Book Presentation
The Golden Stairs
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview General
Short Description:
With the growing interest in esoteric and spiritual subjects in recent years, a person who has sown the seeds for this in the 19th century also has a renaissance: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831- 1891), called by her friends in short H.P.B. More important than the events of her life, however, are the traces of her spiritual work in the service of those whom she dedicated her whole life: The Mahatmas, also called “Masters of Wisdom”. 'Golden Stairs' is one such contribution from her.
This book is an out come of the talks delivered by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar in June 2008, at the Theosophical Society in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 2010
ISBN 978-3-9523338-1-5
English, German and Spanish
Extract: "A Constant Eye to the Ideal of Human Progression and Perfection, which the Secret Science Depicts"
… Aquarian energy aims at the progression of the humanity as a whole. It does not enable separatism and separate progress. Personal progress shall have to be sacrificed on the altar of collective progress. As much as one progresses, one should think and act to help the progress of the others surrounding him. That is why the whole emphasis has shifted to serve the less fortunate, the weak, the disabled, the poor and the innocent. A charitable disposition toward the younger members of the society and sympathetic consideration of their plight is important. If not, the progressive ones get chained by the ones, who are not progressing.
The human consciousness is one. Therefore the entire human consciousness needs to move forward but not in bits and pieces. The whole human consciousness is becoming, is changing for the better. Just like in a body, trouble in one limb impedes the activity of man. When a part of the society is stuck, the humanity as a whole is also stuck. This can be seen only from the point of synthesis. In a big machine, if one part is ineffective and inoperative, the whole machine stops. If one link fails in a chain, the chain cannot move. You see with your bicycle, if the chain is broken, the bicycle does not move. Thus the human chain needs to move as a whole. Only the seers see this. They therefore strive for the progression of humanity as a whole.
Madam Blavatsky gained this dimension in the presence of the Hierarchy. She realised that the Hierarchy is working for the progress of the whole humanity, with no bias neither towards east nor towards west. It inspires the able ones to help the weak. When the strong give a helping hand to the weak, all progress together, if not, the strong are also stuck along with the weak.
Lord Maitreya and Lord Buddha embarked upon the plan for progression and perfection of humanity as a whole. Lord Maitreya was the first and was later followed by Buddha. The two great ones were offered to move into higher circles for the alignment that they achieved with the Divine. They could have easily moved up into higher circles. The higher circles opened for them. The two of them respectfully and gently denied entering the higher spheres and stood at the threshold. They were thoughtful to stay at the threshold to keep that threshold open for the humanity to move through. They decided to stay back, inspire beings and enable them to move forward. Their work is enabling human progression. They have a constant eye on it. For that purpose groups of enlightened beings gather around them. That is how the Hierarchy is constituted right from the advent of Kali Yuga.
The Hierarchy consists of four layers of workers. One layer works at the physical plane. Another layer works at the subtle plane. The third layer works at the mental plane. And the fourth layer works at the buddhic plane, presided over by the adepts, who are at the blissful plane. The Hierarchical work simultaneously happens at all planes. From the smallest worker relating to the Hierarchy, to the highest one, all have one purpose, enabling progress of human beings. If humans progress the other kingdoms also progress. They are guided by nature, while the humans are guided by the Hierarchy. This step is the ultimate of the Golden Stairs, and to be able to do this better, an ordinary human being is recommended to work out all the preceding steps in him.
Madam Blavatsky, who gave out these Golden Stairs, is a limb of the Hierarchy. Through her a grand work was initiated in the 19th century, which is bearing fruits now. It will bear many more fruits in the 21st century, helping humanity in the needed direction. With the advent of the Aquarian Age, the human progression has taken rapid strides through science. Eventually the impact of Aquarius and Uranus (the presiding planetary energies) enable quicker transformation of the humans also. May the Plan prevail, may good will prevail, may the humans progress as for the desired Plan.
This talk is but a humble garland of words that may decorate the Lotus feet of Madam Blavatsky. Thank you!