the common.
No single disciple of mine progresses separately. When he permeates into his friends, family and relatives through goodwill, then the progress is possible. The progress takes place only when he continues to permeate into the world through goodwill.
Until your love permeates the whole world, you are not saved. To become 'whole', you have to embrace the 'whole' with love.
The one who distinguishes others by nation, race, religion, caste and creed is a self-bound being and hence suffers from his own barriers. The one who realises the unity of the diversity is the liberated one. The purpose of my Yoga is such. Therefore, prepare the present to build the future. Break the barriers and stand 'alone'.
A perfect figure is that which does not suffer inversion from change of position. A perfect man is one who does not suffer in vibration from change of situation. The minimum perfect figure is the equilateral triangle .
Another perfect figure is the cube which is made up of 24 right angles. A right angle is the instrument for uprightness. When the 24 elements of man are in right angle to each other, there exists again, a perfect man.
Sphere is the first egg of space from which all forms emerge and merge into. It is the zero which lies before and beyond the figures and numbers. It is the complete shape of the word.
The apple (spiritual) is thus made up of these perfect figures. Ponder upon this.
1. Listen to the song in the sound.
2. Exoterically, sound leads you to the meaning; meaning leads you to understanding and then to wisdom.
3. Esoterically sound leads you to the song of life and the song of the swan leads you to the bliss of the silence.
4. One path of sound leads you to wisdom. The other path of sound leads you to experience.
5. One makes you a Philosopher. The other makes you a Yogi!
The seven-wheeled chariot is presided over by seven sisters, who sing seven musical tones into a song. The names of the seven rays are contained in this chariot.
“Father! who is an accepted disciple?”
“The one who sees himself in others, my Son, and who remembers his name - original.”
“Father! What is the original name of the disciple?”
”'I Am' my Son.”
The continuous awareness that we exist in Him and that He exists in us is the state of immortality. Transcend the feeling of separative existence. In truth, there is no separation except one's own feeling of separation.
Association with men of goodwill, scriptural study, practice of Yoga and contemplation upon the universal consciousness are the avenues for detachment.
Craving for taste, touch and temptations of material products and living with constant expectations are the avenues for attachment.
Contentment is the avenue for happiness.
The integrated one has no self-proposals and hence is invited or attracted to act according to the Will Divine.
The integrated one has no past, nor has he any future. It is only the present that exists to him.
The integrated one is verily the Lord moving in flesh and blood.
Illumination from illumination, the wheel of succession rotates. Illumination is the meaning. The wheel is the language. Language is the utterance to bring forth meaning into the objectivity. The illumination is eternal (nitya). It is all experience and no thought (ananda). It knits its own frame as a fabric of its own webs (vapusha). The illumination is continuance or permeation. It contains its own radiation with no state of existence (nirantara).
“I rise from Earth to spirit and from the pit to the mount. I meditate upon the wild boar which holds the Earth on its two tusks. I realise that I hold the body and that the body is not holding me.”
The world disciple is one who sees the world as God and serves it with simplicity.
Existence is twofold - existence within form and without. Formative existence is a limitation. It has boundaries - “ring - pass-not”. It is changeable and evolutionary. The form also suffers growth, decay and dissolution. The creation is formative existence and hence meets its own end. The evolution of form has its culmination in the formless existence.
Among the created ones of the creation, man stands out as a speciality. Even he is bound by layers of matter and is ultimately bound by time and space. The limitation provides for limited experience of the existence at various levels.
To experience the eternal existence, man has to link up his existence to that of the eternal existence. Channelisation of the eternal into the limited breaks the barriers.
The purpose of my Yoga is to prepare such a channel between the twofold existence - the individual and the universe.
The Master stands as such a channel between the eternal existence and the individual existence of the disciple. The Master supplies the plenty of Prana, on invocation of the sound C V V, rectifies the system of the disciple and develops it.
The disciple is required to practice the invocation and meditation for ten years as per the regulations postulated in my Yoga.
I promise all true seekers, the experience of the eternal, within the present span of life. If you are ready, you may take it up.
The seven co-born are female yet male. Only the seer who can see the 'eye' can comprehend holistically.
The one who knows this, becomes the Father of his father.
Three and four are the main implements of the seven-storied temple of Solomon - sol, om, on - in whose chambers the celestial music of the sevenfold gamut is heard and whose window ventilates the seven rays of the spectrum passing through the triangle and falling upon the square block of the temple.
The seven masons build the architecture in their order and the order is Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars.
All this is done in seven days of 24 hours each. The total number of hours are 7 x 24 = 168. This is better understood when expressed as 14 x 12 i.e., the 14 Manus guide (govern) the 12 pointed wheel or when seven pairs of Manus govern the 24 spokes wheel in their rotation.
84 + 84 are the two equal halves governed by the pairs of seven Manus each. One 84 has ascent and the other 84 has the descent.
Hour is the unit of 1/2 month or 1/2 year; 84 such hours form seven days and another 84 hours form the seven nights of the creation.
“When the temple is thus built, the implements are broken and are reconstructed through generation.” Each hour is made up of 60 divisions or 60 inter-divisions each.
The whole creation is of eight dimensions. The original being non-dimensional - zero or infinity, the other seven are the real (?) dimensions.
1. Dimension of Truth/Principle.
2. Dimension of Time.
3. Dimension of Space.
4. Dimension of Ether.
5. Dimension of Water.
6. Dimension of Earth.
7. Dimension of Shape.
These Seven descend from eighth one and ascend into the eighth periodically. The Dimension of Principle or Satya Loka, evolves from the naval lotus of the eternal, causing the Dimension of Time. Thereafter the others manifest in the order and disappear in their reverse order. It is true with the macro and the micro cosmos.
Initiate permeates - air permeates. Initiate is airy. Air conducts inside and outside the beings. Initiate too enters through the beings' respiration and conducts in unity. He thus gives presence. The presence enables the being to perceive better.
Even when two non-initiates converse, one permeates into the other, through sounds. But they are not conscious. The initiate is conscious. He consciously permeates and gives presence. It helps the beings to rise into the presence. (The initiate permeates thus through air into many. The presence is felt).
“Father! What is scripture?”
“The knowledge of life, when explained through the way of life, is called scripture, my Son.”
“Blessed are the ones who realise the Father within the cyclic phenomena of ebb and flow, light and darkness, high and low.”
“Blessed are the ones who stand out of the wheel through intelligent acceptance of the pairs.”
“Prepare yourself, for you have to travel alone. The Teacher can but point the way.”
“The path is one for all, the means to reach varies with the pilgrims.”
“Armed with the key of charity (in all motives) of love (of all beings) and tender mercy (to the defaulted ones also) you are secure before the gate of entrance.”
Our planet came out of water in its sixth stage of existence. Water marks the beginning and the ending of the manifest creation. Water forms the path of incarnation through involutions and evolutions (Cancer and Capricorn). The ascent and the descent of waters (which are eternal) are the periodical cycles of either the planet or the groups of planets. The solar centre reflects in the waters without being polluted to see that the water is drawn up through its beams and poured down through the clouds.
The path of waters is mainly divided into three parts (Tripadaga) namely (a) Devas (b) Martyas (Earth beings) © Nagas (The beings of the nether world)
These beings are respectively, eternal, changing and timebound beings of each solar system.
The eternal waters (Devas) when drawn downwards (involution) are localised as rivers. They assume the form of moving waters (changing) and when they reach the ocean they are bound (meaning the loss of flow). This is astrologically explained as the downward path of waters from Cancer to Capricorn. Capricorn is the dawn of the year cycle when the upward journey begins.
The downward path of the waters is poetically explained in the Puranas as the effort of the king of Solar Ray (Bhagirath) who brought down the celestial waters down to Earth as Ganga (the sacred river of India), the activity of Leo. The upward path of waters from the ocean is also equally expressed as the act of Agastya (a cosmic personage of Aquarius principle) who drew up the waters, to liberate the bounded beings.
Meditate upon downward and upward path of the waters. Meditate upon its threefold existence. The cosmic sounds identified with the cyclic process are NA and RA, while the path of waters mean ayana forming the eight syllable mantra.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Om Na mo Na ra ya na ya
Meditate upon the sounds in the eight dimensions within and outside to reach the eternal and to remain immortal.
120. 3×7
The solar angel stabilizes the waters through the song of 'Jagat' (12 qualities). At the peak of utterance, He realises Himself, through the threefold utterance of the word of seven letters (3 x 7). He shines forth unfolding into creation.
Meditate upon the Absolute;
“Father! What is Fire?”
“It is the heat in the body, the light in the eyes and awareness as 'I Am', my son.”
“Understand the three eternal brothers of creation. The first one is dwarf with grey hair. The second is an eternal eater and the third is the one whose back is anointed. The third one has seven sons.”
- That which is above, is above to below.
- That which is below, is below to above.
- Above is not above to itself.
- Below is not below to itself.
- To the one above, below is unreal. To the one below, above is unreal.
- To the subtle, gross is unreal and to the gross, subtle is unreal.
- What is light to one is darkness to the other and what is darkness to one is light to the other.
- Stand beyond the division of
above and below
subtle and gross
light and darkness
- Be one in two and be one beyond two.
I Am unborn and hence do not die. I Am uninvolved in all actions that happen through me. Matter gathers around me in the layers and get influenced in subtility. Her gathering and dispersal are periodical, I Am eternal.
She comes out of me, subtle, grows grosser and coarser and reversing the process, she grows subtler and transparent. Indeed, her game around Me is pleasant to watch and dangerous to catch.
The beings of “This side” call the other beings as of ” That side.“
The ones born now call those born before as the ancestors. The ancestors call the new born as moderns.
One calls the other elder and the other calls the one youngster.
The awareness of the other (by the one) is due to existence of the two. The two are the two wings of the one bird which glides. Realise the One in two and transcend the veil.
When the water in the lake is still, we find the sky and the stars duly reflected. During the day the fish and pebbles under the water are revealed. The presence of water is felt only when the water is disturbed.
Likewise when there is equanimity of mind, the mind does not exist. Instead we exist.
When there is outflow of thought after thought, the presence of the mind is felt more just like the presence of the lake water is felt when there are ripples in the water.
When there are feelings and opinions, the existence of mind is distinctly felt. When there are differences of opinion, there is the concrete presence of mind.
The existence of the waves veils the fish and the pebbles under the water. The existence of opinions (more so when there is difference), veils the deeper being, I Am.
There is no reflection of the sky and the stars above or the revelation of the fish and the pebbles below when the lake is disturbed. So also, when the equanimity of the mind is disturbed, the deeper being (which is the real existence) - 'Self - is not revealed and the Plan Divine is not reflected. May we, therefore, retain equanimity of mind to unveil the veil and also to reflect the plan through.
128. GOD
“Father! What is God?”
“God is 'That'! my Son.”
“Father ! What is 'That'?”
The abode of the life,
the pulsation and the
respiration that
shelters mind is God.”
The creation is uttered forth in three planes. The three planes are symbolised as the three brothers. The first plane is that of consciousness. This is filled with the light of 'I Am'. The light is symbolised by the grey hair. The 'I Am' is the seed of the tree of creation and is therefore expressed as the dwarf. Further he manifests from the unmanifest. He is the limited manifestation of the limitless unmanifest space. Hence he is symbolised as dwarf.
Eating is related to the process of assimilation. From the one, the second springs to experience. In the first, there is no second to experience. The second comes out to experience the splendour of the first. Experiencing is an eternal process during the creation. Hence the second is the eternal eater.
The back of the third one is anointed. The back represents the rear, which brings in the front. This is the process of manifestation of “within” and “without”. “Inside” - “outside”. The back of the “without” is anointed by the life force to link the “within”. The anointment symbolises the link of life between the spirit and the matter. The seven principles of evocation come out of this third eternal brother.
Who created all this?
The Creator himself does not know.
How is it possible that the Creator creates but does not know?
Just as it is possible for a just born baby to pulsate without knowing pulsation.
“A single wheeled chariot is drawn by seven horsemen. A horse of seven names draws the chariot. There are three centres to the one wheel and the wheel is once again the centre to the three centres. The wheel is eternal, ever new and indestructible. The seven planes exist on this wheel.”
It is easier for the father to find the child who is lost (into the creation), than for the lost child to find the father.
It is easier to travel to any point on the circumference from the centre, than to reach the centre from the circumference.
A bird's eye view is comprehensive and complete. The viewpoint of the earthy is but a fragment of the truth.
Identify with the Father, the centre in you to gain the bird's eye view - avoid crawling with viewpoints around the circumference like a lost child.
“I live in all. Because they all live in me.
I live within and without them all.”
“The great bird brings down the seven rays from regions unknown to regions known. In the web of creation; these seven (rays) form the verticals with the 12 (zodiacal signs) as the horizontals.”
“When you view, the viewer in you views.”
“When you hear, the hearer in you hears.”
“Then, how can you view or hear Him”?
“Just as you 'visualise' the land beneath your feet. It needs a different 'eye'”.
Every circle has a centre.
Every centre is a circle
to the centre within.
Even the inmost centre is
upon the background.
* Growth is always from within.
* Measure not the growth with measures external.
* Growth is that which works silently through thought and form ever radiating.
* The silent glow of the Sun resulted in the growth of the Solar System.
Ignorants gather to gain wisdom.
Initiates gather to experience wisdom.
The former gather to speak of candy.
The latter gather to taste the candy.
The right and the wrong are not well understood by the mind. The heart knows it better.
The love and the hate are not well understood by the mind. The heart knows love better and knows not hate.
The pain and the pleasure are not well understood by the mind. The heart knows it better.
Posit in heart through inclusion of the pairs. It dissolves obstacles.
Mind plans to escape from obstacles. But heart finds the fitness of them and the related responsibility.
Escapism leads to bondage and calamity.
Responsibility leads to liberation.
The handless animals are handy food to the man of hands.
The legless trees, plants and plantations are food for the animals of legs.
The small is food for the big. Being is food for being in the world of beings.
He has become food, he came down as vigour.
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“The wheel of the unmanifest Truth moves in space in 12 layers. It is indestructible, undecaying and non-stop.
In that eternal wheel, the 720 sons of Fire exist in pairs.”
The wheel of 12 spokes is understood as the flower of five petals in which all planes exist, fully developed.
The hub of the wheel though heavily loaded, does not heat up, nor does it get burnt up.
It is neither depreciated nor dissolved. It remains eternal.
Ardent desire for knowledge is a hindrance to knowledge. But knowledge cannot be realised without such aspiration. This is the lock between man and himself (i.e. His Self). To unlock this, there is a passage.
The more one relaxes, the more the lock is loosened. The more one tries, the more he is tired and the lock is sealed further. The aspiration initiates the journey and after ignition it should withdraw itself to give way for the journey. The speed of the journey is set by aspiration. Thus aspiration is intention and has no dimension or magnitude in time and space. Hence it relegates itself into the background as it ignites the action or journey. But the intention leaves its own corpse in the mind and the corpse is mistaken as the intention. There is no place for further ignition after the initial ignition. Hence, aspiration has no place after the action is initiated.
But the aspirant is tricked by the corpse of aspiration and he, therefore, falls into more and more aspirations, hopes, ideals and ideas. He turns out to be a speculative philosopher and loses the path towards becoming a practical and pragmatic spiritualist (Yogi). The aspirant thus tricked, applies all the force he carries upon the corpse of the aspiration which is a total waste of time, energy and life. There is no wisdom gained by such continuous application of mental activity, upon the dead precipitate of aspiration.
The clever disciple should leave this path and case himself into the “unknown” (unknown to the known mind is an outcome of the unknown. The known mind is too little to comprehend the unknown; just as the creation is too finite to comprehend the Creator). The absence of the disturbance of aspiration (or desire or wish) allows the sun-beam of knowledge to reflect up to the still waters of consciousness until the waters are distilled into the Ray. This is the process that takes place in meditation. It has nothing to do with the mental comprehension of the student. Meditation is the process of the higher reflecting upon the lower and making the lower transcend into the higher, only to know that it has previously descended from the higher. During the process, the student is suggested not to disturb the process with the corpse of the aspiration. This becomes possible only when the aspirant couples the meditation with an intelligent training to make fit the physical, moral and intellectual levels of his being, only to wipe off the effort after attainment.
![]() | The four sons of the Father dispersed in four directions and lost the “Sonship.” |
![]() | They styled themselves as East, West, North and South and deception took over. |
![]() | The time turned over and revealed; that East is East to West, West is West to East, North is North to South and South is South to North. |
![]() | The commonness and communion dawned. Brotherhood realised unity in the Father regained and the Earth stood lifted up to the Kings of Beauty. |
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First Edition: 1993
© Copyright: Dhanishta
The World Teacher Temple / Dhanishta
Radhamadhavam, 14-38-02
Muppidi Colony
Visakhapatnam - 530 022
Andhra Pradesh - India