Book Presentation
Master CSG
Book Presentation Overview Masters
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar
Short Description:
Working with wisdom is called working with magic. As you work with wisdom, it has a magical impact on you. The true magic is the application of wisdom upon oneself to find the entire cosmos within oneself.
The Master of the seventh ray wisdom is Master Count St. Germain. He is in charge of the activity of ritualism that is conducted through the ritualistic temples all over the globe. The Master works largely through esoteric ritual and ceremonial magic, being vitally interested in the effects, hitherto unrecognized, of the ceremonial order of the Freemasons, of various fraternities and of churches everywhere.
The book “Master CSG” by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar gives some insights into the life and teachings of Master Count St. Germain, so that the students can pick up the keys of ritualism and the teachings to relate to the energies of the Master.
Introduction; Magic – Magus; Life of Count St. Germain; Work in the American Continent; Master Count St. Germain - Seventh Ray – Ritualism; Touch of Lord Krishna; Lokayata - Knowledge of Time; Kaushika - Gayatri Mantra; Master CSG and Master Jesus; Rhythm – Ritual; Life as an offering; Ritual on Friday evening; Swaraj - Self rule; Violet Flame; Conclusion
Dhanishta Foundation, Visakhapatnam, India, 2017
Chapter 3 Life of Count St. Germain
The lives of the Grand Master Count St. Germain are inspiring to a student of wisdom.
He was a Brahmin hailing from the land of Nepal 5200 years ago. Nepal is in the north east frontier of present India. The India that we know today is much smaller than the India that it was, at that time. Much of its land got submerged into the Indian Ocean. The old India was huge and was extending beyond the equator into the South. In the North, it was up to Manasasarovar and Mount Kailas. Today, Manasasarovar and Mount Kailas are in Tibet and Nepal is just adjacent to the frontiers of India. Beyond the Mount Kailas, there are the ashrams of the great Masters Master Morya and Master Koot Hoomi, and even further north to their ashram, in Shigatse (Sravasti) is the Ashram of Lord Maitreya and beyond that, is Shambhala. The lord of the planet Lord Sanat Kumara resides in Shambhala.
Count St. Germain was known to be a student of magic. Right from childhood, he was interested to know the science of magic. At that time, there lived a great teacher of Magic in the land of India. He approached a Master of Magic, and with great devotion and fiery aspiration, learnt the art and science of magic. What we know as magic is a science that can be gained, and when the science is perfected by a student, it becomes an art, which means effortlessly and playfully he can conduct the magic.
Even by 30 years of age, by his strong will, he became, a fairly good Master of Magic. His ability was such that he could look at a sculpture and focus the energy in the sculpture and transmit life force into every atom of the sculpture and bring the sculpture to life. Such was his ability. He could also once again withdraw life and make it a sculpture. He could animate the inanimate objects and after animation, he could again make them inanimate. It is not a small measure of magic. He knew every conceivable Aryan ritual. Originally Aryans were highly ritualistic. They were so ritualistic that eventually people got fed up with it. Everything is a ritual. When anything is excessive, people get averse to it. Today a large part of humanity has aversion for ritual, but ritual holds the key to magic.
He is a grand Master of magic. He represents 7th Ray of Ceremonial Order and Magic. He called himself as “Sanctos Germanos”. Sanctos means Holy, Germanos means Brother. He is a Master who is a Holy Brother. That is the name he ascribed to himself and it is by this name he works all over the globe presiding over the ritualistic temples. In the ritualistic temples / lodges he is also referred to as “The Count”.
The Master renovated the ancient order of masonry, rejuvenated the order of the Rose Cross and the Knights Templar and finally he established his new order of rituals which he termed as The Holy Trinosophia. He had disciples belonging to the three ritualistic orders to achieve the same end, realisation. Through so many bodies the Master stands as a mystery figure still presiding over various Holy Orders of rituals. Many Ritualistic schools of the present day are deeply indebted to him.