Book Presentation
Master C.V.V. - May Call!
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview Masters
Short Description:
Inclusion is the Path of Synthesis. Include to get included. If we reject, we get rejected. If we neglect someone, we are neglected. As we try to include and reconsider others, people consider and include us. That is why the fundamental teaching of Master CVV is “Learn to include”. Master KPK has been transmitting the Energies of Master CVV and the Path of Synthesis in the West on the MAY CALL Days since 1988. The May Call messages of Master KPK represent the teachings of Master CVV. They are briefly given here as a first step of His teachings.
Introduction; The Divine Plan; Master CVV's Promises; The Three Instructions; Switch on to the Energy; Recollect ME in All; Inclusion is the Path of Synthesis; Work with Saturn; Stop Thinking about You Start Working for Others; Prana Treat - Yoga Teach; Carry Deeply the Intent to Help; Be Moderate; Build the Etheric Body; All Round Development; Gain Synthesis; The Boring Work; See the ONE in All; The Master Key; The Master Consciousness; Master CVV Says; Invocation
Dhanishta, Switzerland 2006 (out of stock)
Multilingual edition: English / German / Spanish
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Chap. 1: The Divine Plan
The Energy that is called “The Master” visited the Planet according to a Plan. The Energy carries the Plan to be spread over the Planet and synthesize the human life and life in general on Earth. This energy works for the evolution of the Planet as well as for the evolution of Humanity on the Planet. That is how the Energy has been visualized by the Master. The Master stated that this Energy knows how to work out the synthesis. All that the Energy needs is some channels for its manifestation.
When this Energy visited the Master, he lived with the Energy. He then understood the Energy as “The One who will synthesize all the knowledge on the Planet and bring Humanity together to the One Unity of Life. Human beings would forget differences and understand that which is common between them so that the brotherhood is well established on the Planet. This has been the effort of many Masters over thousands of years.“
This is what Master CVV understood as the purpose of the Energy that visited the Planet. Since this Energy has to be given some name for identity purposes, he named the Energy as “The Master”. In all his teachings, he referred to this Energy as “The Master”.
Having assimilated the Energy in him, Master CVV decided to distribute the Energy on the 29th of May, 1910. That is how every year the 29th of May has become the day of Initiation. The first person whom he initiated was his wife. Later, he initiated his friends and relatives. Sitting in Kumbhakonam, he was transmitting the Energy all over the Planet.
People asked him what was the purpose of this Energy and the Master said, “This Energy has come to enable man to transcend death. The purpose of this Energy is to make man immortal. The purpose of this Energy is to lift the Angel of this Planet into spiritual levels from the mass. It has come to lift up the humans as also the Planet and the planetary beings from the state of dense physical into the etheric levels. Many changes will happen on the Planet from now onwards, and all the changes are meant to stir the masses. Then slowly, man would be initiated into spiritual levels. The Energy not only works for Humanity, but also works for all the beings of the Planet. It is not only for the humans, but for the minerals, the plants, and also the animals of the Planet, thus contributing to their quicker evolution.” The Master also stated that the purpose of the Energy is to push Humanity into such a speed that matter relating to the human body would become lighter and lighter. He said that this Energy remoulds the body and conducts the necessary transmutations that normally one would gain over years through the practice of yoga. The transformations that one would experience through yoga are also speeded up. He also realized that the purpose of the Energy is to settle man in the etheric body and consequently give an opening to the man of the Aquarian Age where the myth of death is gradually dissolved. He would understand all this during the period of experimentation.
“From now onwards, I shall work for twelve years and introduce this Energy in the etheric circles of the Planet as well as into the mineral, plant and human kingdoms. Daily in the morning at six o'clock, I shall distribute this Energy. lf you wish, you can join me tomorrow morning.”