Book Presentation
Health and Harmony, Vol. 2
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview Healing
Short Description:
Health has been the major concern at all times and much more so in the modern times where man is to cope up with the ever increasing stress and strain of living. Modern life brought along with varied developments the related ills, sicknesses, and diseases. Popular medical treatments are found to be inadequate to meet the varieties of challenges that humanity encounters in terms of diseases.
A different direction to restore health, a different way of living, and a new way of looking at life seem necessary. Until such effort is made, the locked up treasures of nature do not unfold.
In 60 articles by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar the book “Health and Harmony 2” presents practical and helpful aspects of healing.
Dhanishta Foundation, Visakhapatnam, India 2017
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10. The Quality of Thoughts
The quality of thoughts decides the quality of one’s wellbeing. They are of great importance. Saying so is not a mere moralistic dictum. There is a science behind it. Rhythmic and healthy thoughts enable a healthy flow of life. A gush of thoughts and emotions disturb the life stream. Frequent disturbance to the life stream can manifest sickness. The velocity of thought is as important as the quality of thought. When the velocity is high, the mind tends to be hyperactive, resulting in the over-burning of the life energy. This is one reason attributable to the cancer disease, among others. Hyperactive people are apt to burn their system. They tend to be hypertense, which builds pressure within and results in strokes as well. Many are the sicknesses of hyperactivity. The person tends to be restless and anxious; irritation is at the doorstep.
When the flow of thoughts are of low velocity, inertia sets in and causes the formation of mass in the tissues, which leads to forgetfulness, lack of continuity of thought, and mistakes in speech and writing. The mass in the body prevents the attuning between the brain and the body and the brain and the speech. The lack of good coordination between the body limbs is generally seen. Carbons accumulate in the body, which affects the liver, the stomach, the pancreas and the spleen. This accumulation would even affect the flow of blood in the arteries. Carbonation is the slow process that gradually takes control over the health of the body. Carbon is anti-life.
Thus, inert persons bring in anti-life and hyperactive persons oxidise.
The velocity of thoughts decides the dynamics of the person. He could generally be over active or inert or he could be alternatively overactive and inactive leading to the related sickness.
Apart from the above, the quality of thoughts brings in health or ill health. Excessive passions, bouts of anger, extreme love-hate attitudes, as well as pride and prejudice, affect the quality of conscience, which in turn affects the quality of life energy.
Wisdom says that the forerunners of thought weave the aura of a person. Men are therefore strongly recommended to review their thought quality and thought velocity. There is much gloom and depression prevailing over many, which can be dispersed by changing the direction of the thoughts. The Rig Veda gives a good but small invocation, which cannot be lost sight of in the context of the human thought activity: “Let good thoughts come to me from all directions.”