Book Presentation
Lessons on Homoeopathy
by Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya Book Presentation Overview Healing
Short Description:
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya (Master E.K.) had taken up homoeopathy as a media for healing the sick and propagated the same to thousands of his disciples in India and abroad who are now rendering valuable service in healing the sick. He has established many free homoeopathic clinics and conducted many homoeopathy training camps. He even educated masses about the way of life to prevent falling into disease.
As a part of his teachings, he conducted a 3-day homoeo-seminar at Coxyde (Belgium) during his last visit to Europe in 1983. The lectures delivered there are brought out through this edition for the benefit of the posteriority.
The World Teacher Trust, Visakhapatnam, India 1993
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Extract: About Vaccinations, p 100 ff
About vaccinations, we have many diseases rooted out in many countries and there is no smallpox, no chicken pox no TB, no Gonorrhoea, no Syphilis etc. Have we eradicated or eliminated or cured these diseases? Doctor Burnett the great Doctor who has discovered Tuberculinum and who has conducted many valuable researches on this line has discovered many strange things as a result of vaccinations. Whenever we take a vaccination for one disease it stimulates the anti-bodies in the constitution for life and renders that particular disease impossible to develop in the constitution. But at the same time it leaves its own miasm to the constitution for life, as a result of which the fellow is no longer the original fellow in any one of the vital functions of his body or mind and this precipitates a condition, a total miasm of the person which incubates in the constitution for about two or three decades.
The process of incubation is very long and we have no methods yet to eliminate the poison that is engrafted to the constitution through vaccination. We welcomed a miasm into the constitution on the physical plane. In Homoeopathy also we are doing exactly the same thing. But we are not introducing it on the physical plane at all, that makes all the difference. We are introducing it on the dynamic plane. It acts only as an antipoison and not a poison. This is proved time and again by all the provings of all the drugs. This is the only strong point in Homoeopathy which no other system has.
We are stimulating the vital plane with the vital counterpart of a poison which is stimulated by the process of dynamisation and dilution. It meets only the vital body and not the physical body. Immediately the vital body produces its violent reaction against it and the fight ends within a short time and no physical tissues are spent in the war. Whereas in the process of vaccination it is just the opposite. We introduce the lymph itself or the serum directly. It meets the constitution on physical plane while the constitution has to react only on the vital plane. So before the constitution produces its reaction the disease attacks the physical tissues and we have the physical scar left afterwards. In the war the vital force gains. At the same time we have what is called a conditioning of the whole constitution caused by the introduction of the lymph into the constitution. For all physical and metabolic purposes the fellow is healthy but for the mental behaviour the nervous system the mind and the cortical tissues are affected. He is no more normal in mental and nervous planes. In many cases there is an inauguration of hyperactivity in the fellow, a condition similar to the wrong stimulation of thyroid. This is the opinion of Doctor Burnett and his followers. They gave thousands of examples. The whole thing results in a stage of incurability after about two to three decades and the incurability may show on any part of the constitution. Sometimes it may be in the lungs, sometimes it may be in the heart and more frequently a cancerous state of any particular location.
Everyone knows about the curability of cancer, but according to the observations of Dr. Burnett, the percentage of cancerous deaths increased enormously after the introduction of vaccinations and if we take the world records of cancer.
I think many of you know the graph of it, there was a decrease before the second world war and after the second world war till now there is an increase in the incidence of cancer. Every year there is an added percentage to the deaths by cancer and the number of vaccinations we discover and introduce to the human constitution is increasing. It is for us to choose if we have to live without these epidemics and die of some incurable condition or have these epidemics and die a more natural death. This is one dimension which we have to take notice of.
Many sensible doctors question us that what if we have Smallpox? Can't we use our scientific discoveries to have a better way of treating a smallpox patient and making one safer and lighter course instead of vaccinating him and creating some unknown clinical condition? Suppose there are people who get smallpox, then what is the trouble? Are we not getting diseases that are not to be cured but could not be cured?
With our modern knowledge and technology and equipment of medicine the number of curable disease cases are the same if not increasing. Helpless situations are many and it is for us to decide if we welcome vaccination or leave it to Nature. You can ask me, are you not vaccinated? I was not at all vaccinated in my childhood. Until today I never allowed any one of my children and grandchildren to be vaccinated and every one of us are only receiving homeopathic treatment, and that too, on orthodox lines of Homeopathy. My family is a big family, my children, my brothers, brother's children and my grandchildren, all put together not less than 50 members and we have no record in our family of smallpox or chickenpox or cholera or any epidemic up till now. Our children had measles and fevers. There was a natural and normal cure. Afterwards they are healthy. This is my experience about the matter. After I have grown old, only ten years ago I had compulsory vaccination because otherwise I would not have been permitted to leave the country and take the flight. That was the only occasion when I had one vaccination. So it is for us to decide.
In the countries that are backward in the scientific and economic progress, we have about 50% of the people not vaccinated because of the irregularity of the people of the medical profession, and people are still lucky. Their general health is definitely better than the health of those in the Occident. The citizens of the Occident are well protected against diseases whereas the citizens of a backward country like India, have better resistance against diseases. This is the essential difference which no-one can deny after observation. An average illiterate, uncultured Indian is by birth more resistant against diseases then a well informed citizens of the Occident. For example, when there is some nasal catarrh or bronchial infection in the Occident, it is a menace and a dread. It is just a common and normal thing in India. No-one dies with any infection of a catarrh condition of the nose or bronchials. I think this difference in the resistance is due to the lesser number of vaccinations that people have in India i.e. only three or four types of vaccinations. Those families who do not get their children or grandchildren vaccinated are those who follow the Homeopathic or the traditional Ayurvedic treatment on an exclusive basis. They are definitely healthier mentally and physically. This is my experience. I do not say that one should not get vaccinated but in course of time there are certain consequences for which one should be prepared; it is left to us to choose.
There is the theory of prophylaxis in homoeopathy also. A section of homoeopathy argue very strongly for prophylaxis and another section refuse. Here when we go to the masters of homeopathy and take the fundamental scientific tenets of the system, no medication is permitted to be introduced into the constitution unless the constitution shows any symptoms. So there is no question of prevention through medicinal methods. If we have preventative medicines we should accept that their use is not homeopathic but something else because the basic principles of homoeopathy itself teach us to administer a dose only when symptoms exist and even then we have no justification in giving him one more dose.
Then only we can call it homeopathy. We cannot call it as homoeopathy by merely using homeopathic remedies. The method should be homoeopathic if we want to call it homoeopathy. There are doctors who use certain medicines like Variolinum for their patients seasonally. Some doctors use Variolinum 6 for seven days continuously when there is season. Why for seven days? Simply because God created the world in seven days. Even that great God took a sabbath on the seventh day, he used the medicine only for six days. So the Homoeopathic Doctor is more powerful than God. Have we any justification to call it homoeopathy? No. lf we call it autopathy we can use it. How to protect the people from epidemics? My declaration is to use homeopathy on orthodox scientific lines from the birth on an exclusive basis, to all averagely healthy born children there is no occasion when the fellow is attacked by smallpox or chicken pox or cholera etc.
If you can create such a generation there is no smallpox, chickenpox or cholera in any nation, also no conditioning of the vaccination, no after affects of the vaccinations and no unaccountable deaths. That is my open declaration after twenty years experimenting with about 4000 families who live with me and follow my way of living. The health conditions of those families prove that there need not be any protection against epidemics, so long as they are treated exclusively according to orthodox homoeopathic principles. So even using homoeopathic medicines as prophylactics is against the principle of homoeopathy. When he needs the medicine, give him the medicine. Stop medication immediately when relief sets in. Until the fellow is once again sick don't think of medicine. Once he is healthy we want some method which keeps the fellow up in health without going into disease.
Here we have no provision in homoeopathy at all. Every system has its own limitations. I don't argue that homoeopathy has no limitations. As long as we have a disease, homoeopathy has everything to do. The moment we are healthy, homoeopathy has nothing to suggest to us to maintain health or to protect ourselves against Psora. We have to take a supplementation of another branch of science that is the orthodox and scientific Ayurveda. Many people in the Occident are mistaken that Ayurveda is a system of medication. It is throughly wrong. Ayurveda is a science of health and it informs us of reliable and practical methods of preserving health and not going into disease. This is what two-third of scientific Ayurvedic literature contains and the last one third is called the chapters of Atonement, i.e. rectification. In the Scriptures there is what is called atonement, Whenever we commit something sinful, that is the process of purification and purging. Under that heading Ayurveda gives us a medication. That is not the main purpose of Ayurveda at all. It prescribes to us about our social activities, vocational selection, the construction of villages, towns and cities, arrangement of streets and roads and location of various parts of the house and the method of protecting the water supply away from the drainage, the science of smoking, not tobacco but some valuable things, for example Sandelwood powder and some mild non-medicated herbs. It is Ayurveda and not medication at all.
So we can make a healthy supplementation of both these systems. Cure yourself permanently with homoeopathy and then preserve your health with Ayurveda.
So it is against the principles of homeopathy to use homoeopathic prophylactics. There is no need for such prophylactics.