Book Presentation

Nutrients for Discipleship

by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview General

Nutrients for Discipleship

Short Description:
Discipleship is not just doing some practices of meditation, study of books and dabbling into fields of service. It has a larger connotation. A disciple is one who gains multiple abilities and offers such abilities to benefit the society in multiple ways.

In the book “Nutrients for Discipleship” Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar explains that discipleship is to dedicate the mind, the senses and the body to divine purposes through acts of general welfare in preference to acts of personal welfare. He says that the spiritual practices are of value only if such practices contribute to the economic, cultural, and social welfare of humanity. The book gives 101 paragraphs with nutrients for discipleship.

Dhanishta Foundation, Visakhapatnam, India 2015.

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Discipleship and Prayer – 1

Prayer constitutes one of the subtlest and one of the least understood laws of the universe. Prayer is a way of setting certain great forces in motion. Countless numbers have vouched for its efficacy. It provides testimony of our divine connections, which a man can recognise. Humanity cannot pray when the spirit of man is drained into Matter. It is an inherent urge based entirely on a sense of relation to Him. An outstanding characteristic of the human consciousness is the sense of the recognition of and an innate knowledge of and reaching out to God, our Creator.

Prayer offsets the danger of blind forgetfulness of the Higher. Only through prayer do we sustain the bond with the Almighty. We acknowledge our faith in Him and our dependence upon his wisdom and power through Prayer. Time must be set aside daily for the sacred duty and privilege of simple informal communion. The link with our Source must be kept strong and constant amidst all activity and cares. God is ever accessible and requires no intermediaries. Prayer pierces straight through to Him. Prayer is an essential of living that cannot be under-estimated. It elevates our consciousness, wards off danger, harm & evil, prevents suffering. Prayer gives healing, strength, vision, hope and calm. Without prayer ones spiritual focus, work and vision will slowly weaken.

Human need and desire is the main and urgent principle of prayer. We see spiritual and physical security and added life and light and therefore invoke, that which is greater and more enlightened and who can meet the need voiced. Be not, wholly self-seeking in your prayers. Pray for others as well as yourself. Pray for needed virtues for better self-control, patience and kindness for better attitudes, character and goals for guidance, help and protection for whatever is truly needed. Be clear, state what you want and why you want it. Speak the truth for God knows your every thought and deed. Insincerity, lies and self-deception cause Him to turn away. Prayers to be real, must be of the heart, joyful, free from self-pity and malice.

Discipleship and Prayer – 2

Man cannot stand alone, yet man does not call enough for God's assistance. His aid is indispensable in every department of man’s life. Man thinks too little of prayer and fails to recognise its supreme importance. Things that would help man the most are neglected. He knows little that he loses by omitting prayer from his life, for his chief resource is God's power. By not being linked with omnipotence man loses his best possibilities. God does great things in creation. Man can face the future with full trust through faith and prayer. Then all is possible.

It is the law that man receives help when he prays. Not a single prayer remains unanswered. Every appeal brings a response. Prayer has to be with much patience. Delay is not finality. When prayers are answered man has to be thankful. Prayer may not be answered in the way man desires. Man’s own formula for help may not be the right or best one or it may lead to man’s harm. What man feels or believes is not always an indication of what he needs. Let God decide, do not instruct or demand. He knows for better how and when prayers should be answered. The prayer is to ask God to do what is best for oneself. Then whatever comes is for man's ultimate good.

There are those who, in times of trouble, take refuge in their associates and do not seek the help and protection of God. It is however, safer and wiser to take refuge in both the higher and the lower simultaneously.

The one helps the soul; the many, the personality. Call on God for strength when the pressures of life seem too heavy. Realize that in love He stands by and will not fail you if you need Him, and if you will call, He gives instantaneous response to true need.