Book Presentation

Mercury - The Alchemist

by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview Astrology

Mercury - The Alchemist

Short Description:

Mercury is the golden middle principle that can compromise the high and the low, the left and the right, the male and the female, the positive and the negative, the spirit and the matter, and the Divine and the diabolic. Mercury is impersonal, and the one who is governed by Mercury is impersonal as well. He is the agent of divine alchemy, to synthesise seemingly divergent energies. Mercury is the friend with whom all agree. He is the centre around which things tend to gather. Mercury is the light of the soul that soothes, heals, magnetises and thereby enlightens the surroundings very impersonally.


This book contains various dimensions of Mercury and the practises that lead one to receive the touch of Mercury for transformation.

Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India; Switzerland 2011
ISBN 978-81-89467-19-7

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Mercury – the Impersonal One

Mercury is impersonal. A true Mercurian is impersonal in the sense that his personality is like a crystal. People reflect themselves in him. He shows to those who look to him what they are. Mercury, being neutral, has no particular concept, ‘ism’ or a viewpoint. It is just the reflection of the soul as light. In that light people find themselves. This is true with initiates. When people look at an initiate they get reflected. If a seeker of beauty looks at him, he finds beauty in the initiate. If the seeker seeks wisdom, he finds wisdom. Likewise, people find devotion, rhythm, will, love, purity, clarity, stability, and so on. When a malicious one looks at an initiate the former’s malice reflects back. Thereby he dislikes the initiate. When a proud one looks at an initiate, he receives back his own energy as prejudice. A sinful one receives back fear of his own sins. A simple one finds simplicity. Thus, in a true Master the disciples find their own reflection and accordingly they speak of their Master. It is but their understanding, but it is not the Master. The Master’s personality is like a crystal and is not limited by any concept. It is also not limited by concepts of wisdom. It is light that is free of fetters.

Mercury – the Metal

Mercury, as a metal, when contained by different vessels, gains those shapes, but it has no shape. Mercury cannot be held. It is quick. It remains mercury and does not suffer changes. After any number of experiments with mercury it remains intact and can be regathered and recollected. Likewise, a Master cannot be held by anyone or by any concept or even by wisdom. He relates to all, helps them to transform, and yet remains himself. Mercury also remains so after all experiments done with it. Mercury is mercury. It can transform iron into gold and yet remain mercury. For all chemical purposes the transformations are done with the help of a catalyst, and all those catalysts belong to the principle of Mercury. They help transformations to happen; yet they remain what they are.

The Symbol of Mercury

Look at the sign of Mercury. There is a cross, representing the four-fold existence. It is mounted by a circle. It indicates unity of the four-fold seeming diversity. From unity the four-fold existence comes. In unity there is beauty of diversity. Therefore, the circle and the cross are together. In fact the cross is a descendent of the circle. The circle is the higher aspect. The cross is the lower aspect. Together they constitute unity and diversity. Over the circle there is a semi-circle, which represents the soli-lunar energies. The crescent moon is but the two arcs descending from seeming nothingness as soli-lunar rays. The two emerge from the unknown and constitute the circle, which represents the creation in its nebulous state, and the four-fold existence is its expression. Mercury as a symbol is by far the most complete symbol among all the symbols given to the planets. It has three levels in it: the semi-circle representing the cosmic, the circle representing the solar and the cross representing the planetary plane. All the three emerge from the fourth one, which is unseen. The symbol of Mercury can thus be seen representing the one invisible and the three visible (perceptible) planes of existence.