Book Presentation

On Love

by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar Book Presentation Overview General

On Love

Short Description:

Love is divine. Love is overwhelming. The word 'Love' is mostly uttered but not really experienced. Love is always associated with the Divine. Those who know the Divine only know what Love is. “ON LOVE” just flowed during the silent moments on 6th May 2006. It is faithfully recorded.

Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 2006
ISBN-10: 3-9523145-3-6

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Love is found in all forms.
Where there is Life, there Love is.
There is no inferior or superior in Love.
Love is Love.

Love is blind – blind to those who observe
from outside the ring of Love.
Love unfolds insight.

Mind is the Ring-pass-not.
Mind is the slayer of the real.
Love is the slayer of mind!

Mind develops and lives by logic.
Love lives, lives full, lives to the brim
and flows over.
Mind follows, develops logic and lives by it.

Love cares not. Mind cares.
Love permeates. Mind preserves.
Love moves by itself. Mind moves by thought.
Love motors all. Mind is motored by thoughts.

Love precedes thinking, planning and organising.
Love proceeds unmindful.
Mind plans, organises, and thinks to preserve
the acts of Love!

Love is spontaneous.
It needs no one’s permission.
Love decides and proceeds.
Even God follows Love.
Love proceeds, Existence co-operates!

Love binds God.
God wills to be bound by Love.

Love knows no regulations.
Regulations are formed and framed much later.
Love flows like a nonchallant river (Ganges).
Bunds and banks are built later.

Love is friendly.
Friendliness and Love are synonyms.

Love and Power are seemingly incompatible.
Love subdues Power and moulds it
to be malleable.

Love bends what Power cannot.
Power is pale and non-vital.
Love is blushing and vitalising.

Love knows to smile.
Smile and Love are inseparable twins.
Power smiles never. Love smiles ever!