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Our books

You don't have to read all the books on spirituality and esotericism etc. For us the teachings of those who know the truth are enough.

Book Presentation

The Vaisakh Newsletter

The Vaisakh Newsletter presents teachings of the Masters through seed thoughts expressed by them.

New Books

Spiritual Personality Development

Spiritual Personality Development Spiritual Personality Development

Before understanding God, Creation or Nature, we have to understand first about ourselves. That is what Master EK has called “Spiritual Personality Development” or also “Man Know Thyself”.

The book “Spiritual Personality Development” is like a guide in our life. If we sincerely follow the teachings of any lecture or any sentence given in this book, they will transform daily life into spiritual life and also change the attitude towards life.

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The Ancient Indian Thought. Overseas Messages Vol. 10

The Ancient Indian Thought. Overseas Messages Vol. 10 The Ancient Indian Thought. Overseas Messages Vol. 10

There is a saying by Gautama Buddha to one of his disciples, “Look not as to who has said it, look to what has been said”, and we believe it. We are the least bothered if the author of the books belongs to the 19th century or 15000 BC. But what we are interested is the import of the books; the ancient most thought of not only India but the world.

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Merry Life Day. The 26th of July

Merry Life Day. The 26th of July Merry Life Day. The 26th of July

On 26th July 2021, Master K. Parvathi Kumar gave an inspiring and insightful talk on the Merry Life Day and the energy of Master CVV. As a part of the talk, he laid out aspects relating to Plenty of Prana and how Master CVV has ushered in the Aquarian speed into the process of spiritual evolution of humanity. The wisdom talk links up various facets of wisdom between the five pranas, their regulation, the symbolism of the Eagle, the importance of the order bestowed by 7th Ray, the yoga aphorisms of Patanjali, the related practices and the energy of Master CVV Yoga.

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The Masters of Wisdom. Overseas Messages Vol. 11

The Masters of Wisdom. Overseas Messages Vol. 11 The Masters of Wisdom. Overseas Messages Vol. 11

The difference between a Master and all the other people is, mastery not upon any subject or any branch of wisdom, but at first a mastery upon themselves. For this reason, they are separately called the Masters of Wisdom. They have made a scientific study of their own constitution and discovered a wonderful mechanism having many dimensions in themselves.

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108 Names of Kumara

108 Names of Kumara 108 Names of Kumara

The most sublime and divine aspect of Mars is concealed in the spiritual path of Subrahmanya, the Kumara. Kumara is the eternal and divine brilliance, which is ever fresh. Kumara may be envisioned when the six centers in us are brought into alignment. The worship of Kumara is seen as most auspicious.

The booklet “108 Names of Kumara” is a compilation based on the teachings given out by Master K. Parvathi Kumar as part of the Merry Life Teachings. May this effort to compile in brief the meaning corresponding to the 108 names of Sanat Kumara or Subrahmanya help the aspirants relate with greater insight and devotion to the Lord as Kumara.

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Sound and Colour. Overseas Messages Vol. 12

Sound and Colour. Overseas Messages Vol. 12 Sound and Colour. Overseas Messages Vol. 12

There are mainly seven colours producing many colours. If you study the classical music of the scripture, there are seven scales of sound called the musical scales. The utterance of the sacred word in the beginning of this creation was done as the expression of the first three colours and sounds or the expression resulted in the externalization of the first three colours or the first three sounds.

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