Book Presentation
Lectures on Secret Doctrine - 3. Maruths
Book Presentation Overview Wisdom
Short Description:
Our very existence is because of air. Madame Blavatsky speaks of the fiery breath in the very beginning of the “Secret Doctrine”. Exhalation coming from the absolute causes all THIS, and the inhalation causes withdrawal of whole world into Brahman. With the help of air, everything is made to manifest and everything is enabled to de-manifest. Air is necessary for all movements, for vertical movement, for horizontal movement, for rotational movement, for spiral movement and so on.
The book gives a good understanding of Vayu, the cosmic intelligence of air, which details into the seven winds called Maruths.
2013 Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India
Center to Circumference
The story is from Maruths to Vayu, from Vayu to Rudras, Rudras to cosmic person and from cosmic person to the twenty seven elements that are responsible for cosmic plane and then the cosmic nature and then the Parabrahman. Therefore it is always good to start from familiar to unfamiliar, that is, from center to circumference. From center to circumference, it is easy to move. From circumference to center, it is difficult to reach. Each one of us is a center, from wherein any of the 360 degrees we move, we reach the circumference. So therefore I though fit to explain the Maruths who are born out of Vayu and Vayu born out of Rudra, and Rudra born out of Cosmic Person, the Cosmic Person born out of 27 elements, 27 elements born out of cosmic impulse which is the cosmic nature, and cosmic nature coming out of the Absolute. This has to be familiar to us to start with.
For our understanding purpose, the seven Maruths can be picked up as three plus one plus three. Three Maruths are carrying double quality. The fourth Maruth is neutral. The fifth, sixth and seventh do not carry double quality – they are not in duality. So there are three in duality, three beyond duality, and one is neutral between duality and that which is beyond duality. These seven can also be understood as the three above, three below and there is a junction point.
Whenever we come across number 7, occultism demands that we make an understanding that there is an upper triangle, the triangle with an apex upwards, a triangle with apex downwards with a center. Or it can be understood as a triangle over a square. Whenever we encounter seven, take it as a triangle over the square. That is the best placement of seven or it can be stated as a triangle with apex downwards and triangle with apex upwards interposed with a center within. That is the symbol of seven. That is the also the Seal of David. It is also called SOL-OM-AN. the Temple of Solomon.
In the very initial teachings in Alella during May Call, the subject of triangles and squares was dealt with. What is square, what is triangle, what is triangle standing on the square, what is triangle within the square and the triangle with apex upwards within the square and a triangle with apex downwards within the square was all taught. These are the states of a human being. We live in a square meaning, living in a box. In this box, when we are oriented only to material, the triangle is said to be inversed in the box or a square.
In advanced teachings, a teacher draws a square and a triangle within it with apex downwards and puts a dot. That is speaking by symbol, and teaching by symbol. It means, it is a mundane man. The three qualities in him are oriented to material. If the apex is upwards within the square, he is said to be an Aspirant. When the triangle with apex upwards within the square, when aspiration tries to climb up, then it is a withdrawal from objectivity. Then the square becomes a lower triangle.
Mundane Man
Seal of David
Triangle downwards within the square represents mundane man, triangle upwards within the square represents an aspirant who is trying to break the block. He is trying to make a hole into the box! We have houses like boxes and we have houses with triangle over a box. Mundane man is a triangle with apex downwards within the box. He is eating, mating, fulfilling body desires and always worried about the worldly life. Most people today are worried about mundane life. We find very few who are worried about the divine life.
When you turn the triangle upwards within the box, it means, you are an aspirant, if you are worried about the worldly life but only speak of Bailey, Blavatsky etc., it is self-deception. When you are really in a single point orientation to divine aspiration, then you are pulled up by air, then triangle moves slowly from the box upwards. When it moves upwards, the box also slowly transforms into a triangle. Meaning, not so much with the worldly life. There are the seven airs or winds. Three pull you down, three pull you up and you can find a center, so that you can relate upwards and you can also relate downwards. There also has to be a balance meaning you are not excessively pulled upwards or excessively pulled downwards. If you are excessively pulled upwards you are out of body. You don't grow! You should ensure, there is as much an upward pull as there is a downward pull and make sure the upward pull is stronger than the downward pull so that you remain in the world but you are not any more of the world.