Book Presentation
Master CVV - Yoga and Aphorisms to Disciples
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview Masters
Short Description:
The teachings of Master CVV, which he had originally received and recorded as MTA instructions, were given out once again in a fresh form by Master K. Parvathi Kumar in Telugu. Several teachings coming from Master CVV were given afresh, through which the groups derived necessary inspiration and knowledge for further practice. They were translated into English and the aphorisms were published in seriatim in the monthly newsletter ‘Vaisakh Newsletter' under the caption ‘Aphorisms to Disciples'.
The book 'Master CVV - Yoga and Aphorisms to Disciples' is intended for all sincere students of Master CVV yoga, who look to these teachings to further strengthen and deepen their yoga practice.
Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 2022.
Master CVV yoga started on the 29th of May 1910 and as has been willed by him, this yoga has become global. There are members in all the continents, who are now practicing this yoga.
In this new yoga, the primary aspect is the prayer that is given by Master CVV. The aspirants that perform regular prayers receive from within the required practice formulae for their progress. This is one specialty in this yoga! The divine energy, that descended into Master CVV, has handed over to him a few formulae for practice. Master CVV happened to note them under the caption MTA instructions.
When an attempt was being made to translate these instructions in Telugu, to be shared with the yoga friends, there were instructions and messages that were received afresh from within. It is but a common occurrence in Master CVV yoga. Whenever there was an attempt to talk about Master CVV yoga, or when attempts were made to bring out certain teachings in a book form, there has been a fresh impulse each time. It was witnessed that the teachings came through, with new inspiration and style, and the discourses and writings happened afresh. Surely, they are all on account of the grace of the Master!
In this context, it is apt to mention here a note that was stated to Master CVV by the MTA on 11-11-1910:
“The instructions that I am giving you now, would in future get elaborated via another medium and would get separately published. They would surely find expansion globally.”
“Another medium would develop his brain, knowledge and culture to take suggestions from different books and publish a separate book according to my views and suggestions - CVV”.
The daily life pattern that the practitioners should adapt to in this new yoga, the formulae that are to be implemented in the practice of this yoga, and the required messages have all been arranged for the benefit of the yoga students.
These are definitely and undoubtedly of use to all those who strive with devotion, veneration, attention, and dedication in the yoga practice. The book contains practice formulae and messages too. They would be of immense aid to the yoga students in their practice. These messages on yoga are being given out with utmost responsibility.
May the followers of the Master receive them appropriately!
K. Parvathi Kumar
1. Prepare for the prayer with a clean mind and body. Let the place of prayer be of utmost purity and cleanliness with a pleasant ambience.
2. Arrange an altar with the Master's photo on a platform or at an elevated position. Purify the ambience by lighting incense sticks with good fragrance.
3. Be seated in a comfortable posture. If there is a disability or discomfort to sit, you may even lie down, it helps avoid bodily movements during the prayer. Whatever be the posture, it should be comfortable, so as to enable stability without the need for frequent bodily movements.
4. Gaze at the Master's photo, particularly looking into His eyes. Gently close your eyes, while conducting inhalation and exhalation consciously, for three times.
5. With lot of reverence and ardent devotion, filled with inspiration, utter forth the below potent invocation: “Master Namaskaram” “Master C. V. V. Namaskaram”
Note: Based on one's inspiration, one can utter the below invocation also. “Master M. N. Namaskaram.” “Master E. K. Namaskaram” “Master K. P. K. Namaskaram”
6. After uttering the above invocations, observe within!
7. Inner observation is the true meditation.
8. Whatever is seen or heard during the prayer should be sincerely noted down in a notebook after the prayer. The instructions received, should be followed.
9. After the invocation, do not force open the eyes. The eyes open when the work of the Master for that session is complete.
10. Progress is attained in the prayers based on one's sincerity and devotion.