Book Presentation
Master C.V.V. - The Initiator, Master E.K. - The Inspirer
A glimpse into the works of the 2 Masters
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar
Book Presentation Overview Masters
Short Description:
Master CVV opened the veil to inaugurate the Aquarian age. He is the Aquarian Master, who is multidimensional and unfathomable. He can be known and his work can be realized only through the prayer that he gave. He is a Grand Master that initiated the Globe and the humanity. He is the Global Initiator. Master EK has been a great inspirer into the path of yoga of Master CVV He reached out to groups to inspire them into the Path.
The book is a talk flowing from Master KPK at Berahampur (Brahampuri) to introduce to the group the two Masters.
Yoga is the process of putting the body to millions of transformations. The physical cell of the body should go through transmutation. Transmutation means it changes its quality, the same material changes in its quality. Just like a rice grain after it is cooked, it is changed in its quality, the taste is different. Transmutation is a process of working with fire. All transformations and transmutations happen only through fire. Air and water are only helpers but fire is the real transformer. It is the fire only that transformed the subtle to gross and it is again the fire that transforms the gross to subtle. Hence, fire is the element through which it is worked out. And that fire is generated in the body through the prayers to make subtle transformations of the cells of the body. Thus the body cells undergo changes. That is exactly what Master C.V.V. said, “I repair your vehicle”. He did not say, I would prepare the soul. The soul will be prepared if the vehicle is repaired. That should be the understanding. If the vehicle is repaired, the soul appears on the screen. The soul is there. It is like a beautiful statue hidden in the mass of stone. You eliminate what is not needed; then the beautiful statue comes out. It is hidden in the stone. A sculptor can see and eliminate the unnecessary part of the mass of the stone and the remaining part is a beautiful statue.
Likewise, the undesirable elements in us are to be eliminated in order that the beautiful soul that we are can appear on the screen. So, that is the master sculpturing done by Master C.V.V. when he says, “My job is to repair your body”. Repairing the body is the net result of the transmutation of the body cells. Transmutation of the cells makes the cells much lighter and subtler from their dense state. Normally the body cells are dense; when the body cells are dense the body is very dense. When it is heavy, it demands sleep all the time, it wants excessive food, sleep etc. Bodies that always demand excessive water, sleep or food are considered to be the dense ones. So this density and the related dullness come to the body because of the density of the cells of the body. So the density of the cells of the body has to be reduced to make them light; then only our body would not demand so much of water, so much of food and so much of sleep. The excessive sleep, food and water are for heavy bodies. For instance, you give a huge barrel full of water and some liquid food and a heap of grass for a buffalo and it keeps on eating drinking and sleeping. Likewise there are some people who have exclusive program of eating and sleeping and actually they cannot do much work except eating and sleeping because the fire in them is very low. They get tired very easily for nothing. When there is more fire in the body, there is more energy. If the fire is put off for fifteen minutes, you are already weak. Hence, fire is called the vital light.
“Aham vaiswaanaro bhootva praaninaam deha maashritah, praanaapaana samayuktah pachamyanham chaturvidham” - the fire in you is the fire that is stimulated to transform the body. Anyone, who does dhyana (meditation) gets this kind of fire in him, it is a kind of comforting heat he gets. Remember that the prayer is really happening in you or the dhyana is really happening in you, when once the body grows warmer through prayer. In that warmth alone, the things will change not in the coldness since coldness means death. If you are kept on an ice block all the time, you are dead. Ice is anti-life while heat is life. Excessive heat is again antilife. So, that fire is what is induced into you when you invoke Master C.V.V. In the yoga process, which is the normal yoga path, the fire is generated through respiration. You regularly respire, take long inhalations and exhale, again take a long inhalation and exhale like that you keep an pumping into the body with abundant oxygen. As you are aware, oxygen is a combustible gas. It inflames. So, take more and more oxygen. So, what is it that you are taking in? You are taking in the life principle which is full of fire. Life is fire. So the fire that is generated in you through breathing makes the body warm and even sweat. When the body has lot of emotions there will be lot of sweat, more emotions means more sweat due the presence of more waters in the body. Some bodies sweat more, some bodies not only sweat but also their sweat smells, which means their habits are also not very good. For some sweat does not smell. This is the difference of the quality of the body. The difference of the quality of the body is in its smell, and in its degree of sweating. The greater the fire you carry, the lesser the water is eminent because all waters are evaporated. They are taken to gaseous state. If we see the movie “Terminator”; there is a man who comes from Mars. The hero is from Mars, so he tries to save a mother and a child. The mother sometimes sheds tears and the child also sheds tears. Then the man from Mars asks, “How do you get them?” Then the child answers, “When we get emotionally upset we get tears.” Then the man asks, “Why do you get emotions?” Then the child asks the man “Don't you get tears?” He says “No, I don't get tears.” “Don't you have emotions?” “No, I have no emotions”. So there are people who don't sweat.
There are people who don't weep so much as others. Why I am saying this is, you know your body more than knowing yourself, because it is the body that keeps you stuck, that holds you. It is also called the Makara. According to scriptures the body is the makara. Makara means crocodile. The grip of a crocodile is “the grip” in creation. That is why Lord Sri Krishna says in the “Vibhuthi yoga” “I am the crocodile among the beings that move in water. As you know, no one can have grip in flowing waters. What can you grip in the flowing water? When you are being flooded out and flushed out where can you hold? Nothing; but a crocodile can stay. It has a hold, which has no apparent hold. When it holds, you can't come out of it even if you were an elephant. That is the crocodile grip and so is the body.